Ning Shiyi knows that someone must have seen him enter Yueer's room in the dark, but it's strange that he stayed so long, but Pang Guanshi didn't come to trouble him.

He had intended to see the moon, said two words and left, but now he met and held his soft body in his arms, and he didn't want to go.

Yue'er laughed at him, "I thought you were a simple person. My mother-in-law was like a woman when she got up."

Ning 11's face is red, but he is a young man. He can give up his life for Yue er. But Yue Er can't hold his face when she says that. He thinks about her all the time. She's good. It's not ambiguous to rush people up. She's so much better than him.

One breath blocked in the throat, not up or down, finally raised the pace, said, "it's late, you rest, I'm gone."

Step out, but was pulled, looking back, Yueer pulling his belt, smiling at him, "angry?"

"No," he said with a smile, "how can I?"

The moon chuckles and puts on her other hand. She opens the knot on her belt. Ning Xi feels a little bit in her heart and asks, "what do you do?"

Moon looked at him innocently, "don't you want to rest? I wait for you to change clothes."

Ning eleven full of resentment was blown away by the wind, a will she beat up, "you this goblin."

Goblin looked at him giggle, soft hand across his eyebrows, "I'm not afraid to eat you?"

"Life is all yours. Do you like it or not?"

The moon laughed more and more fiercely, "Eleventh master, I didn't find your mouth so sweet?"

Ning eleven simply don't want to face in the end, "sweet or not sweet to taste just know."

This time it's moon's turn to blush. She knocks on his back and says, "you are proud, shameless."

Two people lie on the bed side by side, the body is eager, but take care of the child, dare not make a mistake, rather 11 arm pillow in the moon under the neck, holding her shoulder, a period of time did not see, shoulder mellow some, he pinched, said, "long meat."

Yue'er said angrily, "can you drink the tonic soup everyday without growing meat?"

Ning eleven sighed, "I was afraid that they would be harsh on you before. Now I know that they attach importance to children and will never let you suffer." At this point, he suddenly remembered and asked, "why do they value our children so much?"

The moon was silent for a while and said, "our children will do great things in the future."

Ning 11 some strange, "the child has not been born, how do they know he will do great things in the future?"

"The first-class children will be taught by the master himself and will go out when they grow up."

"What are you doing out there?"

"Do the task."

"What's the mission?"

"I don't know."

"Return it?"

Moon shook her head, "don't know, those things won't let us know."

"But he's your child, so you don't worry?"

"When children are old, they always leave their mother and go to the outside world. The master will take good care of them."

Ning 11 frowns, "what bullshit master, to you so, you still so believe him?"

Moon looked up at him, "don't be disrespectful to the master. No one forces me to do anything. It's my own will. The master is a person who does great things. We all hope to help him."

"What does he do?"

Moon shook her head, "I don't know, but the host is kind to us. Here, everyone respects him."

Ning eleven more listen to more muddle headed, "how does he have kindness to you?"

"The last time you asked me if I wanted to go out, I said no, I didn't cheat you. I really didn't want to go out. People who came in here didn't want to go out. My family was in a small village in the north. You should know how poor the place was. It was a problem to eat and drink all year round. The Montaigne army came to harass me from time to time. My family had a hard life, and I had two younger brothers At that time, I thought, if not, I would just sell to a rich family and be a girl. If nothing else, I would not worry about eating. Later, when I came here, I didn't have to be angry or do heavy work. I had to eat enough and wear beautiful clothes. What made me most happy was that the climate here was good and I didn't have to wear like a ball all day. My hands loved frostbite. In winter, my hands were all rotten, and I had to wash clothes and cook, and soak in the cold water. When I got here, I didn't get frostbite once. We have a good place. Our crops grow fast. We also grow tea trees and cotton to support ourselves. There is no problem at all. I'm a woman. I have no other skills and I don't want to eat idle food, so... "

"So sleep with a man?" Ning 11 bluff a face, "fortunately meet me, if meet other people, you destroyed."

"It's not as bad as you said. There are not many top-grade men. It took me five years to meet you."

No matter what yue'er says, Ning Xi's heart is still not very good. When she thinks that this woman should follow another man, she will get angry. She wants to teach her a lesson, but she is afraid of hurting her child."If they really want to be as good as you say, why do they force you to take medicine?"

"It's impossible to be square without rules. There are so many people in charge of such a big place. We all know the rules, and very few people commit crimes. If you hadn't rushed in rashly, manager Pang wouldn't have forced me to take medicine."

Ning eleven angrily snorted, "I think you are brainwashed by them."

"I've lived here for five years and I can tell right from wrong."

Ning Xi came in with hostility, but Yue ER was full of gratitude for this place. If we continue to discuss it, we will definitely end up unhappy.

Rather eleven oneself stuffy for a while, say, "do you know how to go out?"

"I don't know. I didn't want to go out anyway."

"Do you know how long this place has existed?"

The moon thought, "it's been a long time. I'm afraid it's been 20 or 30 years."

Ning Shiyi was surprised. Such a place has existed for 20 or 30 years, but it has never been discovered. It's a miracle. Besides

"You just said that someone went out on a mission at the master's command? Over the years, there has always been? "

The moon hesitated for a moment, "there should be." She suddenly hugged him. "Don't ask so much. It's not good for you to know too much."

Ning Xi Xi patted her on the back to appease her, "I'm afraid of something. I'm going to go out to do the task soon. I know more, it's no harm."

The moon rubbed in his arms, and his voice was stuffy, "you must come back safely."

"Yes." Ning eleven said, "the LORD opened en, after this life is your wife."

As soon as she finished, yue'er's plush head arched up and gave him a kiss close to his lips. Ning Shiyi jumped with one heart and muttered, "don't Watch out for the kids. "

Moon squinted at him, "virtue, I see how sweet your mouth is." After a pause, he said fiercely, "when you get outside, you are not allowed to talk to other women. Do you hear me?"

Ning 11 is very rare that she opens her teeth and paws, holding a smile, pressing her head and kissing her hard

Yesterday, the task was successfully completed. Thank you very much. I know that there are so many people accompanying the little princess. Mozi is not alone in coding. This kind of feeling is very warm. The weather is cold. You should pay attention to keeping warm. This month is just the beginning. Continue to ask for the monthly ticket.

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