The expression of Crown Prince Long finally changed in amazement! There are only two Dragon Guards left!

During the short period of entanglement between Crown Prince Long and Lin Chen, Zhen Dejiu and Zhen Deshuai continuously urged the "Extreme Return to Origin", consuming 4 points of advanced talisman energy again, and played twice. Rune of Slowness.

Followed by two consecutive "Sword Fury Qingtian" and "Mirror Moon Evil God", it also triggered the "Tear", even if the second golden armor dragon guard is guarded, the defense is still Was ruined and died!

"The ultimate Return to Origin after the upgrade is easy to use. If it had been before, my body would have been unable to fight anymore, and the Avatar would be broken. I would have to replay the Phantom rune a long time ago."


Lin Chen glanced at the 6 intermediate innate talent points he had consumed, but he didn't feel much distress.

"But now even my wounded body can be healed, and part of the repercussions after using Sword Fury Qingtian can also be completely filled and recovered with the limit Return to Origin Innate talent!"

Sword Fury Qingtian, fought a sword for the rage, after the rage, there will be a gap period, and it is not possible to continuously use the Battle Qi.

But'limit Return to Origin' can restore this gap period, allowing Lin Chen to be used continuously!

Lin Chen skillfully opened the Taoyuan planting capsule and put the bodies of two fallen golden armor dragon guards into the capsule.

This is a good treasure, the dragon body of the super Dragon Clan of the Gold Element class.

"Okay, very good! Lin Chen, you forced the Crown Prince. I can't think of a mortal who can have such ability. This Crown Prince will look down upon you!"

Crown Prince Long's sullen eyes showed a terrible temperament, and an order was given that the last two dragon guards would be by his side.

Lin Chen entire group gathered. Everyone in Class 66 was injured. Fortunately, it was not very serious.

Lin Chen waved his hand, and the eighth rank holy gun embryo returned to his palm. His arm was broken and it would take some time to fight.

Many viewers hold their breath.

The direction of this battle, what kind of result will it be...

From the situation of the battle, it seems to be beneficial to the dark horse club, but the dark horse club really has the ability to defeat the yellow Golden It seems that the Dragon Guard is only defending by Zhen Dejiu, Zhen Deshuai and Lin Chen!

"To fight the battle against the golden gang formation, and inject strength into my body."

The Crown Prince Long's order made the two dragon guards complexion greatly changed!

"No, Crown Prince, your bloodline grade will be severely affected, maybe it will drop your bloodline grade!"

"Yes, it’s about Crown Prince Your future, please think twice about His Highness the Crown Prince!"

Dragon Guard quickly blocked this battle, but Elder in the clan warned that this trump card can only be used when life and death are at stake!

Once the bloodline grade drops, it will affect not only the strength of the is innate talent, but also the status and honor of the clan. The matter is too far-reaching!

The dragon pupil of Crown Prince Long glanced somewhere in the void, which was the direction of the saint of good fortune.

"As long as you can get the god dragon blood jade, these lost can be regained! Although the Crown Prince still has two tricks, it may not be able to kill all of them. If you don’t kill the three, If the two of you die again, there is really no chance of a comeback!"

Crown Prince Long bursts out--"What are you waiting for, this Crown Prince doesn't work anymore, right?"


Two yellow Golden Dragon Guard clenched the teeth, turning into two Golden Dragons hovering in the void, turning into a hexagonal formation.

The breath of the dragon is surging, and the two dragons are swallowing clouds and fog, like Wandao Golden Dragon being incorporated into the dragon body of Crown Prince Long!

Boom~! The golden light of Crown Prince Long’s dragon pupils exploded, and the golden brilliance was like a rainbow, running through the sky. The dragon scales glowed with new rays of light, slowly extending, and the dragon body began to extend to one hundred twenty, one hundred and five ten zhang!

Only in a breathless, Crown Prince Long dragon body has nearly doubled in size, dragon scales are red gold, and dragon claw derives golden brilliance!

Roar~~! !

A dragon roar that alarmed Nine Heavens made Bai Junhao and the others' eardrums hurt and dizzy!

Ripples appear in the space, and the dragon power of Crown Prince Long rises to an all new realm!

"The power of 85 million dragons is over. His bloodline is activating to a state beyond the limit, and he will definitely suffer great damage afterwards. The power of the two Golden Dragons is forcibly integrated into his body."

Lin Chen took the opportunity to take a dragon Qingguo, and the broken bones and muscles began to connect, with a dignified expression.

"If he uses this move at first, his strength will only be more terrifying, but I am afraid he did not expect that I can push him to this point..."

Crown Prince Long seems to have skyrocketed only a few million dragon powers, but this is a realm leap. Now Crown Prince Long has the battle strength of the Five Tribulations Battle Sovereign!

Besides, due to the particularity of his dragon body, if there is no means to target or restrain him, it would be difficult for the general Five Tribulations Battle Sovereign to blast his dragon scales defense!

With Lin Chen’s current Body Refinement Realm and Battle Qi Cultivation Base, apart from limited individual methods, he is not even qualified to tickle Crown Prince Long!

"You guys retreat first."

Lin Chen waved his hand to make everyone retreat.

For this type of battle, everyone in Class 66 is temporarily unable to participate in the battle.

"The bloodline is the basis of the fierce beast. I didn't expect him to fight to this point. I have to come up with some desperate ability!"

Lin Chen's eyes are fierce. Be exposed!

"Lin Chen, I have paid the price, and now it's your turn to die!"

Crown Prince Long Golden Dragon flies to the sky, a Golden Dragon wobbles its tail, and shoots countless The golden light shrouded all around and blocked all the retreats of the Lin Chen entire group, and even their actions were delayed.

Crown Prince Long opens his mouth to condense the breath of the dragon, and the teeth of the dragon gather golden light waves, and the destruction aura it spills makes all the Five Tribulations Battle Sovereign look solemn!

Lin Chen suddenly burst into Hah!

"Crown Prince Long, you are not the only one desperately!"

At this moment, Zhendexiu, Zhende Chang, Zhende should put away the weapons in his hand, and all grasped the hilt of the flying knife at his waist!

Lin Chen put away his red spear, and his palm flashed nine kinds of Heavenly Tribulation streamers, slowly condensing.

Seeing this scene, Lan Ruoxue in the audience trembled!

Could it be that...

Roar~! Dragon Xiao heaven-shaking, earth-shattering, Crown Prince Long Dragon mouth breathes golden light waves, anger sweeps Lin Chen entire group!

"The sky burial bursts the dragon's breath instantly!"

The golden light waves condense into a beam of light, overflowing the World Destroying Might. When the beam of light explodes, a thousand golden light dragon shadows are disillusioned in the beam of light. The remnants of a civilization like a dragon suddenly came to the venue!

The beautiful eyes of the Palace Lord of Bingxin Palace flashed a bit nervously, ready to tore the void into the venue at any time!

"Crown Prince Long, you are not the only one who is desperate!"

Lin Chen loudly shouted, and the hands of the three big Avatars suddenly pulled out from their waists!

[The host activates Level 6 recharge, Level 5 penetration, Level 5 rune, and consumes 4 points of advanced talisman energy. 】

xiu! xiu! xiu! Shoo! call out!

The dazzling blade glow flashes continuously, like a stream of snow on the horizontal plane, cutting through the air, rolling up the sharp to the extreme blade wind, and slashing the golden beam of light!

Juying Flying Knife·Ultimate Four Links!

Individual Saints took a cold breath!

The dark horse clubhouse again showed a lore trump card, the fourth orange battle skill!

The last Fourth Style of the flying knife, comparable to the orange battle skill!

Twelve throwing knives are sent together, this is one of Lin Chen's big kills!

Juying Flying Knife is the strongest state if all the flying knives are concentrated in one burst!

"Very powerful offensive! It's a little closer to the Five Tribulations Battle Sovereign!"

"No, it's too much difference, even if you add that orange Blade Technique and Orange Stage Sword skills will also be defeated, and the dark horse club will lose!"

"At least two people will fall. They use that flying knife stunt to consume everything!"

The Saints took a look. Peep through the situation.

next moment, mutation is born!


A knife roar burst out like a dragon, twelve blade glows flashed in an instant, and one was divided into five, instantaneous dozens of blade glow, and the formidable power was not reduced?

At that moment, the venue was like flying stars, and the scene was gorgeous!

Crown Prince Long is stunned!

The face of Saint in the audience changed suddenly!

All the audience almost thought they had hallucinations!

Sixty throwing knives?

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