"Come to the venue of the Heaven Ranking Conference, he should be safe for the time being..."

The Lord is sighed in relief, and Seventh Princess and Six Princess hurriedly plundered Down empty, rushed in front of Lin Chen.

"Hello, Lin Chen Young Master, we are from the Fushi Kingdom, that...Is that true virtue handsome Young Master okay?"

"I heard that he was seriously injured , How is your physical condition? There will be no mortal danger, right?"

Yue Qingli and Yue Youlan’s pretty faces are full of anxiety.

The two did not recognize Lin Chen. His temperament and appearance when he was incarnate as a "True Virtuous Handsome" could not even be seen through the Lord.

Shen Lingshuang turned her eyes and stared at one's own master.

Is this the future teacher? Well, Bai Ruoyan's elder sister is better.

Little Lass murmured in his heart, Lin Chen said seriously—"Two, the real virtue and handsome are recuperating in my luck planting sac. There is no mortal danger for the time being, but he asked me to tell you, he at first, I didn’t want to be the son-in-law of the Holy Kingdom, let alone involve you, so I hope you don’t intervene in this matter."

"This...how could you let me and Is it okay for elder sister to meet him last time..."

Yueyou Lanhuarong turned pale and grabbed Lin Chen's sleeve.

Lin Chen shook his head, Yueyoulan’s lovable body trembled, Yue Qingli held the younger sister, tears in her eyes, and said stubbornly--"Since he doesn’t want to come out to see us, then we Just wait until he comes out."

He seemed to be touched by something, Lin Chen face doesn't change calmly said: "I have said what I should say, I hope you don't stubborn."

Lin Chen ignored the two daughters and led Shen Lingshuang to turn around and walk towards the white eyebrows old man.

Goodbye is just a sorrow. He has no plans to become the son-in-law of the Saint Kingdom at first.

Be tougher, maybe it will make them retreat.

Suddenly, a handsome Young Master in white clothes stood in front of Lin Chen and looked at it disdainfully-"The garbage of a three-cataldom cultivation base..."

Ha ? Is this kind of person again?

Lin Chen flicked his nails, lightly said with a smile ——“A person like you who denies others as rubbish as soon as you speak, can only use two words to describe in my hometown, that is ; Rush to the street."

After that, the master and disciple smiled, and extended a middle finger to them in a friendly manner.

"Okay, very good. I hope you can support a few more rounds in the Heaven Ranking race..."

White Young Master's facial muscles twitched and his demeanor was lost.

Choke~! Boom~! The air current was torn apart, and the sword was as powerful as a dragon. One after another Battle Qi, Hong Mang Ning aimed at Lin Chen for the murderous aura!

"Ant, show respect to our Senior Brother!"

"I pooh!" Lin Chen curled her lips, and Shen Lingshuang was still learning from him.

"My dear, your uncle, stinky shameless! A guy who calls others rubbish, talks to me about respect? Is it because you have shit in your head or is Lin Mou lost?"

Lin Chen choked the geniuses of the Sun Moon Hall into absolute silence...

"Sun Moon Hall, thirty geniuses, all sign up." The strange youth of Sun Moon Hall signed up for everyone. , Patted the shoulder of the Young Master in white, awe-inspiring said with a smile: "You don't need to talk to this kind of person, just fight to the death if you encounter it in the race."

"Yes! Follow the teachings of Senior Brother !" Young Master cup one fist in the other hand, walking away.

Two white eyebrows old men said with a smile, "youngster, you must have a fire to be called youngster."

"senior, I also sign up, the dark horse club, Lin Chen!"

Lin Chen took out a Gold List, which recorded his genius ranking.

The second elder took it, but when he was about to register, he suddenly stopped!

next moment ……

"Little friend Lin Chen, right? Your genius ranking is not yet eligible to participate in the Heaven Ranking conference."

When the announcement was made, Lin Chen's mouth opened slightly...

Fuck? Haven't been handsome for three seconds?

Many plans, battles, and escapes made Lin Chen forget the simplest and most basic things in the process of coming to the Heaven Ranking conference!

He doesn't even rank among the top 40,000 in the genius list!

'Zhen Deshuai' Avatar got the highest ranking of'Chen Wuming', 64450.

Six Princess Yue Qingli has the ranking strength of 50,000 in the genius list, but the actual ranking is still outside 60,000.

In terms of strength, such as the Golden Breakthrough Three Tribulation Battle Sovereign cultivation base, plus the soaring elemental attribute value, Lin Chen has enough confidence to fight against the top 40,000 geniuses on the genius list, at least You can also win with Rune of Slowness!

"The feeling this kid has been in trouble for a long time, it turns out that he is not ranked yet!"

"Fish and dragons mixed in together, there are some grandstanding people, it is simply a laugh. "

"Fuck, I thought it was some kind of expert, it turned out that this is a funny ah ha ha ha!"

"Hey, the handsome guy over there, you want This is my auditorium, isn't it? I am such a good lighting thief, and a group of hahaha with a good viewing angle!"

The geniuses on both sides of the auditorium broke out with ridicule!

Among the more than 20,000 geniuses floating in the sky, most of them cast indifferent disdain and sarcasm.

Lin Chen touched the chin —— "The ranking is not enough, then I have no way to enter Rainbow Island......"

white eyebrows old man said with a smile ——"youngster According to the rules of the conference, those who get the top 10 spots can get an extra spot and bring one person to Rainbow Island. Of course, the premise is that the other party is willing to use the spot on you."

At this time, Shen Lingshuang But he stood up and pulled Lin Chen's clothes corner, "Master, are you going to enter Rainbow Island?"

"Yes, but your Master doesn't have the top 40,000 genius rankings. If so If you are handsome and have a ranking, your Master must be ranked first."

"But I do."

"If you have anything, it's useless...Huh? First, You said you have a top 40,000 ranking?"

Lin Chen was stunned, Shen Lingshuang smiled like a Small Fox, her eyes narrowed into crescent moons, hehe said with a smile.

"Yes, yes, I had a Senior Brother who wanted to trouble me some time ago. He was beaten by me and he gave me the ranking."

A lot of When a genius heard this sentence, his mind was incredibly unbelievable!

This little girl is at the age of sixteen! The cultivation base and heritage make all the geniuses who are present can't see through it!

Can this age be in the top 40,000 talent list? If it is true, it must be a sensational peerless genius!

Lin Chen took a deep look at Shen Lingshuang, and he couldn't see through the cultivation base of this little girl, like some fantasy existence, which obscured her true aura.

"Oh? Little Lass, let the old man take a look."

The white eyebrows old man was curious, and Shen Lingshuang took out her Gold List.

The two old men opened the Gold List and a golden light rushed up.

"39411 on the list of geniuses·Shen Lingshuang, title: none. Sect: unrecordable."

At this moment, the audience is silent...

including all Holy Land inside!

Their pupils trembled and they witnessed the four words "unrecordable"!

Lin Chen is curious, what can't be recorded?

"So that's how it is!"

A white eyebrows old man swallowed hard.

The two mysterious sages who faced more than a dozen holy realms were assaulted as water, they showed a bit of awe!

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