"Finally is coming, the top ten battle!"

"Although it is not the top ten thousand genius list, but can win the top ten, There is no doubt that he will be one of the leading figures in the next era!"

"I am optimistic about the Taixu Young Master of the Sun Moon Palace. Although these people are arrogant and extraordinary, they are indeed extremely strong. The battle is all crushing!"

"I am more optimistic about Dongfang Yao and Ji Wushuang of Bai Holy Sect..."

"che, you didn't find that dark horse... …"

The geniuses beyond 40,000 are passionate, full of heated discussions, watching the battle for so long, and their enthusiasm has not diminished at all, and they have become more and more high!


The holy light golden list scrolls with the radiant Holy Splendor, one after another golden light dazzling name nomination list, and begins to list one after another battle list.

Countless pairs of eyes cast expectant look.

"14503 on the genius list·Ke Taiyuan vs. 10009 on the genius list·Dongfang Yao."

"16220 on the genius list·Long Yin vs.15990 on the genius list·Dongfang Wuhen."

"19400 on the list of geniuses·Shen Lingshuang vs.14997 on the list of geniuses·Longsun Tianyao."

The faces of all the geniuses are truly wonderful!

Shen Lingshuang has surpassed more than 3,000 rankings against the grandson Tianyao! This person's strength is much stronger than Ada's bones!

The eldest Sun Tianyao is wearing a blue-ray war gun, and five holy light war wheels are spinning behind him, his eyes are like swords, and he is full of despair.

The starlight is shattered all over his body, shooting freely, piercing the rainbow, and swallowing the world. Just standing here is enough to scare countless people's courage, just like an Immemorial Battle Sovereign standing proudly in the field!

"Grade 3 holy veins, refining five light-system alien crystal fragments, it is said that they also repair the Spear Art Absolute Art of Immemorial Asura Race, and integrate a half orange spear technique..."

"He has swallowed a hundred seventh-rank peak beast cores alive. It is simply a monster..."

"If a single round of Spear Art is very accomplished, it is said that the grandson Tianyao It can be ranked within the top 100 of the genius list! There are no too many bells and whistles, only extremely powerful spear skills!"

Many geniuses focused on the 12th Qiyuntai, the long-term Sun Tianyao's background is strong , Everyone has started to discuss the topic that Shen Lingshuang can endure a few rounds and lose afterwards!

Suddenly, Shen Lingshuang opened her bright eyes from above the seat, and there was a divine glow flickering.

Lin Chen patted Shen Lingshuang's shoulders, taking away all the attribute light balls in her body.

[Get 10 points of high level cultivation technique essence, 33 points of high level cultivation technique essence, 19 points of high level cultivation technique essence...]

Lin Chen gained 97 points of high level cultivation technique essence.

Yes, when Shen Lingshuang learns the battle skill, the moment when the bloodline innate talent is activated, she will produce a lot of high level cultivation technique essence in her body, which is derived from the characteristics of her bloodline.

"Okay... so amazing, Master, you are so amazing..."

Shen Lingshuang glanced at herself, almost repaying Lin Chen with an admiring look!

"Don't be obsessed with the Master, Master is just a legend." Lin Chen gave a smirk, and immediately said jokingly: "If you lose again this time, don't blame being a teacher..."

"Lingshuang knows! Hehe, I must blow them up!"

Shen Lingshuang jumped into the field again, like a simple girl from a neighbor’s house and an aggressive grandson Tianyao. Two poles.

A lot of sympathetic female geniuses can't look down.

"Lin Chen, what kind of man are you! Let a little girl work hard, but you sit back and enjoy it?"

"I am ashamed to call myself the Master of others. You taught this little girl Girl what?"

"As a Master, you didn’t even learn the battle skill of your own discipline cultivation. You are a mediocre master who wants to kill people!"

Long Sun Tianyao The strength of Shen Lingshuang was far superior to Ada Gu, and Shen Lingshuang almost came out of the mortal danger in the battle with Ada Gu. Fighting with the grandson Tianyao, it is indeed possible that even the Holy Realm could not be cured.

But everyone still hates Lin Chen, the'incompetent teacher' more! Spur a little girl to fight, sit back and reap the benefits, and arouse the anger of geniuses at this cowardly behavior!

In the face of the ridicule and verbal abuse, even Mo Qingsuan and Lan Ruoxue are quite stressed!

Ning Qingxuan and Lin Chen alone have nothing.

Ning Qingxuan is as plain as water, and even looks forward to Shen Lingshuang.

She has always believed in Lin Chen. From the little Divine Martial Sect to today, he is still the most special person in the holy world!

And Lin Dashuai forced to silently stretch out a middle finger to those ridiculing geniuses, slightly smiled very coquettishly.

"A group of big evil pens."


When the geniuses were furious and were about to yell at them, the situation in the Qiyuntai changed suddenly!

One shot in hand, the unparalleled long-term Sun Tianyao's pupils trembled with fear!

"Fighting Demon Burning Sky Fist!"

With a squeaky sound, Qiyuntai suddenly blew up a terrifying storm!


As if Heaven and Earth were blasted away, the earth-shaking explosion burst into a punch through Heaven and Earth, many defenses, all kinds of spear skills, all shattered and annihilated!

Boom! The guns flew horizontally, and the grandson Tianyao was blown away thousands of meters away!

All the geniuses are suddenly sluggish!


Weird silence...

The tens of thousands of geniuses in the audience fell into the silence that can be heard for a while!

Even the geniuses who have just entered Taiwan but have not yet started a war are stunned!

In the Qiyuntai, fire clouds are rolling, and the fire robbery Battle Qi burns to the stage like a fire sea.

Shen Lingshuang wore a peach red-clothed skirt, with long hair tied up, bright eyes and white teeth, bathed in the fire sea, feet on the flying flames, raging flames burning the sky flowing between her fists, clothes The skirt is fluttering, it looks majestic, valiant and formidable looking, just like that peerless female Martial God came to the world!

The grandson Tianyao fell to the ground and twitched like a dead dog, covered in blood!

Second kill?

The opening is both a spike and a punch?

"She...she used the half-orange-level battle skill?"

"Isn’t she saying that she doesn’t know the half-orange-level battle skill, what's the situation?"

All the geniuses in the audience are stunned!

What happened?

They haven't even said anything about Lin Chen, this grandson Tianyao was blown away?

The sacred scenes who are better than watching the battle from high above also showed horrified expressions!

That punch just now was too bad!

"The punch is seamless. It climbs to Perfection. It contains the principle of Return to the Natural State. It surpasses the original rank of the battle skill. It is displayed in the hands of the Four Tribulation Battle Sovereign cultivation base. It turns decay into a magical flavor!"

"Even the old man could not spot the weak spot of that punch. This is not the level of initial understanding! At least five times the original level. No, even higher formidable power!"

"Could it be that...she learned half-orange boxing in such a short period of time, and cultivated to Perfection!"

Powerhouses in the environment are extremely scared, and the scalp is numb!

The one after another of the holy realms stared at Lin Chen's body, staring at him firmly, as if to see all his secrets transparently!

Lin is very satisfied with nodded and said.

"Well, yes. Look at this child, he will respect the old and cherish the young, be polite to others, show mercy at every turn, I teach it at a glance~"

The geniuses looked at the fallen, bloody and convulsed grandson Tianyao, and the corners of his mouth twitched violently...

What's this special called show mercy?

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