The next day, LAN Jihua took Wei Chi out of the palace. Kang Yanlong wanted to go with him. He was pinned there by LAN Jihua's eyes and didn't dare to step.

Kang Yanlong was very anxious. "Your Majesty, how can you go out of the palace by yourself? At least you'll take some servants with you."

LAN Jihua pointed to Wei Chi: "I'll take him."

It's not easy to take Yuchi. After all, it's Dongyue's assassin. Yuchi is not easy to serve people. He can only kill people.

Kang Yanlong didn't know what the emperor thought. He didn't bring anyone but an assassin.

"Your Majesty," he knelt down and begged, "Yuchi is not easy to be unfaithful to your majesty. He is a dangerous person. You must not..."

"Shut up." LAN Jihua bent down and said, "don't think I don't know who your master is when you send messages to the emperor?"

Kang Yanlong shivered and lowered his head. It was he who sent the news to the emperor. The emperor couldn't listen to the advice. He had to think of other ways to get rid of Wei Chi.

"Kneel here, don't get up." Lanji hualeng voice command, with Yuchi not easy to go.

When Kang Yanlong looked up, it happened that Wei Chi couldn't easily turn around and smile at him. With pride and provocation, he sighed and bowed his head, hoping that the emperor would come back safe and sound.

The former palace of weichi Wenyu is not far from the palace. It's on the same street. It's deserted for a long time, but it's not full of weeds and dust. Someone has been cleaning it there all the time.

Speaking of his relationship with weichi Wenyu, it's a bit complicated. They used to be competitors for the throne. Weichi Wenyu held the military power of Nanyuan in his hand, and even the empress had to be afraid of him. Originally, it was nothing to fight for the throne by his ability. But in the thousand face man plan, he and Wei Chi Wenyu have different attitudes. He doesn't agree with the absurd plan, but he can't defeat the female emperor. Wei Chi Wenyu is much more active than him and offers advice to the female emperor, so the female emperor relies on him very much. At one time, he thought that weichi Wenyu had an evil mind and despised him. Later, he learned that weichi Wenyu had sacrificed himself to save Bai Qianfan. When the news came, he couldn't help but be moved to know that Wei Chi's heart had finally returned to the right path.

Therefore, he kept the house for a long time, preferring to keep it empty. Knowing that the house was there, he kept a thought in his heart.

When I opened the door, there was a layer of leaves on the ground, and the sweeper was probably lazy. He couldn't think of anyone, so he cleaned it only once a few days. Stepping on the fallen leaves on the veranda, stepping on the wood, the sound of Deng Deng Deng, ring in the empty house, a bit frightening.

Wei Chi can't help looking back.

LAN Jihua asked, "what are you looking at?"

"I always think there's someone behind me."

"It's not human, it's the ghost of your son."

Wei Chi didn't easily shrink his neck. He soon became calm and self-contained. "It's the ghost of my son. Maybe he's coming to take revenge on you."

LAN Jihua was very emotional: "come on, I really miss him."

Wei Chi is not easy to cut a, "you are not afraid of him to want your life?"

"He and I are old friends, so it's nothing to go down with him."

"So, please commit suicide."

"I'm not crazy. I'm not crazy."

"You just said to stay with him."

LAN Jihua looked at her and said with a smile, "if you kill me, I'll go down with him."

It's not easy for Wei Chi to see the pride on his face. He wants to slap him in the face and look down on people. Wait and see!

The inside of the room is cleaner than the outside. Although there is a thin layer of dust on the tables and chairs, if you don't pay attention to it, you can also sit with a brush at will.

LAN Jihua was a good guide. He introduced her all the way. "This is the hall. There are side halls on both sides. Walking back, there is a patio in the middle. He often practices martial arts here. His bedroom is at the back, and his study is at the left From here out, there is a garden, careful steps, yo, no one tube, this flower is better than other places. There is a small pond over there. The pond used to be a forest of trees... "

Wei Chi is not easy to say, "after so many years, the emperor is still familiar with this place. Do you come here often?" Although LAN Jihua denies that he has Longyang addiction, she has such a deep memory of a house that has been empty for more than ten years that she has to suspect that Nanyuan dog poisoned her childe because of love and hatred.

"It hasn't changed at all here. Of course I'm familiar with it."

"It's empty, too. Why didn't the emperor send it for other purposes?"

LAN Jihua shook his head, "people left, things are still there, the right to leave a thought."

Wei Chi is not easy to jump, as expected is so, she quietly asked, "the emperor and our son must have a good relationship before?"

Blue Ji China light way: "can't talk about good, also can't talk about bad."

Wei Chi's heart beats again. It's clear that he can't ask for it

She looked at the green water surface of the small pond. She was very anxious and turned around. How could she hurt him?LAN Jihua pointed to the forest in front of him and said, "I'll take you there for a walk."

Wei Chi is not easy to suddenly plan, cover stomach to say, "you don't go, I go to answer an urgent."

"Do you want to go to the cottage? It's over there

"Oh, it's too late. Don't come here..." Wei Chi is not easy to cover his stomach and runs into the woods in a panic.

There is no ready-made convenient opportunity. She wants to create opportunities. She is always with him, which is not convenient for her. She went into the woods, had the cover of the woods, and began to arrange. Just after fixing the concealed weapon, she suddenly stepped out of her feet, which scared her. She quickly grasped the branches on the side and didn't fall down. She patted her chest, still in shock. She carefully pulled out the leaves on the ground and found that there was a pit below. It was so dark that she couldn't see how deep it was. How could there be a pit in the woods? Yuchi has no time to guess. He's so happy that his eyebrows are raised. It's a wonderful serial plan. This time, Nanyuan dog can't escape!

She piled up the fallen leaves again and couldn't see any trace. As long as LAN Jihua stepped down, she would immediately throw a concealed weapon under him and tie him into a hedgehog. Even if he could escape in pain, she would lie in ambush on the side. As soon as he went out, she would slap him on the tree with her hand, and her pear blossom thorns would all stick into his body. He was injured in many places and consumed physical strength, so she would use it again He was a unique master. He had a big fight with him. He killed Nanyuan dog in the quiet woods. When there was a place to bury his body, he left it in that pit. No one came here on weekdays. After a few months, the body turned to white bone, and no one knew who died? It's perfect!

Wei Chi is not easy to be convinced by his clever plan. He can't help but cover his mouth and smile. How can he be so clever? He's not used to it.

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