
The sabertooth fish stopped in place and could not move forward for half a minute. When the Dark Tribulation Battle Qi dissipated, a silver robe appeared in front of the white clothed woman.

"It's okay."

The young man asked without looking back, and the woman answered—"Well, Young Master, be careful."

tone barely fell .

Tear and pull~!

The juvenile fingertip sword was light flashed, and the dragon fish was divided into two halves, the blood and blood collapsed, and the flesh and blood collapsed.

The saber-toothed dragon fish did not stare at all, and slowly fell to the shore...

The man who shot was Lin Chen. He happened to find this scene when he passed by here and he saved it. .

"Okay, it's okay, this guy's companion in the sea was also dealt with by me..."

When Lin Chen turned around, the woman suddenly panicked, "No , Young Master, don't look towards me!"

When Lin Chen's gaze fell on the woman's face, he suddenly startedled.

The woman's temperament and figure are quite extraordinary, but her face is extremely...ugly!

No, it can’t be described as ugly. Perhaps it should be said that it is extremely disgusting from the looks of it.

A person is ugly, which proves that there is still a human appearance, but the girl in white in front of me, her face is no longer like a person...

Her facial bones are distorted and her eyeballs are one. Big and one small, the mouth is almost invisible, hook-shaped green flesh grows in front of the nose, and the cheeks are stuck with pieces of green purple flesh, which is very strange.

"No...don't look at it!"

The woman quickly put on a second cloak and cried out, covering her face. She is most afraid that others will see her true face. It was her nightmare since she was sensible.

"He saw my face, he would definitely despise me, I don't want to hear those voices anymore..."

The woman recalled the painful memories of childhood, countless She was once called the descendant of the devil and so on...

"So beautiful..."

The young man exclaimed from his heart and made the woman startled!

"Is Young Master mocking me!"

The woman was shaking all over with anger, she mistakenly thought that Lin Chen's exclamation was mocking her.

"No, the girl misunderstood." Lin Chen shook his head and pointed to the crowd running behind her—"The people behind you were crying. You can imagine how much you treat them. It’s important."

"Your words and deeds are elegant and decent. You are an extraordinary person. He is determined to be a noble person, but he can care about the life and death of ordinary people. What they have just now ran towards you. I don’t care about my own life and death."

Lin Chen smiled--"People do judge people by their appearance, but this does not prevent me from seeing your beautiful heart."

His smile , Making the woman look like a spring breeze, staring blankly.

"wu wu wu, Princess, you scared us to death just now..."

A crowd of young and old surrounded Princess to protect her, tears down.

She pacified the crowd quickly, and looking back, the boy had already disappeared from the crowd.


Fu Shengguo·Imperial Palace.

"Imperial Father, how can you hold an election without authorization? My daughter has decided to find my husband by herself!"

"Find by yourself? Just your temper, which man Dare to come closer, look at what age you are this year, if you still don’t marry, you beat and kill like a man every day, look at what you look like and how you are in style! I have issued the imperial decree, It's useless for you!"

In the Imperial Palace, a middle-aged man dressed in a dragon robe, hate iron for not becoming steel accused his daughter.

She wears a red helmet, heroic and dignified, with long hair tied up, her head and eyebrows, she has a cold snow face, and a slender figure. The most conspicuous thing is her long and round legs, which is nearly 1.9 meters tall. People.

If you don't wear red makeup with arms, you must be a person of outstanding beauty.

"hmph! I don’t care, anyway, I don’t look for men who are weaker than me. Now these men, few can fight, they are all soft-footed shrimps, you just choose, when the time Comes I will beat them all on the ground alone!"

The beautiful lady was coldly snorted, turned and left, making the middle-aged man so angry that he was about to get angry, and the old slave next to him hurriedly stopped.

"Don’t be angry on the saint, you don’t know the temper of Six Princess..."

"This little girl just pushes her nose on her face, I just spoil her too much! Alas... Before the death of Concubine Lin, I hoped that they could be ordinary little women. As a result, my four children died at an early age, Wu'er went out even more, Liu'er became like this, and Qi'er was even more..."

When the man in the saint robe talked about'Qi'er, he was heartbroken and frustrated-"I am a failed Imperial Father."

The Seventh Princess of the Holy Land of Fu is the color of the whole country. She has become a twin sister with six Princesses...

"The Holy Lord does not have to blame herself. The Seventh Princess's situation is really unexpected. The Holy Land's poisonous curse even asks two eighth rank to practice. The pharmacist is also powerless, and the saint has done his best..."

The old slave bowed and said, the dragon robe man sat back to the Dragon Throne, muttered--"In the past few years, I have asked Qi'er a lot less. Let’s visit for a while."

"Holy, the old slave has another question."


"The imperial decree for recruiting son-in-law According to the temper of Princess Six, at least one must find a man whose strength is above Princess Six, but Princess Six was ranked 63511 on the genius list five years ago, let alone now. Princess has no strength. How many people can cure her..."

dragon robe man said with a smile——"I have foreseen that in some time it will happen to be my one hundred thousand years old, which will be sent to all countries long ago. Notice, to entertain Bafang and many sect powerhouses, and let them carry their own dísciple by the way. I am afraid that they have already landed on the island and or are on the way to the island."

The old slave bent over--" Holy wise!"

"Let’s pass on the imperial decree, and put out all the dowry. Some geniuses don’t act without some incentive, so attract them all. This little girl should also I am married..."


Lin Chen and his sisters arrived at the "Fusheng Island" in the ancient country of Fusheng. The city on the island is extremely wide, and today's people are excited. Good news is posted everywhere on the street.

Lin Chen was curious. After paying the entrance fee, before he had time to ask, a few little girls rushed up and stared at Lin Chen curiously.

"big brother~big brother~are you also here to run for the son-in-law?"

"Yes, the big brother is so handsome, hehe, is it also the sixth Princess election? My son-in-law is here."

Lin Chen couldn't help but sigh when seeing this grand status.

If the people are poor, how can it be their turn to pay attention to these things? It proves that the Lord of the Holy Kingdom here is a person who loves the people.

"Although the big brother is handsome, he is a principled person. One is not a son-in-law, two is not a thief, and three is not robbery~"

Like a rose flower, some of the little girls yelled out of the crowd before they could react!

"The dowry of six Princesses is displayed in the imperial city square, everyone, go and check it out!"

The little girls were full of joy, pulled Lin Chen up and ran away--"Okay. , Big Brother, let us take a look at Princess’s dowry."

Sisters are curious to follow.

"These little fellows..." Lin Chen shook his head and laughed.

A quarter of an hour later, the imperial city square, vast crowd, is very lively!

The pile of treasures and the hills of silver sacred dollar coins are dazzled by countless people!

Seventh rank Peak war weapon, purple top top grade cultivation technique, pill recipe, alien crystal fragments, six Princess dowry, everything!

Lin Chen's pupils trembled, and he saw the rays of light in the colorful attribute treasure box in these dowries!

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