The next day, Mo Rongshu and Bai Qianfan went to the nearby town. This town is very small, and it is a depression formed between two mountains. A road passes through the depression. On both sides of the depression, there are low houses. They are all yellow brick houses. Although they are simple, they look neat.

It was not a town before. Because of its convenient location, villagers from all corners of the country like to come here to do small business, and gradually become popular. Someone built a house here and moved out of the village. Over a long period of time, such a small town has been formed. Although the town is small, it has all kinds of internal organs, including blacksmith shop, lacquer shop, silk shop, coffin shop, pharmacy, restaurant, small teahouse and bag shop Zipu

The shops were all open, and there were no plaques. Only a small board was hung beside the wall, and a few words were simply engraved on it. Some had flags. Although the flags were dirty, the words on them were clear. Not as prosperous as other places, but also lively.

Bai Qianfan took two deep breaths in front of the buns shop. The hot buns were white and soft. She couldn't help licking her lips. Mo Rongshu asked, "or?"

Bai Qianfan said, "Sir, let's have steamed buns at noon."

Mo Rong Shu raised his chin toward Ning shisan: "buy it now."

He pulled Bai Qianfan into the shed and sat down. "It's windy outside. You can go after eating."

It's no better than the capital, and the staff are not enthusiastic. Seeing a guest sitting under the shed, he took a greasy rag to wipe the table. He only frowned. He didn't expect the steamed stuffed buns that would be sent. How could the food in the remote countryside be better?

But when the steamed stuffed bun was brought up, Bai Qianfan bit it, and her eyes immediately became bright. She was a greedy owner, which means that the taste of steamed stuffed bun was good. Mo Rongshu was funny. His Empress had been in the deep palace for so many years, and she would never learn to be quiet. When she was happy, she would laugh, if she was not happy, she would be angry, if she was delicious, she would never flatter.

"It's really fragrant," she looked at him with a smile holding the steamed stuffed bun, "I'll try one."

Mo Rongshu looks at the steamed stuffed bun on the plate and picks up one. It's not too soft, but it's very chewy and the stuffing is delicious. It's better than the food on the army road. He's not polite and eats it in a big bite.

They bought a lot of steamed stuffed buns. The boss came to say hello when he finished his work. Mo Rongshu took the opportunity to ask him about the blind bear patting people. The boss was a short man. He was a little fat. When he put on a thick coat, he clubbed around the table like a ball. He had small eyes and eight eyebrows. He was very happy to laugh. When he heard about the blind bear, he became addicted to talk and talked with Mo Rongshu Those inquired about in the village are similar.

If you ask me if anyone has been lost in the town, the boss says that they have been lost too. But it's not the blind bear who took the photo. It's the woman who ran away with the wild man. This road leads to Chisha City, where there are many merchants. There are often women who can't stand the hardships here. They ran away with more than one man from other places, so it's not unusual.

When the boss talked about this kind of thing, he was even more elated. Anyway, they were all men, and there was nothing inconvenient about it. He also talked about meat jokes in his mind. The two bodyguards were so cold that they almost broke out. Mo Rongshu gave them a wink. He interrupted the boss and dragged Bai Qianfan away.

The town is too small. It's just a road. It won't take long to walk from the beginning to the end, and then from the end to the end. There's really nothing to do. Two people watched people make iron in the blacksmith's shop for a while, then went to the lacquer shop to see people draw lacquer boxes, and the silk shop went in to touch the cloth. Finally, Bai Qianfan said, "my Lord, come back."

Mo Rongshu looked up at the sky, "then go back."

Who knows back to camp, Cao Tianming immediately follow up camp account, face dignified report to the emperor, "emperor, just got the news, the first village was robbed by Mengda army."

Bai Qianfan said, "what did you rob? Did you rob people? "

"More than a dozen people, food and livestock."

Mo Rong Shu's face sank, looking at the topographic map on the table, "which village?"

Cao Tianming carefully said goodbye and designated one of them as "here."

Mo Rong Shu's eyebrows were tied and he looked at Bai Qianfan, "it's the village where we stayed last night."

Bai Qianfan put soft armor on his body, "what are you waiting for? Go and have a look." She had a bad feeling in her heart. She wanted to fly right away.

Mo Rongshu asked Cao Tianming, "didn't you send someone to chase him?"

"Get the news, Chen Shen will personally take people to the past, but did not catch up, that group of Mengda people seem to be very familiar with this mountain forest, a drill in disappeared."

"Are you sure it's Monda?"

"It's the dress of the Monda army."

"Where's Chen Shen Jiang?"

"Still searching in the mountains."

Mo Rongshu looked at Bai Qianfan and said, "let's go. I'll go and have a look."

Because the Mengda army was nearby, for the sake of safety, Mo Rongshu not only brought his bodyguard, but also a small group of people to escort him. Bai Qianfan riding on the horse, anxious, don't know if there is something wrong with the Douer family?

As we galloped along, we saw a lot of people in the village from a distance. When we got close, there were loud cries. Some people kowtowed to the soldiers who were wearing armor and begged them to rescue the captured people.Yesterday, the village was as peaceful and peaceful as before. Today, it's so miserable. Bai Qianfan got off his horse and looked at it carefully. There was no Douer's family. She was still worried. When Mo Rongshu asked Chen Shenjiang, she went to Douer's house on the slope. The yard was cold and the door was open. She called twice, but no one answered. As soon as she was about to enter, Douer's grandfather appeared At the door, seeing her, the corners of her mouth fell down and cried, "you're late, you've been taken away!"

Bai Qianfan quickly held him, "who was caught?"

"My son, daughter-in-law and my little granddaughter have all been taken away!" Grandfather Dou'er sat down on the front sill and wept, "tartar soldiers, bandits How can we live if we stay here... "

Bai Qianfan asked, "where's grandma Douer?"

"Lying in the house, I can't live."

Bai Qianfan was surprised and went in to have a look. Grandma Douer was sleeping in bed with gauze on her head. She looked very bad.

"What's wrong with grandma Douer?"

"When the tartar soldiers came to rob people, she stopped them. She was pushed to the wall and hit her head. She hasn't woken up yet." Douer grandfather wiped tears, "this day can't pass."

The pain of bone and flesh separation, Bai Qianfan is the most clear, that kind of pain directly to the bottom of my heart, tearing heart and splitting lung in general, never better. She accompanied Douer's grandfather to tears and patted the soft armour, "don't worry, I will save Douer's family of three."

Douer's grandfather looked at her dimly with tears in his eyes. At this time, Hou found that her dress was different. He was surprised in sadness, "madam, you are dressed up..."

"I cheated you yesterday. I'm not a businessman, I'm a soldier, I'm here for the robbery of Chisha city. Now that the village is in trouble, why don't the army ignore me? Hello, take care of grandma Douer. Don't go anywhere and wait for the good news."

"Ouch! This is a life-saving Bodhisattva. If you save them, I'll give you the longevity card every day. " Douer's grandfather knelt down to her and was held by Bai Qianfan. "Don't do that. Get up quickly. I'm ashamed to say that the army is nearby. I'm sorry to let the Mengda army succeed."

Douer's grandfather shakes his head and sobs, unable to speak. Bai Qianfan feels guilty. He sniffs and wipes his tears. He sees a shadow fixed at the door. Looking up, he looks at her with a heavy face. He doesn't know how long he has been standing there?

Oh, it's getting more and more serious. Who caught the man?

Nine more tickets to Canada,?? , monthly ticket, you grinding goblin!

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