Sunrise is as red as fire in the East. The depressed scenery is bathed in the rising sun and dyed with a little golden light. Everything seems to be more gentle and confusing for a moment.

Bai Qianfan rubs her eyes and sits up slowly. She finds that Mo Rongshu is not in the account. She is stunned. Since she joined the army, she hasn't opened her eyes and can't see anyone. She's not used to it. But what happened yesterday made him sleepy. He got up early to discuss with others.

With water in the camp account, she simply washed, dressed and went to the door.

Ning shisan was by the door. Hearing the footsteps, he quickly lifted the curtain. Bai Qianfan asked, "where's the emperor?"

Ning shisan looked around and lowered his voice. "The emperor said to buy steamed buns for the empress."

White thousand sail Leng for a while, "go how long?"

Ning shisan replied, "I'll leave before dawn. I want to go up for the emperor, but the emperor says I'll go in person to be sincere."

Bai Qianfan thought about it carefully. It seems that Mo Rongshu said last night that she was going to buy some steamed buns. At that time, she was too sleepy and didn't pay much attention. She knew that she should stop him. What kind of steamed buns would she buy at this time.

"It's not peaceful now. How many people did the emperor take with him?"

"That's what the slave said, but the emperor said to go and come back quickly. He only brought eleven and nineteen. The emperor also said to let the slave protect the empress well. She would take the slave if she lost her hair."

Bai Qianfan was a little uneasy. "How can I only take two people with me? What should I do if I meet the Mengda soldiers?"

Ning shisan comforted her, "don't worry, madam. You can come and go freely in the Mengda army with the skill of the emperor. There are still 11 and 19. There will be no problem."

Bai Qianfan knows that Mo Rongshu is good, but mengdajun is nearby. She can't help but worry. She stretches her neck and looks at the distance. "I'll leave before dawn, and it's time to go back."

Ning shisan was also worried. When did the emperor leave? He knew that he should return, but there was no emperor at the end of the road.

An hour later, Bai Qianfan stood under the tree, staring at the road back from the town, just like a watchman's stone.

Deputy general Bao came over with his hands on his back and paced, "is Deputy General Qian waiting for someone?"

Bai Qianfan did not hide his anxiety, "I wait for the emperor."

"It's said that the emperor went to buy steamed buns for Vice General Qian. The town is not far away from here. It's time to come back. If the Emperor didn't come back, he was caught by someone."

He said sarcastic words and glanced at Bai Qianfan. The Deputy General Qian was really shameless. He said that waiting for the emperor, the emperor was just bored on the military road. He really took himself as a green onion to relieve his boredom.

Bai Qianfan didn't answer. He asked for nothing and said, "don't worry, general Cao will send someone to meet him. The emperor will be back soon."

Just then, a few people on the other side of the road rushed over quickly. As soon as Bai Qianfan's eyes brightened, he immediately ran forward. Cao Tianming had stopped the man in charge. He looked flustered and almost fell off the horse. "General, something happened. The emperor was captured by the Mengda Army!"

Bai Qianfan, who was in a hurry, faltered and almost fell to the ground. Fortunately, Cao Tianming gave him a helping hand, "Vice General Qian, are you ok?"

"I'm ok," Bai Qianfan asked the messenger in a sharp voice, "what's the matter, tell me quickly!"

The messenger came back all the way, and his breath was not enough. "The general sent the small one to meet the emperor. When the small one arrived in the town, he saw a lot of wolves on the ground. Someone sat in front of the shop and cried. When the small one found the steamed bun shop, there was only one old man in it. He took the small one to cry and said that the Mengda army had captured all the people."

Bai Qianfan said, "you can ask clearly, is there the emperor among the people who were captured?"

"Asked," the soldier took a big breath, and finally made a quick remark. "The brothers depicted the emperor and the two bodyguards. They asked several people who had witnessed with their own eyes, and they all said that they had been arrested. Xiaode found this in the bun shop. "Xiaobing took out a sachet from his arms, which was given to him by Bai Qianfan when Mo Rongshu was on the March.

Bai Qianfan took it and stared at it for a moment, as if to see a flower.

Cao Tianming asked, "Deputy General Qian, is this the thing the emperor has with him?"

Bai Qianfan nodded, "exactly." Holding the sachet tightly in her hand, she turned and walked towards the camp.

Cao Tianming took two steps, "Vice General Qian, you..."

Bai Qianfan's steps did not stop. "My mind is a little confused. I want to be quiet. I'll consult with the general later."

Cao Tianming has no choice but to stop. The emperor is gone. It's a big deal. He's a bit of a fool. Fortunately, the queen is still here. Finally, there's someone to discuss. Being stunned, deputy general Bao came forward and said, "Deputy General Qian has a big voice. What qualifications does he have to discuss with the general? Besides the emperor, he is a general in the army."

Cao Tianming glared at him, "wanton! That's the Emperor The emperor is trustworthy. "

Bao deputy general was Yida, angrily touched his nose, dare not talk more.

Bai Qianfan went into the camp and didn't come out for a long time. Ning shisan was not at ease. He quietly opened the curtain and peeped inside. At this, he was quite surprised that the queen was sitting at the table eating dates. Ho! The empress's heart is really big enough. When the emperor was captured, she still wanted to eat jujube. Then she thought again that the empress's love is extraordinary. Is it because she was too sad and lost her mind for a moment. The emperor is very anxious when he is arrested, but Mengda certainly didn't take people away to capture them and kill them. The emperor has excellent martial arts skills and has eleven and nineteen around him. He should be OK in a short time. But if the empress is crazy and the emperor comes back, he can't make it!Think of here, he heavily cough a go in, "Niang Niang."

Bai Qianfan looked up at him, pushed a few dates to his hand, "eat dates."

Ningshisan, "..." Niang Niang "

Bai Qianfan waved his hand," in the future, no matter in front of or behind people, I will be called Deputy General Qian. "

When Mo Rongshu was there, it didn't matter whether her identity was public or not. But now that Mo Rongshu is away, she's a woman who lives in a military camp full of men. It's really inconvenient. She doesn't want to block herself, let alone Mo Rongshu.

Ning shisan answered, "yes, Vice General Qian."

Seeing that he didn't eat, Bai Qianfan said, "eat, why don't you? This is the date picked by the Emperor himself. People can't eat it if they want to eat it. "

This indifferent tone made Ning shisan feel that the empress's mind was in trouble. He bowed, "I know you are worried about the emperor, but I believe that the emperor is lucky. It will be OK."

Bai Qianfan nodded, "I know he will be OK."

She picked up three dates, put them in three different places on the map, and asked him, "thirteen, what I marked is our camp, the village robbed yesterday and the town robbed today, don't you think?"

Ning thirteen nodded, "absolutely right." He didn't understand what the queen wanted to do. Was it going to be a battle?

"Go and call general Cao in. I want to discuss with them."

Ning shisan answered yes and went out to preach.

In the absence of the emperor, it's time for the little princess to show her talents!

Jiageng came and continued to ask for a monthly ticket for the little princess. There were many monthly tickets and more.

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