Dao of Sound preliminaries, led by Lin Chen, reproduced the original "Myriad Layers Wave" from the 66th class of Dao of Sound.

So far, the preliminary round ends.

Lin Chen's "Dragon King" Zhen Depi received endless attribute light balls in the preliminary round. Today, Lin Chen's attribute value has reached an unprecedented level!

However, his attribute value will soar to a higher level!

The Quartet Conference is the summit of the meeting building.

"What are you doing, the three of you Old Guys still invite us to drink?"

"Gather us all together, is there a major event happening?"

The Peak Tower, gathered together an unprecedented lineup!

All Saints Gather! The sect sacred realm powers from the Profound Realm and Strange Realm who were sitting in the convention gathered here, with more than 26 people!

The 26 sacred realm powers are all famous, enjoying the power of countless people in the world to worship and admire in the world, but today they are called by the six powers responsible for team martial arts and individual martial arts. piece!

"cough cough cough, I can't think of the green old man, you also called everyone."

white eyebrows old man lightly coughed, the'green old man' who is in charge of the team martial arts has a solemn expression Nodded: "Well, I have something to discuss with you. If you have something, then please invite it first."

"The old man’s thing is very simple, that is, at the request of this little fellow, let him Meet everyone."

White eyebrows old man flicked his sleeves, and the silver robe boy appeared in the air, it was Lin Chen!

Seeing Lin Chen's arrival, the saintly realm powers raised their brows, their expressions were mixed, some were disdainful, some were very interested, some were indifferent, some were questioning, and all kinds of differences. .

"This little fellow turned out to be?"

"This is the dark horse clubhouse, Lin Chen?"

"Liangcai fine jade, hehe, There are not many youngsters who can keep calm under our eyes."

The sights of many holy realms are like Saint Mang’s penetration, as if they have seen through all the secrets of Lin Chen, his Body Refinement Realm, spirit strength, Nine Tribulations battle body, all exposed in the eyes of these holy realms!

He is calm and calm, but there are waves in his heart.

"26 holy realms, there are 23 that can be stolen, cool! system, activate the omen of theft!"

[The host opens the purple stage innate talent · the omen of theft, Stealing locked sanctuary targets...]

[Steal attribute value: 10 billion intermediate talisman energy, 200 billion Battle Qi Essence, 2 billion primary level Heavenly Dao value, 4 billion points Intermediate cultivation technique essence, 200 million points of light energy, 500 million points of Wind Element energy, 500 million points of Thunder Element energy, 400 million points of Gold Element energy, 1 billion points of innate talent points, orange-level innate talent fragments (one-time) Godslayer Fragment (2/3)...]

【Successfully steal 23 holy realm targets, consume a total of 1.840.5 million innate talent points. 】

Massive spheres of attribute light flooded into the body, Lin Chen hurriedly differentiated a large number of attribute values ​​into Avatar, and took a deep breath of air in his heart!

The holy realm is the holy realm. The acquisition of this batch of attribute values ​​is comparable to his refining more than ten different crystal fragments, earning a burst!

But again, the price is terrible. A large number of innate talent points are suddenly lost. If the dragon king had not collected the attribute light ball of the conference, this price would be enough to make Lin Chen bottom out!

"Why, Lin Chen boy, will you meet us for anything?"

Seeing Lin Chen, there is no response, the Holy Land Da Neng heart is dissatisfied, Lin Chen's potential is indeed very high Strong, but potential is not strength. In their eyes, Lin Chen is not qualified to put on airs in front of them!

"Oh, it’s okay. I’m just here to see the difference between the Saints in the two realms and the Saints in my family. Now that I see it, I’ll have to take a trip. It’s nothing. I'll leave first."

Lin Chen said a few words of nonsense, and this time even the family was blown out.

After finishing speaking, he turned around and left, making a lot of holy realm stagnant! Even the three elders are dumbfounded!

What? You asked us to call someone over, and you left after a glance?

All of you present here are famous and have shocked hundreds of millions of absolutely living creatures. There are countless powerhouses who want to see one side and don’t know how much it will cost to see one side. Are you a kid come with my call?

What the hell do you take Saint to!

Boom~! The sky is dim, the air current is cracking, and the space crack of horrible to see spread out!

"No matter what your background, Lao Tzu, it seems necessary to teach the forces behind you, you ignorant little devil!"

I am very angry with the Holy Realm! This is the anger that is provoked by the majesty of the powerhouse alone!

Who has ever seen a weak rabbit dare to provoke a giant dragon and ignore the existence of a giant dragon? This is in courting death!

"Hold on."

The one who made the noise was the'green old man' who was in charge of the team martial arts referee, Qingsheng·Qing Aoyun.

"little fellow, it happened that the old man wanted to consult with you, and wanted to use the power of your dark horse club."

The green old man said something amazing. , Even Lin Chen was puzzled.

"Before telling the truth, please allow the old man to ask the little friend one thing. I heard Elder of Bingxin Palace said that the little friend defeated four Saints alone in Bingxin Palace. I don’t know what to borrow. What kind of power is it?"

As soon as this remark was made, it stirred up a thousand waves! The Saints present had wonderful changes in their complexions, and they were shocked and startled, and some snort disdainfully and disdainfully!

Is this kid fighting off Saint? A little ghost who has no Battle Sovereign cultivation base, has the ability to pick War Saints?

"Oh, yes. But that's not my real strength, but borrowed some external force."

Lin Chen confessed, because of the rush to the Quartet Conference, Bing Xin The fact that the palace repelled the Four Sages has not yet been spread, except for the Bingxin Palace dísciple, not many people know about it.

Repelling the Four Saints, there is a certain element of luck, that is, the Four Saints underestimated Lin Chen, and he did not expect the miraculous effect of'Rune of Slowness' to be succeeded by his sneak attack.

If you fight with the Four Saints again, let alone 3 billion rune energy, even 8 billion rune energy may not be able to hold one-tenth of the breath of the Four Saints.

"External forces...old man has a special request for his little friends. The team martial arts competition of our four-party conference has mixed with external forces, and the little friends are invited to lead the dark horse club to break it."

As soon as this statement came out, the saints present showed a puzzled look.

Qing Sheng·Qing Aoyun opened his palm, and the light of Saint You flashed, and something appeared.

This thing is fist sized, the whole body is round and red, and a baleful aura dragon shadow is disillusioned inside, Lin Chen's heart is startled!

He Lin Chen also has this thing!

That is a blood crystal jade obtained after killing the false god! At that time, Lin Chen still hadn't discovered the secret of this object, and placed it in Najie.

Qing Aoyun narrowed his eyes and looked directly at Lin Chen.

"Team martial arts, entered the Dragon Clan force. Although they pretended to be Human Race, but they did not hide the eyes of the old man, this matter is not trivial."

He raised his hand Blood jade.

"This object is called the god dragon blood jade. It has no response to Human Race, but has a miraculous effect on Dragon Clan. It records the coordinates of the Divine Dragon ruins and blood essence inheritance. It contains great opportunities. If you give it to Dragon Clan, this thing can cause a snatch by Sacred Dragon!"

Hearing this, Lin Chen's heart was filled with overflowing heaven stormy seas!

Divine Dragon? Is it the legendary Dragon Clan that can rival Spiritual God?

In Lin Chen's heart, many thoughts flashed in an instant, everything was connected!

"It’s no wonder that in the previous battle of Nine Provinces, those pseudo-divine abilities were enough to drive seven of the top ten Dragon Clan to fight for them. It turns out that they have the god dragon blood jade!"

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