In the fourth round, Lin Chen’s opponent directly abstained!

In the fifth round, we entered the final grand competition. The genius ranked 62045 on the field genius list fought Lin Chen for dozens of rounds and then voluntarily abstained!

The dark horse clubhouse'True Virtue and Handsome' stood at the end!

"hahaha, okay, I didn’t think I could add such an outstanding son-in-law to the Kingdom of Fu Sheng. It is gratifying and congratulating."

The lord of the country opened his eyes and smiled, although Lin Chen killed him. Chen Wuming, but no harm.

A duel in the arena, inherent rules, life and death are still in his own hands, Chen Wuming’s skills are not as good as humans, and with the background of the ancient kingdom of sage, as long as the "True Virtue and Handsome" becomes a saint-in-law, Chen Family will definitely not dare to move him !

"Finally passed...I got the attribute treasure box in the dowry, and immediately tried to get away!"

Lin Chen sighed, relieved...

"Wait a minute, Imperial Father, you know my conditions."

Six Princess finally stood up!

Lin Chen frowned, conditions?

Are there still variables in this section?

The lord of the country said with a slight dissatisfaction-"Liu'er, you have already seen the strength of a virtuous son-in-law, why do you need to fight again? His strength is enough to convince everyone, isn't it?"

"My son-in-law? Did you call someone else's son-in-law so soon?"

Six Princess brows lightly raise, the lord of the country is lightly coughed.

The beautiful lady's face was flat and said-"Strength is strong, but only if he can beat me."

Six Princess waved her wispy hand, azure light flowed, she held a blue Moon scimitar, dressed in robe armor, heroic and dignified, stepped into the air and entered the battle stage!

"True virtue and handsome, if you win me, you will be considered as a son-in-law, I am Yue Qingli, and I will not marry a weaker man."

Lin Chen's heart rose. The group is inexplicably angry!

Grandma’s, I’ve said that it’s okay to pass the election of son-in-law, and I still engage in these moths!

A group of high-ranking officials and ordinary people can't help holding their breath...

Six Princess actually intends to make a move personally!

She is hailed as the future "Female Martial Saint" of the ancient kingdom of Fu Sheng, first in innate talent, first in perception, and the other princes and Princesses are far inferior to her!

No one in the Imperial Family in the past has been able to mention the existence of mention on equal terms. Will this true virtue be an opponent?

Lin Chen's expression was a little cold, and he turned to the country lord-"The lord, this should be the last condition, right?"

The lord's face was a bit embarrassed- "This is the little girl's decision. Please don't keep your hands, even if you let it go."

"Okay, monarch does not go back on his words, I believe in the lord this time."

Lin Chen jumped into the arena, and the six Princess Yueqingli faced each other.

Her seventh rank Peak knife "Blue Moon" lingers with a sharp aura entwined like moonlight, and a little bit of Blade Qi can cut the void and crush the air current!

"Wait a minute, how to judge the outcome?"

Lin Chen raises his hand, and no matter how you say it, he is also recruiting his son-in-law. Right?

"How do you deal with Chen Wuming, just deal with me, until we can't fight anymore!"

When Yue Qingli said this, Lin Chen's mouth twitched... …

Have never seen such a weird request, and beat you to death?

Swipe~! A blade Qi that is curved like a moon flashes out of Yue Qingli's blade light, like a long river entwined, and Lin Chen is twisted with one knife!

"Seven Changes·Ultimate Moment!"

Lin Chen's pure power and spirit strength skyrocketed, holding the Azure Nether Sword in a crosscut, the sword light moves like a star, cutting off the Blade Qi!

The increase of the seven changes has made Lin Chen’s Battle Qi Cultivation Base not a breakthrough realm, but it is stronger than all the Three Tribulation Battle Sovereign!

"Take out your secret technique to block space, come on, really handsome!"

Yue Qingli rushes towards Lin Chen, blade light flashes longitudinally, four times The spiral knife gang cuts to the four directions of Lin Chen!

Lin Chen slashed diagonally with the sword, turned and slashed, avoiding all the swords, and said with a smile indifferently.

"Whether you are worth my use, I will judge myself. Also, thank you for the compliment. Everyone knows that our dark horse clubs are all handsome, so I hope Princess is still a little low-key."

"Smooth tone, look at the sword!"

Yue Qingli is like a sonorous rose in bloom on the battlefield, like a female Martial God who has entered the battlefield, the Blade Technique is endless, fast and steady, with every cut They have all experienced thousands hammers, hundred refinements, all of them cut to Lin Chen's blind spot!

Clang~! Dang~! Dang~!

blade light and sword shadows, one green and one red instantly hit one another!

The two sides fought, and Yue Qingli's movement method was so fast that it directly suppressed Lin Chen who launched the'Ultimate Moment'!

"Seven Stars Slash!"

"Youyou Qingshi!"

The red mans word sword light is like a long rainbow that is blasted straight away, a blade light that is fast to the extreme Cut across and cut Lin Chen's sword light in half!

Boom~! Lin Chen patted her lower abdomen with a palm of'Five Powers in One', and all 59.99 million dragon power was gathered.

Clang~! The leg armor was over the air, and the lady's slender and graceful long legs exploded with terrifying power, soaring into the air, the calf turned with a high kick, like a windmill spinning, horizontally blocking Lin Chen's palm!

Swipe~! With a palm blocked, Lin Chen stabbed with a sword in his backhand!

The sword light whizzes, stabs Yue Qingli's neck diagonally, and the murderous intention is suddenly revealed! Yue Qingli's tall figure slid back like a beautiful soft snake, and the blade turned and slashed, separating Lin Chen's sword point!

Shih~! The cracking wind raged, Yue Qingli raised her leg and hit a knee. Light azure's Wind Element Battle Qi surrounded the wind blade and smashed towards Lin Chen's waist!

Boom! The air wave exploded, Lin Chen raised his left arm and hit an elbow, Jin Jiexuangang circulated, and while receiving the opponent's knee bump, he forcibly received her Wind Element Battle Qi!

Boom! boom! boom! bang! hong long!

The two are dazzled by playing fast!

Two figures flashed swiftly, always suppressing others' "true virtue and handsome" with speed, but the movement method was suppressed by the sixth Princess Yueqingli!

She is Wind Element Battle Qi, she is already skilled in speed, and the'Infinite Dark Step' blessed by the innate talent of the'Ultimate Moment' will also fall into the disadvantage!

With the very ruthless melee combat in the sword technique, the horrible Body Refining Cultivation Art erupts in the Blade Technique, these two men are like rivals, and they can’t get together!

All the way from the sky to the battle stage, the weak and the cultivation base can only see countless afterimages in the criss-crossed, below the Second Tribulation Battle Sovereign, you probably can’t even see a battle!

Lin Chen, who launched the'Ultimate Moment', can abuse the 70,000 genius list geniuses and sling more than 60,000 geniuses, and at this moment can only spell a match with Yue Qingli?

"There is no doubt that both of them have the battle strength of the top 60,000 in the genius list!"

Individual Peak's genius looks solemn, and this battle is completely unknown. !

"You haven't allowed me to fight with all my strength yet, take out your trump card and the amazing sword, otherwise you are not my opponent!"

Yue Qingli warned Then, Blade Technique's speed suddenly became three-pointers!

"Is it worth the shot, I will judge it."

Lin Chen calmly, said with a smile — "Don’t you think that my hole card is Those two tricks, right?"

"Then I will force you out!"

Yue Qingli cuts vertically, Blade Technique suddenly changes, and a faint Thunder Element is released from all over his body The rays of light of different crystal fragments, the blade light is as fast as lightning, and the densely packed lightning knife marks instantly suppressed Lin Chen!

"It's the master skill of Six Princess, the half-orange "Thunder Flash Thousand Kills"!"

There is a general morale!

Yue Qingli made an all-out effort, and her cultivation base suddenly revealed that it was actually the Four Tribulations Battle Sovereign cultivation base?

Her cultivation base is two great realm higher than Lin Chen! Fully rolled!

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