Weichi Buyi wakes up very late the next day. She hears a maid of honor come to the account and ask quietly, "hasn't the young master woken up yet?"

Someone hissed, "don't wake him up, let him sleep more, go down."

No one answered, but Wei Chi didn't know that the maid of honor had quietly retired.

She heard that Lan Jihua was speaking. It was strange that Lan Jihua stayed in the main hall after she got up. How could she be in the bedroom today?

She quietly sat up, barefoot down, the whole person lying on the ground, crawling like a cat, through the heavy curtain, she saw LAN Jihua lazily leaning on the soft couch, reading.

She was about to go out to scare him, but LAN Jihua spoke, and her tone was happy. "How can't you even walk? Do you want to climb?"

Wei Chi is not easy to have some silly eyes. He doesn't make a sound at all. How does he know?

She lifted the account and said, "are you a mouse, with such sharp ears?"

LAN Jihua deliberately face, "wanton, how to talk to me?"

Weichi not easy to stand there did not move, slightly aggrieved, said, "you said let me not take you as the emperor, as a good friend." It's natural to be presumptuous in front of good friends.

LAN Jihua didn't hold on and laughed. "I thought you forgot when you woke up. I didn't forget." He stayed here, waiting for her to wake up. He was afraid that she would be sad when she woke up and remembered what happened last night. Unexpectedly, she was as reckless as before, and his heart temporarily fell down.

The sunlight came in from the window and cast a piece of golden light. The golden light of the huge bedroom hall was separated into two parts. Wei Chi was not easy to be at that end, and LAN Jihua was at this end. He looked at each other from afar through the golden light.

"Come here," Lan Jihua reached out to her.

Wei Chi walked two steps forward and walked into the golden light. He was like a phoenix bathing in fire. His hair was dyed golden, his face was white and transparent, his eyes were as black as colored glaze, and his broad robes were flying in the wind, and his collar showed delicate clavicles

LAN Jihua stares at her for a moment. Suddenly she is thirsty. She stands up and turns to go out.

Wei Chi is not easy to stop. He is stunned there. He asks her to go, but he leaves suddenly. What do you mean?

The emperor has always been a bit eccentric. Wei Chi didn't bother to guess and went back to his room to wash.

When he got up too late, it was difficult for Wei Chi to have lunch directly, but LAN Jihua didn't show up, and Kang Yanlong didn't see anyone. As soon as he inquired, he knew that Lan Jihua was discussing things with the elders in the assembly hall.

The assembly hall is a palace where the Nanyuan emperor went to court. As the most unlike the emperor, LAN Jihua only went there once in a while. Usually, several elders were sitting there.

Although LAN Jihua was away, the maids were still attentive and respectful as usual.

It's not easy for Wei Chi to eat half of it. He suddenly thinks of the insect and rolls up the sleeve of his left arm to have a closer look. Although LAN Jihua says that the insect is dormant, she has to eat at the right time. Will what she eats become the food of the insect?

She looked like LAN Jihua, holding two fingers on her arm, but Gu Chong didn't appear. The maid in waiting on her side didn't understand, "what is this, young master?"

Weichi Buyi doesn't know whether her poisoning has been made public or not. For the sake of safety, she still doesn't say it. She shakes her head and says, "nothing."

After dinner, she went downstairs for a walk and saw two maids standing behind the bodhi tree talking in a low voice. She didn't know what they were talking about?

Yuchi is not easy to get bored, so he goes over and hears a maid in waiting say, "you'd better leave this matter alone. Your majesty is furious and doesn't want their lives. He just cuts his tongue and makes a criminal seal. It's light."

Another lamented, "Yuxiang is my own sister. She has become dumb and has a guilty face. How can she get married in the future?"

"Even if you're dumb, the most important thing is to be looked down upon all your life."

"Yes, not only she was humiliated, but also my parents were humiliated, and the whole family couldn't lift their heads." The maid in waiting began to cry.

"Don't cry, Yuye. When your majesty comes back, I'll try to beg for mercy, but it may not be possible..."

The maid in waiting suddenly wiped her tears. "It's not easy for you. Can you ask him?"

Wei Chi couldn't easily hear it. He coughed twice, raised his head, put his hand behind him, and came to them, "what do you want me to do?"

Two palace maids are scared to kneel down, "childe Jin'an."

Yuchi is not easy to get used to other people kneeling down to her and pulling her up one by one. "I didn't mean to eavesdrop on you. I just happened to pass by. Please tell me, what can I do for you?"

The two palace maids look at each other. Yuye tells the story. It turns out that one of the two palace maids Yuchi met in the flowers yesterday is her sister. Because they are talkative, they lead her to the dungeon. In her anger, LAN Jihua asks people to catch the two palace maids, cut their tongues, and make a criminal seal.

Wei Chi is not easy to be surprised. He didn't expect that Lan Jihua would punish the two maids in court. He punished them so severely, cutting his tongue It's terrible to think about it.She asked, "has it been cut?"

Yu Ye replied with tears in her eyes, "I don't know. They are not allowed to see each other in prison."

"Take me to see it."

Two palace maids hesitated, did not dare to agree.

Wei Chi is not easy to urge them, "go, go late, tongue can't hold."

Yuye shed tears again, but he didn't hesitate any more. He led Yuchi to go forward. Another hesitated for a while and followed him.

In the northwest corner of the palace, where the prisoners are kept, three people are stopped outside the door. The guard with a knife looks at them solemnly. "This is the crime hall, and the rest of the people should avoid it as soon as possible."

Wei Chi is not easy to say, "I want to go in."

"Only sinners can be convicted. Have you committed a crime?"

Wei Chi doesn't easily point to Yu Ye, "her sister is in it. We want to go in and have a look."

"No one can be convicted without your Majesty's consent."

Accompanied by a palace maid suddenly said, "this is not easy childe, he is your Majesty's side, also can't enter?"

Wei Chi didn't easily hold his head high at once, "Your Majesty said, in the palace, where do I want to go? I'll tell your majesty who stops me. "

Yuchi Buyi's name has been spread in the palace for a long time. Everyone knows that he is the emperor's favorite. He eats and lives with him. The emperor dotes on him very much. This time, it's because the two palace maids have too many mouths to let Buyi go into the dungeon, and then they have to cut their tongues. But the rule is the rule. If you really want to let Yuchi in, the guards dare not.

At this time, suddenly a scream came from the room. Wei Chi was not easy to jump, and he didn't come back. Another scream came out.

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