【Consume 7 intermediate innate talent points, activate the innate talent of God's stealing omen. Obtain: 50 rune evolution stones, 300 high level cultivation technique essence ,】

[The host consumes 120 rune evolution stones, upgrade penetration, and sky hidden rune to Level 6. Level 6 penetrates rune, can penetrate 30% of formidable power, Level 6 concealed aura, can completely eliminate concealed aura for 10 seconds, cooling time: 20 seconds. 】

"Shuangwaiwai, I just made up one hundred and twenty rune evolution stones, this time all runes are all Level 6! It's better to have a few more holy realms, haha!"

Lin Chen is happy in his heart, makes a fortune in a muffled voice, and even steals two holy realms.

The Lord said with a smile —— "It turns out that it is an old friend here, please give a seat!"

Two Court Eunuch floated in the air, gave two thrones, and followed The old woman leaned forward and said politely-"Thank you."

Her voice is very light, non-pretentious, soft and expressive.

"Lord, do you want to invite the Imperial Teacher to sit here too..."

The old slave whispered sound transmission to the Lord of the Holy Kingdom.

The lord shook his head, "No, she is not malicious, I can feel it."

shua~ shua~ shua~~!

The silhouette flashes, and twenty talented geniuses have stepped into the void battle stage one after another!

These geniuses are all above the cultivation base, and no one is ranked below 90,000.

"It's all fine jade, you guys, let's start!"

The Lord smiled, and the election of son-in-law officially started!

This time the selection of the son-in-law will be simplified, and will not involve other fields. It will only fight battle strength and innate talent.

Because of the government of the ancient kingdom of Fu Sheng, there are two talents, Eldest Prince and Second Princess.

And the lord knows that what Princess Six needs is a man who can beat her in battle strength.

At this time, Lin Chen, who is sitting on the opposite side, is in the second batch. He neither fast nor slow, first glanced at the learning situation of the "Dragon Flash" movement method.

"Well, the Avatar fusion cultivation memory has been completed! Then it can be strengthened!"


"Look at Yueer, then fiery -How about the red-haired kid? This genius ranked 81001, just like his father, has a kind of heroic temperament..."

The holy land old woman’s aura is extremely cold, But he was very kind and kind to his granddaughter, pointing to the red-haired boy on the stage.

"Grandma..." The gentle and charming girl in a plain skirt frowned: You obviously promised to pass the moon, you just came out to relax, why have you found my husband and son-in-law again? "

The old woman slapped a haha——"Because of interest, because of interest, since you are not interested in him, let's not mention him. "

Boom~! shua~ shua~ shua~~!

In the central battle stage, Blade Qi is like a tornado, sweeping everything, and someone will win the game first. Negative!

This man has sword eyebrows, star eyes, nose straight, face like a crown jade, have a dignified appearance, holding a three-winged long knife, he defeated his opponent in less than 20 rounds. !

His opponent is a 77950 genius on the list of geniuses, and it’s hard to even support twenty rounds in his hands!

Although the contest does not need to be desperate, but it is true life and death. Get up, the result may be the same!

"What a powerful method..."

"Who is this person? "

"The 68,522 genius sword king Lin Yidao! "

"What a domineering imposing manner!" "

People who watched the battle discussed spiritedly, and many young maidens had brilliant eyes. Since ancient times, beauties have loved heroes. This young man is handsome and cold, attracting the attention of many women.

Even some imperial family noble daughter Heaven's Chosen can't help but be tempted.

"My dear granddaughter, what do you think of him? "

The old woman asked with a smile again, knocking from the side.

The gentle lady grotesquely said: "Grandma..."

"Good good, let's be good The granddaughter didn't look at him, and the grandmother didn't speak. "

In the end, within three quarters of an hour, the first battle was over. Only ten winners, all of whom were geniuses ranked above 82,000 on the genius list!

Placed in Grade 4 sect, it is also in the Peak list! Some of them are ranked 70,000 front-ends, and they are extremely powerful!

The Lord of the country swept his sleeves, holy light like blue waves, faint holy light Condensed into water droplets, dripping onto the heads of all the geniuses after the battle.

The injuries, consumption, and recovery of all the geniuses on their bodies are as before!

The geniuses who did not participate in the battle. As soon as the eyes are bright, it can recover immediately, so even if you are going to turn rounds, you don’t have to worry about consumption!

"This is the secret technique of Fu Shengguo, the Qinglian Holy Water Art. "

The black clothed old woman's eyes are squinted.

"Hehe, hard work, second round, let's start. "

The lord said with a smile.

Swipe it, twenty silhouettes stepped into the battle stage!

Lin Chen stepped into the air, The silver robe rolls over and enters the second battle stage elegantly and leisurely.

Lin Chen’s opponent is a cold and arrogant man holding a picture of the mountains and mountains, and there is an imposing manner in charge of the mountains and rivers between his brows.

"Oh? Is this child ranked 76950 on the genius list? Nine Heavens? This little fellow is going to suffer..."

The lord looks at Lin Chen’s battle stage.

The second battle stage;

"You are Roll down by yourself or throw you down at this Monarch. "

Ao Nine Heavens is extremely arrogant and indifferent.

"Hey, it's crazy. "Lin Chen brows lightly raise, Said with a smile handsomely, "I think this is too unfair." "

Everyone is laughing and crying. The opponents drawn in this election are completely random. If you don't have the strength, don't come up. Let's talk about fairness here?

Is he funny?

"As one of the most handsome men in the holy world, I should give you a fairer chance. Within three rounds, if you don't step down, I will abstain. Otherwise, lest others say I bully you. "


Everyone's mind is buzzing and blank!

Three rounds? That's proud of Nine Heavens! Even ranked 69,000 The geniuses don’t dare to speak such big words!

Everyone looks at the peaceful smiling face of'True Virtue and Handsome', this guy is really saying the most crazy things in the most relaxed tone!

Who is bullying who is this!

"Damn it, you are courting death! "Ao Nine Heavens eyes wide staring angrily.


The'Jiangshan Hegemony Picture' in the hands of Ao Nine Heavens spirals up into the sky, rolling and opening, a battle Qi natural phenomenon One after another, the magnificent mountains, rivers meeting the sea, tigers stalking the dragon pan, like a picture of thousands of miles of rivers and mountains spread out all at once, covering the audience!

"Fenglin Volcano, Immovable Qianjun! "

Ao Nine Heavens pointed the country, the all kinds of weather in the picture scroll gathered together thousands of Battle Qi peaks, imposing manner magnificent and headed towards Lin Chen's suppression!

Battle Qi is not in the first place! Overwhelming!

"That is Nine Heavens, right? Such a domineering power, really has the proud capital..."

"I am afraid he already has the background to attack 75,000 people..."

"This kid who is fighting against him who is it? Ao Nine Heavens showed his true power in a single face, and that kid is afraid that he won't even be able to get out of two rounds! "

The geniuses of the first round were stunned secretly.

The host exclaimed: "This youngster’s half-orange core method "Hongtu Hegemony" has been cultivated to Great Accomplishment Realm. , This move, if the Old Guy is allowed to do it, I’m afraid it can shatter the entire island......"

Lin Chen slightly smiled, raising his hand casually.

"Sword is coming . "


Azure Nether Sword came out awe-inspiring, and the sword light roared like a lightning glow in a flash!



"This sword? "

The eyes of the country lord and the black clothed old woman are bright at the same time!

The sword is like a rainbow, crosscutting and slicing Qianshan!

Boom! Boom! Bang!

Qianshan shattered and Battle Qi exploded. Ao Nine Heavens retreated suddenly, and his face was horrified, "What is this Sword Art?" "

Lin Chen's sword is not only to smash the mountains, the imposing manner of ambition and hegemony, it is disintegrated in this sword!

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