What does it mean to win several championships along the way? Which of the other projects is simple and the champion is so easy to take?

Have you just opened your mouth for bragging these years?

"According to the rules of the conference, there is one hour before the end of the team martial arts competition, isn't it, the referees."

tone barely fell, a crowd of silhouettes came in the air, yes In the Tearing Space, some escape into the void, some appear and disappear unpredictably, and the audience will have entered the venue when they reacted!

Holy Land, Holy Land, or Saint Land!

Every powerhouse arrived at this moment is actually a holy place!

"It's really wonderful to refine the eighth rank sacred pill with ninety-nine pill furnaces in one hand. It’s really enjoyable to watch the old man!"

"Hey, you I didn’t see the scene of the Zhende Long Casting. This damn kid directly cast the eighth rank embryos, which shocked the old ghosts who were judges!"

9 Nineteen pill furnace refining eighth rank holy pill? Casting eighth rank embryos?

The conversation of the Saints made the audience in the team martial arts venue collectively dumbfounded!

Is this still a human thing!

The geniuses of Juetian Pavilion sitting on the VIP seats have gradually lost their fighting intent and courage. After all, the people in the Dark Horse Club are too abnormal...

The talk from a Saint made countless viewers scalp numb!

"You should come to the Prediction Master finals. The true virtues show is a true show. I am afraid of the old ghost of good fortune. The old man saw the Old Guy sweating coldly across the venue. Oh, hahaha! Thinking about how he looked back then, it’s so fucking good to see him sweating cold by a junior!"

"If the handsome man can enter my Sword Pavilion, he will definitely It's the next generation of sword saint!"

"The shocking sword that the orange-level swordsmanship of the single-man martial arts competition can be placed in the top five in previous conferences, if it is this kid's cultivation The base is more than Battle Sovereign, the first sword of the conference is none other than him!"

Orange Sword Skill? Oh my god, this is so ridiculous!

If it weren’t for Saint’s words, everyone in this room could hardly believe it!

Seeing so many Saints gathered in the team martial arts venue, the referees who originally wanted to make things difficult for the Lin Chen entire group looked a little ugly. The holy realm all came for the'dark horse club' and they dare not to let them. Participate?

"hmph! Only the last hour is left. No one can make an exception to the convention's rules. Hurry up."

The referees are coldly snorted strong in appearance but weak in reality.

Lin Chen carefreely smiled, taking Class 66, except Han Ziyun and Shangguan Bihan!


The afterimage passed by, Yan Qianyun also rushed to the team martial arts venue.

Immediately afterwards, Young Master Qin went to the Juetian Pavilion camp!

"It's the Pavilion Lord!"

"The Pavilion Lord is finally here! Oh, fuck him a dark clubhouse!"

See the Pavilion Lord coming, all Genius morale boosted!

Young Master Qin Tian heard everyone's simple summary, the original eyes burned in jealousy are even more murderous aura!

"Jianfeng and Ayu were both badly injured by them, and Dai Hua was killed..."

Young Master Qin, the more the sky is violent, the surface is The more calm!

This kind of person is extremely scary.

His eyes are sharp and he has already seen the problem. The Juetian Pavilion now seems to have only lost two or three geniuses, and is actually facing the crisis of dissolution!

The collapse of confidence is about to be faced. If you do not pass this test, Juetian Pavilion's confidence and courage will be completely disintegrated internally!


"Dark Horse Club, I have been admired for a long time."

The Young Sect Master of Moon Sect said with a smile.

"Maybe you will be defeated by our moon sound array!"

The girl in Qianyin Pavilion giggled.

tone barely fell, Xian Moon Sect and the geniuses of Qianyin Pavilion are moving in a flash, and they are arranged into a formation like a long and bright moon!

"Oh? The rhythm is great?"

Lin Chen was surprised, and the three afterimages were cut away like a blade!

Bai Junhao outflanked the top, Ying Liang and Gu Chenfeng left and right, traversing a whip leg, Azure Dragon's arm slammed down angrily, and it didn't give the opponent a chance to start a formation!

bang! bang! Dang~!

Sparks shot in all directions, the air wave exploded, the three of them were bounced off by a hard block, and the fighting intent rose!

Xian Moon Sect and Qianyin Pavilion are Grade 4 sect, and there are five geniuses in each side. Among these ten people, there are two Peak powerhouses, which are ranked more than 85,000 in the genius list. They are extremely powerful. .

In addition to the rest, there are twelve Peak Heaven's Chosen, and the two sides separated four people to block the three of Bai Junhao!

"The genius of Grade 4 sect? Good come!"

"I haven't experienced a fun battle since I got my arm back. Don't let me down!"

The three of Ying Liang are simply fighting frenzy. Fighting has never been false. They actually fought with the other's four geniuses of more than 94,000 geniuses in a group, and they still did not lose out in three fights and fours!

The remaining geniuses are turning to the rhythmic array!

"Geniuses, please teach us how to attack the rhythm group!"

When the sect representatives of both sides were coldly shouted, the rhythm array of 18 people played Bursts of flute, piano, drums, pipa, turns into bursts of sound waves!

"Halloween Light!"

"Poison Front!"

The ten needlepoints entwined with the faint holy light palm prints and poisonous glow crashed into the sound wave The huge wave, the poison qi collapsed, and the palm print exploded!

The two women were surprised! While the attack was smashed, the opponent's offensive was still able to rush into it!

The opponent knows the strength of the Lin Chen entire group. A shot is a killer move without any reservations!

Bang~! The sonic hurricane is broken!

The handsome young man led by Xian Moon Sect has serious eyes.

"Are you here, the seven geniuses of the Dark Horse Club!"

Seven afterimages crossed out, like Lin Chen and his Avatars!

Tear and pull~! An ice arrow turned into an ice phoenix, and the ice flower slaughtered up. The youth swept the strings and shattered Leng Yueqi's arrow!

Swipe~! As the vortex of darkness revolves, like a ghost-like string Moon Sect and the others, the seven afterimages next to them appear, with full firepower!

"Seven Changes·The Mirror of Attack·The Light Splitting·Seven Stars Flashes!"

"Annihilation·Absolute Shadow Style·Five Forces in One!"

The blue spirit annihilation light beam strikes up, the mirror blade light flashed is fleeting, the fist wind pulls several kinds of power to explode, and the deadly flying knives and arrows lurking in the dark shoot away!

With a sneer, many very ruthless offensives were quickly bounced off by the ripples of sound waves in the void, and they were broken by a reversal attack!

A clear and pure, smart tune is played, lithe and graceful, and the notes are turned into Battle Qi, connecting all the geniuses of Battle Qi into one piece.

It is to maximize their Battle Qi characteristics. Suitable for defense will be deployed to defense, and strong offense will be integrated into strong offensive means!

Next, the rippling sound waves condense into a transparent sound wave barrier, protecting everyone in the array!

Lin Chen and the Avatars continue to attack wildly, trying to tear a hole from the defense.

Such a perfect match makes many viewers dizzy, so fast!

The moment of launching the offensive resembles nature itself, as if these seven people were one body!

Even the old powerhouses with sinister vision can hardly find anything wrong!

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