"This is not the price that can be recovered after one treatment. The energy of the alien crystal fragments will also consume most of the energy, and the strength will inevitably decrease!"

Geniuses Surprised and stunned, Luo Yanxia not only took medicine pill, but also spontaneously combusted the strange crystal fragments, and Battle Qi climbed to a peak!

Yi yarn flies, Luo Yanxia’s fingertips circulate and gather at the Yang Fire, burning all the sky, a finger pointed!

"The big sun burns the sun and cracks the magic fingers!"

The beautiful lady screamed, and a bright red fire finger turned out, and the ten acres of fire fingers burned and shot four. The splashing sparks, extremely fast, shook Shen Lingshuang fiercely!

Lin Chen narrowed his eyes.

This refers to the formidable power, he may only be able to control the'Heavenly Sword' and fully use the'Sword Fury Qingtian' or'Yutian' stunts to fight head-on!

Shen Lingshuang's expression changed from pure and innocent to concentrated attention completely, her small face was full of seriousness, her eyes flashed with divine glow, and a stride rushed past!

"Can this Little Lass still resist?"

Lin Chen felt a trace of worry in his heart.

However, at the next moment, Lin Chen realized that his worries were completely unnecessary!

Boom~! The fist wind swept across, A Punch Breaking Heaven, Little Lass threw an unpretentious punch, shook Yang Yan's giant finger, and exploded four Profound Lights!


The terrifying Yangyan Storm was outrageously blown by a punch, and the explosion was like turning over the entire unicorn!

The violent fist wind is like a mad dragon, piercing through Luo Yanxia's lovable body! The beauty sprinkled blood on the spot!

Lin Chen took a breath of air, and many geniuses and Saints in the audience showed up astonished expressions!

That finger just now is not an offensive that can be fully resolved by weak clicks...

The energy of the burning alien crystal fragments is extremely violent and offensive even if it is defeated and broken. The aftermath alone was enough to severely wound an ordinary Five Tribulation Battle Sovereign!

This Little Lass still doesn't use any battle skill, and can he use the Four Tribulations cultivation base to leapfrog it?

Shen Lingshuang’s mouth outlines a simple smile—"One punch is a genius, Master no longer has to worry about my cultivation~"

The corners of everyone's mouth are madly pumping...

A genius list with a punch? There is such an outrageous Little Lass in this world?

"Damn it!"

"How is this Little Lass so strong? She is too young, Martial Saint bloodline probably hasn't really awakened yet..."

"Luo Yanxia Junior Sister was defeated, and she was killed instantly..."

The people on the Sun Moon Palace can't help but become angry. They are pretentious, arrogant.

So far, all the geniuses in the Sun Moon Palace, except Luo Yanxia, ​​have won a streak. This time their goal is to enter the Rainbow Island together!

Being defeated in one round, as if tarnishing their prestige.

Shen Lingshuang was shrugged in all kinds of boring and left the scene easily.

The Young Master in white clothes in the Sun Moon Palace has sharp eyes, staring at Shen Lingshuang's back, murderous aura overflowing!

Ning Qingxuan stared at Shen Lingshuang, looking thoughtful.

Before everyone came back to his senses, Shen Lingshuang got the first batch of the third round, No. 114, the first batch to appear.

Her opponents are even stronger this time. In terms of lottery luck, her luck is almost the worst in the audience!

21240 on the genius list, Wan Jianhuang·Qin Jianfeng!

He is also the son of sword saint, Grade 3 saint vein·ten thousand sword celestial body, and the sword technique with one hand is passed by the sword saint father.

Qin Jianfeng learned the lessons of the first two geniuses, and instead of giving Shen Lingshuang the chance to fight against others, he used the Avatar sword technique to gradually wear down Shen Lingshuang's power.


It's still a punch!

Everyone witnessed Qin Jianfeng’s famous stunt: Return to Origin, and when Shen Lingshuang punched the sky and burst into a sword glow, there was absolute silence in the auditorium!

"How strong is this little girl now?"

Lin Chen is full of shock, and he can't see the strength of this little girl now!

Countless geniuses show the expression of doubting life!

What kind of evil is this little girl!

Four tribulations cultivation base skipping grades to defeat 30,000, 20,000 geniuses, or a spike! Even the son of sword saint, also punched!

One punch, one genius! Swept the audience!

When some geniuses looked towards Lin Chen, they couldn't help but look confused.

What kind of Master is needed to cultivate such a monster?

Ning Qingxuan seriously and carefully sound transmission asked Lin Chen about the process of getting to know Shen Lingshuang. After thinking for a moment, he said seriously to Lin Chen.

"Martial Saint bloodline, there is absolutely no such power, the cultivation base of the two is too far apart, if the two are the same as the Five Tribulation Battle Sovereign cultivation base, the same realm will break through the weakness and quickly defeat it. But there is a great realm difference......"

Ning Qingxuan's blue eyes flowed in brilliance, and there was a rare emotional fluctuation. "Perhaps, the bloodline of this little girl is a higher grade of Martial Saint bloodline!"

Lin Chen's pupils trembled!

To the next level? Could it be that... is the legendary Martial God bloodline?

Some Saints are also aware of this probability.

The eyes of the Saints began to shift from focusing on the genius of the audience to Shen Lingshuang!

Next, the third round set off an unprecedented fierce battle!

Four-game winning streak can directly get a Rainbow Island quota, and three wins will enter the candidate.

If the four-game winning streak exceeds 4000 geniuses, the three-win geniuses will also be eliminated.

If the four-game winning streak is less than four thousand, choose one of the alternatives and fight again. The next battle is very important!

Many long-hidden trump cards have finally begun to be revealed, and even some geniuses of more than 10,000 have met in advance in the third round. The battle is wonderful, and it is the best in the past, playing a knockout game that is recorded in the annals of history!

Ning Qingxuan also encountered a black-clothed youth with a cultivation technique of Yin system, which can be called a rival!

This person is ranked 19,993 on the genius list. He comes from Sword Domain and is famous everywhere!

He is ranked 8th higher than Ning Qingxuan. Ning Qingxuan fought fiercely with him for 2,000 rounds before quickly recovering from the "Dragon Qingxuan" Lin Chen left her, and finally won the battle.

After another two days and two nights of fierce battle, Heaven Ranking finally entered the fourth round!

These days, the ranking of the genius list has changed in turn, and the entire 36 domains can be described as a wave of heated discussions!

Everyone is still unfinished, and they are more and more eagerly looking forward to the next battle!

"The next game is the final game. All the strong players or dark horses are left behind, hehe, it is getting more and more exciting!"

Lin Chen has a good laugh, Ning Qingxuan nodded and said: "There are more than 30,000 ranked geniuses, only 55 can reach the fourth round, more than 20,000 ranked, more than 1,000 ranked, more than 10,000 ranked, 6,000 ranked, more than 10,000 ranked Except for a few people, they have basically won in a row."

In other words, the probability of encountering more than 10,000 ranked geniuses in the next round of Ning Qingxuan and Shen Lingshuang is more than 75%!

"Well, the number of half orange battle skills controlled by many geniuses is between 2 and 4."

Lin Chen looked thoughtful after watching many'classic' battles.

Holding 5 or more types, has not been found yet, or has not been used yet.

Half orange battle skill is extremely difficult to cultivation, peak genius is no exception, bite off more than one can chew.

If the pursuit of quantity and the pursuit of excellence in realm are left behind, the battle skills from cultivation are only weak spots.

"These geniuses are well aware of this. The level of battle skill control is at least brought to the point of perfection or even the pinnacle level. There are almost no half-hearted initial understanding battle skills, and some geniuses use it. The battle skill is even more like using the sword rage Qingtian and Jingyue Evil God, moving like my heart, Major Perfection."

Lin Chen's heart is clicking one's tongue in wonder.

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