"Seven Jue Jin·Life and Death Jue Jue!"

The Void revolves around a leg shadow and straddles it. Seven barbarian dragons entangled with their vigor and strikes directly. To Dark Pavilion Old Ancestor · Should be heavenly demon!

"Blinking light and splitting shadows!"

Lin Chen poured his full strength into one blow, and when he hit the heavenly demon, he sneered at the heavenly demon!

With a sneer, he resolved Lin Chen's move comparable to the orange battle skill!

No, to be precise, it should be five tricks!

Lin Chen tried his best to launch the orange-level innate talent.

However, the'tearing' innate talent did not trigger.

Without triggering the tearing of innate talent, Lin Chen cannot break Saint's defense.

Shih~! The nine-color thunder exploded again, Lin Chen and Ying heavenly demon flashed, avoiding the attack of Heavenly Tribulation.

Swipe~! During the continuous shooting of Dark Wing, Lin Chen flashed behind Ying Heavenly Demon again, pulled out the blue bright moon with a scream at close range, and cut it across!

"Quick Light Splitting·Mirror Moon Evil God!"

The five peerless slashing lights illuminate the endless moonlight, flashing and splitting, still being blocked by heavenly demon with one hand!

"Don't treat old man as those useless waste!"

Ying heavenly demon grinned, but suddenly a bloodstain broke on his arm, and an attribute light dropped out. ball!

[Host triggers innate talent: tear. Obtained 8 high level dark energy,]

Lin Chen was overjoyed, chuckled said: "Will the famous legendary killer world be hacked by my little Battle Sovereign? It seems that you and yourself There is no difference in the waste in your mouth!"

Ying heavenly demon looked gloomy--"If it weren't for this Heavenly Tribulation, old man could have killed you tens of millions of times!"

"But it does! Are you angry or angry? Come hit me, come on~"

Lin Chen has a lowly laughed face, so angry that heavenly demon's veins are exposed!

Shih~! Boom~!

The nine-color thunder is coming again!

What makes all Saints feel puzzled is why Lin Chen did not escape this time, but instead started chasing here, constantly chasing the holy realm!

The sacred realm that was beaten was called an aggrieved person, right? You can't fight back, you can't run too far, you have to monitor this kid, you can only be passively beaten!

They dignified the first generation of holy realm, why have they ever suffered such a shame!

But thinking of Ancient Saint inheritance, they endured it!

The powerhouses of Baishuang City looked suspicious of life!

It's weird! A Battle Sovereign chased the Saints and beat them wildly?

The deafening thunder shook all directions thousands of miles, but Lin Chen flashed back and forth like a ghost every time, never once Heavenly Tribulation was hit!

The Palace Lord and the others of Bingxin Palace also arrived near Heavenly Tribulation, but they did not dare to enter rashly.

Lin Chen's eyes are full of light!

"It seems that the plan is considered a success. The only variable is Dark Pavilion Old Ancestor, the imprint that Old Guy laid on Lao Tzu!"

Time, back to three days ago Some day.

A secret room.

"Are you Lin Chen?"

The three Saints looked suspiciously at the thin men in front of them.

These three holy realms are the three who are responsible for the single-player martial arts, at first and Lin Chen who bought the dragon fruit.

"Yes, not really. But I can make a deal with you on behalf of Lin Chen, and pay 30 dragon fruits."

The man said with a smile.

The three holy brows frowned, the white eyebrows old man said unsatisfactorily—"What deal did you say?"

"After the war broke out, you must immediately confess me Send it to the dark island, as soon as possible!"

The Three Sages are surprised!

Dark You Island is located in the border area of ​​the border between Xuanyu and Qiyu. There are many powerful and fierce beasts on the island.

The most terrifying thing is that this island seems to have fallen through some of the strongest existences, causing the Space Law to collapse and the space crystal walls are extremely strong.

Even if the ordinary Saint enters the dark island, he cannot shuttling through the void.

Furthermore, according to rumors, there seems to be a Sacred Beast inhabiting the island...

"30 Dragon Ching Fruits, if you just escort you there, then there is no problem. , But the fastest estimate is about half a day......"


hong long long~!

Following Lin Chen’s mad attacks, he successfully triggered a “tear” on Yan Sheng and Ji Old Ancestor, and won a large number of high-quality attribute light balls!

However, Jieyun began to dissipate!

The nine-color thunderclouds are gradually becoming thinner and fewer!

"My mother has a leg, I will take his skin off later!"

"Why, he can't invite Heavenly Tribulation for the third time!"

The Saints are gearing up, murderous aura staring at Lin Chen monstrously!

Finally! After six hours full of shame, they can finally concoct this little bastard!

Without the concerns of Heavenly Tribulation, any Saint can take him down with just one move!

At this time, Lin lands on the tallest building tower in Hoarfrost City, and the little shadow is temporarily hidden by him in the Taoyuan planting sac.

He raised his hand and snapped his fingers in front of everyone!


"I'm not targeting a certain person, I just want to say that the sixteen Saints here are too ugly! The dark horse clubhouse is so handsome!"

Great Laughter spread throughout all directions. Before everyone could react, the cloud of the nine-color Thunder Tribulation finally dissipated.

And Lin Chen broke through a space above his head, rays of light, and instantly enveloped him!

【The host initiates an extra-dimensional teleportation, which consumes 29 intermediate innate talent points and teleports the coordinate No. 5 space position. 】


The space beam flashed, Lin Chen disappeared!

There is a weird silence in Baishuang City, only the echo of Lin Chen’s "handsome" echo...


Saints’ eyes I almost fell to the ground!

What's the situation?

Can this kid jump out of the space of their perception?

Should heavenly demon's pupils trembled!

He is the only person who can lock Lin Chen's position. At that moment, Lin Chen jumped to the other side of Wanri Square, crossing a great distance in an instant!

"That direction is...not good! He wants to enter the dark island!"

The old man should be heavenly demon, and his mind is like electricity, and Lin Chen's purpose is instantly reflected. , Immediately waved!

"Everyone comes with me, this kid can't escape!"

shua! shua! Brush~!

The Palace Lord and other holy realms of Bingxin Palace were immediately stopped in the air, and the Saints such as Flame Saint and Ji Old Ancestor were directly blocked!

"Let’s go ahead and don’t be entangled by these guys. Once you let that kid enter the dark island, you will be out of our control!"

Heavenly demon should take care of Bingxin Palace flawlessly. Waiting for Saint, the eight holy realms that can be moved directly tore through the space together, shuttling through the void.

"little fellow, that's all we can do, the rest is up to you..."

Looking at the direction where heavenly demon and the others left, Bing Xin Palace Lord of Palace sighed in his heart, and then began to focus on the opponent in front of him!

Hoarfrost city ushered in a deathly silence...

This young Battle Sovereign is who are you after all. He has played a dozen Saints in a row, and finally managed to drive away. Up!

"He just said, the dark horse club......"


A Sea Territory is full of mists.


Lin Chen appeared by the Dragon Emperor's side in an instant, scared the three Saints to stand in battle, and then fell into a stunned voice.

"Lin Chen? It turned out to be you?"

"Why are you here!"

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