Chamber of Commerce, Thirty-Six Foreign Domain, on the Underworld; Dragon Boat.

A holy light shining golden robed man suddenly opened his holy eyes, his eye socket cracked and roared, shaking the sea!

"My son is dead? Who dares to attack I am a man of ten thousand gold! Dai Hua is going to the Quartet Conference. Who dares to move him? Damn, I want you to smash your corpse Wan Duan! Destroy its whole family!"


Sword Fury Qingtian cooperates with Level 6 Rune of Slowness, Zhendeshuai can destroy even Daihua with only one sword!

Heavenly Fire Sage: "I suddenly wanted to hit him."

White Dragon Sect Lord: "You are not alone."

The three sages Highest referee: "How did this kid live so far without being beaten to death?"

Too damn annoying! The orange battle skill is still the most common trick, bragging without having to draft? Who believes it!

Especially the sentence after Lin: If he ends, can Juetian Pavilion not know how to lose? Almost vomited blood from the geniuses of Juetian Pavilion!

Why don't you go to heaven?

[The host gains 1 point of high level dark energy, 3 points of advanced talisman energy, 2 points of intermediate innate talent points,]

The true virtue commander returns to the table, Lin Chen ' Very satisfied' said: "Well, Zhen Deshuai did a good job, this is a reward for you."

Lin flicks with the finger and gave Zhen Deshuai a Thunder Element alien crystal fragment. , And everyone in Class 66 laughed out loud.

The whole world owes a squad leader a little golden man. This real handsome man is not your Avatar, or giving him back to your own hands.

"Sword Fury is a Fire Element battle skill, which was strengthened by me to +11. The overall formidable power has increased by 140%. In addition, Level 6 recharge and Fifth Level penetration rune superimpose the ultimate moment, which is more formidable power than The original increase was close to 14 times, plus my high level Fire Element Energy 19 points, equivalent to 1.9 billion intermediate Fire Element Energy points, which were performed by the Sky High Sword, and played a moment comparable to a real orange-level battle skill!"

Lin Chen secretly calculates in his heart, maybe after his cultivation base is advanced by leaps and bounds for a while, even if he is not sanctified, he can still rely on the "Mirror Moon God" and "Sword Fury Qingtian" and Saint bye. Wrists!

Anger is the largest emotional wave among humans in Seven Emotions and Six Desires. The sword angers the sky. The point is to burn anger but control the anger and return it to a sword!

An anger blow that burns all power with anger, burns out spirit strength, pure power, and Battle Qi Cultivation Base to condense on one sword!

In addition, the'Ultimate Moment' can temporarily increase pure strength and spirit strength after the upgrade, which can be described as like a tiger that has grown wings!

The entire Holy Realm, who can use the'Orange-level battle skill' in the 9th layer Battle Sovereign cultivation base, maybe he is the only one, Lin Chen!

Ultimately superimposed charged rune at the ultimate moment, and an'enhanced function' makes this unnatural'impossible' a reality! The half orange rank can also play the formidable power of the orange battle skill!

Motivated the'Extreme Return to Origin' innate talent, the state of the true virtue commander was restored to the original state, refining the Thunder Element alien crystal fragment that Lin Chen'rewarded'.

Lian Daihua’s three different crystal fragments have all been decomposed by Lin Chen and converted into special attribute values!

He wants to make more nirvana skills that can compete with Saint!

Next, a more dramatic scene appeared!

"Single martial arts semifinals draw, Dark Horse Club·Lin Chen, draw player: Juetian Pavilion·Xiao Qianyu!"

Xiao Qianyu startled, Lin Moren Also dumbfounded!

There is even a place for Juetian Pavilion in the single-player martial arts competition, and he was drawn to him?

The single-player martial arts competition adopts a three-match two-win system. The Juetian Pavilion only loses in the preliminary round, and will be eliminated unless it loses twice in the second round.

"Some people just said that we didn’t know how to lose when we lost, and we didn’t know if we could fulfill our promise?"

Xiao Qianyu laughed and jumped into the arena , Provoke Lin Chen.

"Xiao Qianyu is 82560 on the list of geniuses. Regardless of the Pavilion Lord and Vice Pavilion Lord, his strength is at least in the top three!"

"Then Lin Chen must be trusted Big, Xiao Qianyu is still Peak Prediction Master. You can predict the offensive one step ahead in the battle."

Xiao Qianyu’s goal is very simple. Whether he can win or not, he wants to weaken Lin Chen’s ability. Strength, the champion of the single-man martial arts competition can not be won, then at least we must keep the team first in the martial arts competition!

"Since you delivered it to the door by yourself, you can't blame me."

Lin Chen smiled and walked in slowly.

both of his hands inserted into the pockets, with a leisurely look, and the'eighth rank knife' that everyone expected was not used.

"Why, don't you take out your eighth rank knife?"

Xiao Qianyu raised his brows, and Lin Chen flicked his fingers—"You are not worth my knife. Referee, let's start."

"Dark Horse Club·Lin Chen vs. Juetian Pavilion·Xiao Qianyu, the martial arts competition begins!"

The referee gave an order!

Boom~! Flame Dragon baring fangs and brandishing claws with four heads and eight claws, born out of the sky, bursting out of Xiao Qianyu's body, the cultivation base of Battle Sovereign suppressed the trembling in the arena!

"Lin Chen, pay the price for your arrogance!"

Xiao Qianyu's imposing manner soars into the sky, and the four dragons on top of his head open their mouths, spitting out the flames of the dragon, the dragon The first spin, the fusion of dragon flames turned into a storm and twisted towards Lin Chen!

Countless spectators held their breath and even forgot the battles of other geniuses. Concentrated attention completely stared at the silhouettes of the two, for fear of missing a little detail!

Is Lin Chen confident or arrogant?

Since the convening of the conference, the Dark Horse Club has always been the most popular topic, and its leader has never really taken any action!


Lin Chen lifted his right hand slightly, and a faint blade glow flashed.

[Launch the ultimate moment, Level 6 recharge, Level 5 penetration, Level 5 rune, consume 30 million intermediate talisman energy. Cooling time: 40 seconds, duration: 3 seconds. ]

What's the situation?

Is he not going to fight anymore?

All the sect sacred realm powers are full of doubts!

It's better than them, and I didn't see through Lin Chen's tricks!

Tear and pull~!

Dragon Flame Storm was suddenly cut in half by a flash of cutting air flow!

"No, he has launched an attack!"

Xiao Qianyu trembled all over, standing upside down!

His arithmetic has vaguely sensed murderous intention, but there is nothing in the field. This is the most terrifying!

"Tai Chi mirror, no phase mysterious figure! Blood crystal glazed body!"

Both sides of the ancient mirror reflect the light that decomposes all things, and Xiao Qianyu has a bloody coffee all over his body. Like a crystal, he had been wary of it, and the 3rd-layer defense was launched together!

Tear and pull~! boom! ka ka!

The golden glow that came out from nowhere, the streamer slashed across and tore his'Tai Chi mirror', the imageless mysterious picture broke, the desire was broken, and Xiao Qianyu was scared. Body shape retreats!

[Completely trigger passive innate talent: Strike, increase the formidable power by 300%. 】

Bang~! Bang~!

Two violent explosions, the snow-like golden brilliance blade glow struck one after another, tearing his arrogantly torn apart his "unphased mystery map", and the last knife was mixed with mental shocks, which disturbed his mind, figure stopped, Was hit by the golden brilliance blade glow head-on!


The last'blood crystal glazed body' was broken and exploded into shattered awns, and three blade glows appeared, which were three throwing knives!

The 25% of the three knives penetrated the formidable power and cut off his meridian and internal organs. Xiao Qianyu vomited blood and was seriously injured in a coma!

"Don't I even deserve to be his opponent..."

Before Xiao Qianyu fell into a coma, his eyes turned white.

"The dark horse club will win!"

The referee rushed out. The people of Juetian Pavilion have an extraordinary background. If a few more people die, the conference will have to be defeated by the bosses of the Grade 4 forces. Got to make a big fuss in the venue!

[Get 2 points of high level Fire Element Energy, 1 point of intermediate innate talent point, and 1 point of advanced talisman energy]

Collect the four attribute light balls dropped by Xiao Qianyu Lin Chen stepped down casually and walked like a leisurely court. It is not like the demeanor of just defeating a peak genius. On the contrary, he is like a tourist watching the scenery!

Staring at Lin Chen, who has stepped down from the stage, all the audience held their breath and their hearts trembled!

This is the strength of the number one person in the'Dark Horse Club'! It's so strong that the opponent doesn't even know how to lose!

Mo Jingchen on the stage clenched his teeth, but had to take it!

He thinks he can’t do better than Zhen Deshuai or Lin Chen. It’s not too difficult for him to defeat Lien Daihua, but it’s for Mo Jingchen to kill Lien Daihua. Need to pay a great price, let alone an instant kill!

The same goes for defeating Xiao Qianyu! There is a difference of more than two thousand places between Xiao Qianyu and his ranking. He Mo Jingchen can win but he can never do as easily as Lin Chen!

"Except for the Pavilion Lord, no one can restrain their edge. Unexpectedly, the Dark Horse Club is so strong..."

Mo Jingchen clenched his fists, this is him I felt frustrated for the first time since joining Juetian Pavilion!


At this moment; the wind and clouds changed color, and there was a muffled thunder!

"hahaha, there are talented people from generation to generation, what a Lin Chen!"

The gloomy low laughter echoed in the void, and the void was suspended in a gray shirt with hollow eyes. The old man, hunched over, leaning on crutches, faintly released the baleful aura, the monstrous Shengwei suppressed the audience!

The eyes of the three supreme referees responsible for the single-man martial arts competition are squinted.

"Are you here, Dark Pavilion Old Ancestor!"

"This old monster actually came to deal with a junior personally. He really doesn't even have a face!"

Present in the holy realm, all the expressions were solemn, and those young audiences who had never seen the holy realm looked pale!

Lin Chen has a strong fighting intent and fighting spirit in his eyes!

"What about Dark Pavilion Old Ancestor!"

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