12250, this ranking is 2,700 higher than the long-sun Tianyao!

The top 20,000 in the genius list, each ranking is extremely difficult to improve. The genius who has reached this step has little qualitative transformation, and it is extremely difficult to move forward.

With a gap of 2700 rankings, the True Yingyue of the Sun Moon Palace may be several times more difficult than the Sun Tianyao!

Purple clothed beautiful lady flutters down, with moth eyebrows, female beauty captivating even the birds and beasts, beautiful, surpassingly beautiful, exquisite figure with a full grip.

It's the loneliness and arrogance between the eyebrows, it's so incredible! It seems that the genius present is not in the eyes at all, and the corner of the eye is full of contempt!

The geniuses of the Sun Moon Palace, as if every one is so incomparable.

"Why, he looks so beautiful, but Lao Tzu likes does not raise at all."

"The genius of the Sun Moon Palace is too lonely and arrogant, in comparison , On the contrary, Shen Lingshuang is quite cute."

"It’s not going to be lonely, it’s Grade 5 sect, which is among the best in 36 domains. The difference between ordinary Grade 4 sect and Peak’s Grade 4 sect We haven’t experienced how big it is, let alone the gap between Grade 5 and Peak Grade 5!"

"In Grade 5 sect, you can pick a few core true stories, which are all in the top six of the genius list. Wan's level, her level and origin, her trump card can't be underestimated, most likely there are some secret killing moves."

The geniuses have a solemn heart.

At this moment, Shen Lingshuang also opened her eyes, divine glow glowing, and she jumped into the Qiyuntai.

"The aphids, who think they are a little innate talent, are so arrogant? Let me run you guys to death for the Senior Brother."

Zhen Yingyue’s The corners of the lips outline a touch of extreme disdain.

She was born in the Sun Moon Palace, but not the geniuses in front!

The Riyue Palace is Peak Grade 5 sect, and it can become the 30 strongest true biography in the contemporary era. Would it be a mortal? Why not fear her Martial Saint bloodline!

Shen Lingshuang squeezed her fists and snorted with an old-fashioned hum——"Master once said, life and death are indifferent, do it if you refuse to accept it. People like you are Five Elements who owe it."

What the hell?

Many geniuses hearing this, their mouths twitched wildly, and they looked towards Lin Chen's direction, how did this guy teach the discipline......

Zhen Yingyue's brows trembled and her face looked cold. Shuang——"Sure enough, it is jackals of the same tribe with that kid. The dog can't spit out ivory. It's extremely disgusting."


The Holy Spirit said Under the order, the imposing manner of the two suddenly skyrocketed!

Zhen Yingyue Battle Qi transforms into shape, and suddenly releases all the Battle Qi, violently suppresses it, and rushes towards Shen Lingshuang!


Shen Lingshuang predicted in advance that its silhouette turned into an afterimage, Battle Qi smashed the Qi Yuntai, and the overbearing power of formidable power made people look disillusioned.

The Battle Qi actually condensed into a green hill of Battle Qi among the electric light and flint, exploding to reclaim the sea in Zhenjiang!

Zhen Yingyue's hand flipped, five fingers grabbed the Battle Qi crack, and the Battle Qi Qingshan burst into a green claw in an instant!

Shen Lingshuang leaned over and punched to raise upwards, the battle Qi of the earth was as steady as a thousand mountains, weakly clicked and broke the wind claw! Countless wind blades rushed away with the rebound of the fist wind!

Zhen Yingyue's movement method flashed, unfolding a series of defense battle skills, condensing the cyan ray screen to the whole body, blocking the rebounding wind blade, and retreating all over.

"You don't even have a few decent battle skills, what are you fighting against me? Innate talent? Huh!"

Ma Yingyue sneered and flicked, Yu Refers to dozens of fingers connected to the void at an extremely fast speed!

covering the heavens, shielding the sun's fingers of wind blade energy covering the heavens, shielding the sun turned out to be violent and imposing to Shen Lingshuang in an imposing manner!

Countless geniuses look particularly solemn.

Zhen Yingyue's movement method, defense, and attacking battle skills are all half-orange ranks, and offensive and defensive are perfectly integrated. Its Grade 3 sacred veins derived from the'Extreme Falling Holy Wind Body' is placed in the Peak of the Grade 3 sacred veins!

Shen Lingshuang repeatedly dodges and clearly understands the shortcomings of this set of Finger Law, which can be as good as avoiding Finger Law's strikes!

"It's a Little Mud Fish, how are you going to hide next?"

Jin Yingyue took out a seventh rank Peak battle bow, pulled it quickly with a slender hand, and pulled the bow. On the string, the lovable body is shining with five different crystal fragments rays of light.

These five alien crystal fragments are not comparable to the low-level alien crystal fragments of Juetian Pavilion Young Master Qin Tian, ​​and their energy is extremely powerful!

When Wind Element Battle Qi condenses, the arrow light that pulls the bowstring swiftly like a strong wind shoots out wildly, as fast as the Profound Light penetrates!

It is another half-orange Wind Element arrow method of cultivation Perfection!

Relying on the bloodline innate talent, Shen Lingshuang has gradually begun to reach the limit of avoidance!

"You can't avoid it! Then Shen Lingshuang is going to lose!"

"Wind Element Battle Qi blessing arrow method, like a tiger that has grown wings, too fast, I’m so dazzled!"

"She can’t get her punch, and it’s useless to break through her weakness, but will leave a weak spot instead!"

"Fang’s cultivation base The gap is too big. The genius list is a very male in the early stage of leapfrogging. Her punch can only erupt with melee combined with pure power to achieve the greatest formidable power! But Jin Yingyue obviously won't give her a chance to get close!"

The geniuses quickly looked at the current situation, Shen Lingshuang is about to lose!

Even if she can break through the best weakness and rebound the offensive, Jin Yingyue also has the most powerful defense battle skill and movement method, and can stretch her legs!

Boom~! Hundreds of arrows were fired, and the aurora-like arrows enveloped Shen Lingshuang, and everyone's hearts echoed a single thought.

She is going to lose.

"This is the end of the fight against my Sun Moon Palace! Shoot her to death, and reflect Junior Sister Yue!"

The Young Master in white smiles up to the sky, looking towards Lin Chen with all his eyes Contempt and disdain!

At the crucial moment, Lin gave a grin.

"little girl, let those who laugh at you look at your ability."


Hundred arrow glow culled all empty, colliding and strangling together!


Everyone hasn't come back to his senses yet, a fist wind outrageously hits from behind Jin Yingyue!

Zhen Yingyue was frightened, she instinctively got goose bumps! Quickly activate the movement method and defense battle skill, and the azure light air curtain rotates and flows.

Tear and pull~! Bang~!

It’s really fast to reflect the moon, and Shen Lingshuang is even faster. A "Fighting Demon Burning Sky Fist" suddenly penetrated her azure light curtain, the defense battle skill was broken, and the turquoise vest and armor she was wearing began. A crack!

"pu chi ~!"

Zhen Yingyue vomited blood and retreated violently, her eyes horrified!

"How is this possible..."


A colorful rainbow flashed again, and Shen Lingshuang appeared above her head, again with a familiar formula and a familiar fist! To the top of the head is the hammer!

Zhen Yingyue was unable to quench her defense, raised her hand to block her bow, and Shen Lingshuang punched her bow body! The fist wind penetrated, vomiting blood again!

While being attacked, Zhen Yingyue vomited blood and gritted her teeth, tearing a burst of Battle Qi with the five fingers of her left hand and cutting Shen Lingshuang with a sharp blade.

pu chi ~! The afterimage of Shen Lingshuang shattered into a colorful rainbow of light, and the next moment appeared behind Jin Yingyue!


All geniuses take a cold breath!

Can’t be wrong, it’s a half-orange movement method!

Zhen Yingyue specializes in Wind Element Battle Qi, specializing in speed, at least a half-orange movement method, in order to catch up with Zhen Yingyue's abnormal speed!

During the participation in the Heaven Ranking conference, two consecutive half-orange cultivation techniques were cultivated to Perfection?

How is this fuck possible! How is this taught?

This is not only a disorder of the discipline, this Master is also a monster!

The master and disciple are so outrageous!

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