The two sides came on stage, the other 5 people, and the 13 people from Lin Chen's side. Sister Su Lan will not play, and the second girl does not have the battle strength of the genius list for the time being.

"We will fight later, remember to act according to the original plan, you can hold one with all your strength, and the remaining three will be handed over to my Avatar."

Lin Chen to everyone Battle Qi sound transmission, the members of Class 66 are nodded seriously.

The referee gave an order.

"The finals begin!"


The body of the other four leaned slightly, and the body of the Divine Transformation was golden light, and the speed was speed to the pinnacle. Only Lin Chen was able to react!

"Seven changes, ultimate moment, limit Return to Origin!"

Lin Chen activated the innate talent to cover everyone's retreat.

The Avatars rushed forward, covering the vulnerable, indestructible and impregnable'Golden Tribulation Xuan Gang' with their elbows.

Four Avatars raised their hands with an elbow and slammed into one elbow, and the'Seven Powers One' hit the golden light that came crashing head-on!

Boom! boom! boom!

The collision of elbow fists, the golden light agitated, overflowed the sky, the fighting platform burst, and the space rippled.

Avatar takes nine steps, and the other four are only two steps away!

Jin Jie Xuan Gang shattered,'True Virtue' and the others' arms bleed.

The genius list genius outside the field suddenly stood up, his expression horrified!

This formidable power is comparable to the Four Tribulations Battle Sovereign!

Lin Chen has a solemn expression-"The destructive power of good perverted pure power, all of which are above 65 million dragons!"

In the field of body refinement, 10 million to 1999 million dragons The force is the Battle Sovereign, and 20 million to 39.99 million are divided into the second cultivation base.

40 million to 59.99 million are the cultivation base of the Three Tribulations, 60 million to 79.99 million are the cultivation base of the Four Tribulations, and between 80 million and 99.99 million are the Body Refinement Realm of the Five Tribulations!

To put it bluntly, the true battle strength of these four people, everyone has the level of Young Master Qin, which is the level of four geniuses equivalent to 75,000 on the genius list!

"Fortunately, the squad leader reminded us, otherwise we were killed by a spike..."

Bai Junhao's eyes were narrowed, and his body became more and more hostile, azure light extinguished his pupils!

"According to the original plan, we will besiege one!"

Yue Linlin patted a holy light handprint horizontally, Liu Lin'er flicked his fingertips, and the poisonous glow flashed.

Leng Yueqi moved the bow, movement method lithe and graceful, Bai Junhao and the three of them rushed forward, attracting one of them’s up ahead firepower, and both sides are about to fire!

Lin Chen, Dragon Emperor and Avatars stood still, and the four faced each other and never moved easily.

Dragon Emperor 59.99 million dragon power, Lin Chen and the entire Avatar can temporarily step into 58.5 million dragon power at the ultimate moment. It seems that the gap is not big, but it is separated by a great realm!

"If the chance of winning a head-on hard hit is unknown, then take the safest way!"

Seeing that the opponent hasn't moved, Avatar takes the lead!

Boom~! With a bare gun in his hand, Lin Chen twisted the pitch black vortex under his feet, stepped on the "infinite dark step", and rushed straight towards the standing black robed youth.

At the same time, Zhen Deshuai drew his sword out of the sheath, and the sword light flashed like seven stars, aiming at one of them and slashing.

The knife gang is like a bright moon, crosscutting and turning over!

The body of the other three twisted, and a golden dragon Qi burst out. Dragon Qi exploded the golden glow, stirring the sword edge of the two, and repelling Zhendeying and Zhendeshuai. !

The three of them fisted out with two fists again, a touch of blue dragon light turned into sword edge angrily cut!

The arrow light is twisted and exudes a dark murderous aura that absorbs vitality. Five Avatars, plus the Dragon Emperor, and the opponent are in a hard battle!

On the other side; Lin Chen shot down with an angry shot, black robed youth laughed gloomily, his hands flashed gold, turning into a golden dragon claw.

dragon claw pushed it horizontally and slammed into the spear glow.

Clang~! chi chi chi!

Sparks are bursting, golden glow is flashing randomly. Lin Chen's body is spinning extremely fast, the gun is swept obliquely, and the four-style "Break the Sky" picks and pulls down!

Swipe~! The dragon tail exploded, a total annihilation, the arrogant and powerful dragon power crushed Lin Chen's spear glow.

Lin Chen's arms are numb, and this person's pure power is even more abnormal than the four just now!

The golden dragon tail looks sturdy, but in fact it is surprisingly fast. It smashes the next moment of spear glow, like a poisonous snake raiding, smashing and shattering the afterimage of Lin Chen.

Dark lights flashed, Lin Chen's silhouette just emerged from behind the opponent, the tip of the gun pierced the opponent's back, and it was also an afterimage!

"Do you think you are very fast?"

A voice full of sneer and disdain came, and a dragon claw angered Lin Chen, and wanted to crush him!

"Blood Asura! Charging and penetrating!"

Under the crisis, when Lin Chen turned in one step, Level 6 charged rune and penetrating rune broke out, like a dragon Turning around, a shot smashed and smashed, and the red gun burst into flames. Battle Qi's pure power of circulation and burning!

Boom! The tip of the gun collided with the dragon claw golden scales, and Lin Chen's arm burst into a'zhi zhi' sound, the sound of bones being squeezed! His three-inch robbery defense was easily shattered.

The golden dragon's breath rolled up a hurricane wave, and Lin Chen and the man retreated violently.

Lin Chen's mouth was bleeding, and everyone was shocked!

Lin Chen, who singled out all the geniuses of the Tiange, was actually injured?

Be aware that even the entire siege of Juetian Pavilion failed to cause him any injury!

Tear and pull~! The golden brilliance blade glow flashed, Lin Chen took advantage of the moment he was blown off, Jueying Flying Knife had already shot!

The blade glow spins extremely fast, sweeping straight behind the opponent's back.

[Completely trigger passive innate talent: Strike, formidable power bonus: 300%. 】


Gold Dragon Qi Gang appeared from the top of the man's head, turned into a giant dragon, and bit, actually biting off Lin Chen's back Throwing knife in one hand!

However, 25% of the formidable power penetration still caused the blade glow to pass through like snow, cut to his face, and blood stains.

Lin Chen has a dignified look. Although the Juying Flying Knife just now is not a Fourth Style, it has been charged, penetrated the rune, and superimposed on the ultimate moment and the'strike' innate talent!

Even so, you can only cut through the opponent's defense a little bit?

His cloak cracked open, and his handsome face was a bit more slashed.

His real face is handsome and cold, without anger and prestige, between his eyebrows there is an innumerable living beings with inherent dignity!

"Interestingly, it was able to break the defense of the Crown Prince’s dragon scales. This flying knife is a good skill."

'Crown Prince'nodded applauded, more in his eyes is cold The killing intent!

"The power of 79.99 million dragons is equivalent to the power of the Four Tribulations Peak cultivation base, plus the unknown mysterious dragon body, really strong! The strength of this guy, as Qing Sheng said, simply stepped into More than 60,000 level in the genius list!"

Lin Chen launched the'Extreme Return to Origin' to heal his injuries. This dragon ancestor’s cultivation base completely suppressed him!

Even if Lin Chen has the cultivation base of Battle Sovereign, he wouldn't be so easy to receive the flying knife just now.

"Would you like to break through Battle Sovereign here? No, this is an important method to deal with the holy realm, and you must defeat him by other methods. His defense is so difficult to break, so a single player fights him hard. No way!"

When Lin Chen was thinking about it, several dragon roars came!

roar roar roar!

The golden light dazzling Dragon Qi broke out from the previous four people. The domineering Dragon Qi tore the camouflage and robes, and they showed their identity!

They are wearing golden armor dragon scales clothes, majestic and majestic, dragon tail shaking, dragon horn red gold, human dragon head, and their brutal and brutal breath is released!

"Dragon Clan? A few of them turned out to be Dragon Clan!"

"Golden armor Dragon Guard, my God, it turned out to be Golden Armor Dragon Guard, this is the so-called young Dragon Clan One of the most powerful and domineering team in the team!"

When the four of them showed their true colors, the audience was shocked!

"hahaha, the trifling dark horse club, Lin Chen, you can't beat this Crown Prince, die!"

The grim youth laughed wildly and rushed to Lin Chen!

Many viewers and geniuses trembled a few times!

This Crown Prince?

Could it be that Dragon Clan Crown Prince came here?

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