90 thousand points?

His dark horse club won six consecutive championships and accumulated only 170,000 points. How about 90,000 points to exchange for a broken book?

Lin Chen almost yelled at him with anger. 5000 points can be exchanged for an alien crystal fragment, 90,000, which is too much!

Lin Chen clenched the teeth, thinking of the potential of that shadow egg, and bought "The Treasure of a Thousand Races."

After buying it, he knew that "The Treasure of a Thousand Races" was the treasure of the Ranked 5th of the Quartet Conference. No wonder no one bought it after so many sessions.

90,000 points are more than enough to buy a half-orange battle skill. Whoever has nothing to do is buy a book with no improvement at all.

Next, Lin Chen bought the 8th layer change of Asura Jiuhuang change with 30,000 points, and started with the Eighth Layer change!

Belonging to 50,000 points, Lin Chen bought a total of 10 alien crystal fragments! Spend it all!

Bai Junhao and the three each bought a different crystal fragment, Yue Linlin bought a roll of Peak defense battle skill, and Liu Lin'er bought a popular medicine recipe.

Leng Yueqi obtained a roll of ice attribute restoration cultivation technique, and the two sisters Su Lan each harvested an alien crystal fragment. Everyone has gained a great deal this time.

In the evening, it is rare for Lin Chen to gather with everyone who has been apart for a long time, drink freely, and talk about each other's encounters after arriving in the Holy Realm.

After everyone's innate talent and potential arrived in the Holy Realm, they all got a lot of opportunity and inspiration.

Although you casually took a few words with you, Lin Chen could vaguely feel that after everyone came to the Holy Realm, basically no one was not desperately cultivation, in order to one day be able to help themselves.

It is worthwhile to meet such a group of friends who have lived and died in life.

Everyone knows that Lin Chen's crisis is imminent, and a simple conversation urges him to cultivation.

In the closet in the rest area; Lin Chen has sharp eyebrows.

"Is it because of the Dark Pavilion Old Ancestor, I always feel that I have been staring at me in secret..."

Improving strength is imminent!

This time, Lin Chen has a plan to deal with the saints, but he still needs more preparation!

At a thought, Lin Chen opened the system.

[Heavenly Path Collection System 6.0 version

Host: Lin Chen ——cultivation base: Battle Sovereign 9th layer late stage——high level essence: 99665 points——(coming soon Breakthrough Battle Sovereign cultivation base, please prepare the host for Heavenly Tribulation)

Ultimate strength: 39.5 million dragon power-high level Qi and blood: 138566 points.

High level Divine Attribute value: 17 points (Through Heaven Realm Perfection)

High level cultivation technique essence: 485 points-advanced talisman energy: 650 points.

Intermediate Heavenly Dao value: 189 points-intermediate innate talent points: 294 points.

Blank attribute: 890,000 points-enhanced points: 2.84 million points.

High level elemental energy: Fire Element 58 points, Earth Element 33 points, Wood Element 32 points, Gold Element 42 points, Water Element 48 points, Thunder Element 39 points, Wind Element 45 points, Light System 14 Point, dark system 31 points!

Cultivation technique status bar (open or not)-bloodline status bar (open or not)

Passive innate talent bar (open or not)-nirvana bar (open or not)

Active innate talent: (Purple Stage) Divine Steal Omen, (Purple Stage) Deadly Bloodthirsty, (Purple Stage) Ultra-Dimensional Teleport, (Purple Stage) Ultimate Moment, (Purple Stage) Ultimate Return to Origin, (Purple stage) Monarch Overlooking The Whole World, (quasi-orange stage) desperate life and death, (Orange stage) instant light splitting, (Orange stage one-time) Godslayer, (Orange stage one-time) Sky rebels (1/2)

Characteristic rune column (open or not)——innate talent combo (open or not)]

This time the attribute status is really hard!

In a way, Lin Chen even wants to thank Young Master Qin days!

If he hadn't brought the Eight Treasure Exquisite Pagoda, his attribute value would only be one third at most.

【Consume 8488 strengthening points to strengthen Sword Fury Qingtian and fail. ]

[Consumption of 8488 enhancement points, enhancement +12 Sword Fury Skyscraper success, formidable power increase: 30%,]

[Consumption of 12495 enhancement points, enhancement failure...]

At the expense of 440,000 strengthening points, Lin Chen only strengthened the +11 "Sword Fury Sky" to +13!

"The half-orange cultivation technique is too expensive to strengthen."

Lin Chen frowned, his'annihilation' cultivation technique and "Jing Mingyue" passed Ziqing Enlightenment Fruit The transformed rank inherits the original enhanced rank.

Perception skyrocketed and the breakthrough cultivation technique grade, in terms of strengthening, Lin Chen took a big advantage.

"Perhaps I can try to take Ziqing Enlightenment Fruit in the future. I don't know if I can break through the grade of Sword Fury Qingtian."

After knowing his heart, Lin Chen activated the [decomposition function] ], he decomposed 4 of the 10 alien crystal fragments he bought and the 6 alien crystal fragments obtained from the Young Master Qin heaven!

[The host consumes 10 intermediate Heavenly Dao points, decomposes 14 different crystal fragments, and obtains high level elemental attribute values: 1 Fire Element Energy, 1 Wind Element Energy, 1 Thunder Element Energy, 1 Point Earth Element energy, 2 Water Element energy points,]

Decompose alien crystal fragments! However, Lin Chen's decomposition of different crystal fragments is not only for elemental energy, this is secondary, what he wants is a special attribute value!

[Obtain special attribute values: 12 million points of hell ice demon, 9 million points of Yin Roar, 9 million points of Qianyang Lihuo, 8 million points of Tianque Yin thunder, 7 million points of Soul Splitting... …]

[The host consumes 75 intermediate Heavenly Dao points and designated special attribute values ​​to make 9 blue-level intermediate special moves and 5 blue-level high level special moves...]

[The special move bar is open-the host holds the special move-12 intermediate blue ranks: 1 hell burial, 2 hell ice evil, 2 times the evil spirits...]

[7 types of blue-level high level: 1 time of sky-yin ice erosion storm, 1 time of cracking sky sandstorm, 1 time of Thousand Suns burning the sky, 1 time of Que Yin thunder...]

Special kill skills! Still a nirvana! It's all nirvana!

Most of the alien crystal fragments captured by Lin Chen in this four-party conference are used to make nirvana!

The reason is very simple, he has to fight those Saints to the end!

"Why? I have 19 blue-level special moves this time. There are 5 types in the entire range. The rest can attack at least four targets. Is Saint really amazing? Even Yama this time. Here, my brother Chen has to shave off his beard!"

In Lin Chen's eyes, the bare feet are showing the fierceness of not afraid to wear shoes!

If you want to do it, just do it!

【Consumption of 285 points of high level cultivation technique essence, the "Sacred Book of Thousand Races" has been included in the system. The host can extract the essence of content to read at any time, or integrate memory to read. 】

Lin Chen smacks his tongue, this is equivalent to 28.5 billion point intermediate cultivation technique essence! How many creatures and information are recorded in this Thousand Clan Scriptures.

He studied "Sword Fury and the Sky" but less than 1 billion points. The content of the sacred scriptures of the thousand races is equivalent to the content of more than two hundred half-orange cultivation techniques? The amount of information is too big...

The system arranges the light screens, and all of them are the contents of the scriptures. Lin Chen directly found the contents of the "Shadow Clan".

[Volume 970-The Shadow Clan, born in the void, originated between Heaven and Earth. It belongs to the most mysterious dark matter energy, and has a peerless innate talent with space to manipulate, no creatures can compare... …]

【Shadow is afraid of light, extreme light can represent the ultimate creation and destruction, divine light can isolate the void and divide the space plane, which is one of the weaknesses of shadow. 】

Lin Chen startled reading the records of the "Shadow Clan"; the Shadow Clan is afraid of light? I don't know if my own light catastrophe combat body is also effective.

However, afterwards, Lin Chen glanced at a very strange line of text! !

[hehe, everything in the universe, good and bad, have the same body, there has never been a perfect creature. The shadow has the highest innate talent, but has been given such an unbearable weakness. This saint’s experiment has been carried out to the fourth phase, and this shadow is no longer afraid of the light...]

Lin Chen is shocked!


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