Bai Qianfan was called up this morning. Before dawn, there was a big light on the desk, which made the room bright. She opened her eyes blankly and saw that there were more maids around the bed than usual. Although she was still very sleepy, her mind immediately cleared up and asked, "what time is it?"

"If you go back to your wife, it's the first time."

"What's the matter with calling me up so early?"

One of the maids replied, "Your Majesty said he would take his wife out of the palace."

Bai Qianfan frowned. She didn't have to leave the palace so early. She got out of bed and let the maids change clothes for her.

One layer after another, the dresses are all exquisite. The robes are purplish purple, and the embroidery is so complicated that people are dazzled. The most eye-catching thing is the waist belt with a wide palm, which is inlaid with gold, and embroidered with figures, flowers and animals. It's really amazing that none of them has a duplicate.

When she was dressed, she was forced to sit on a chair to comb her hair. Her hair style was different from usual. Her hair was in a high bun with a magnificent golden shake step. The big golden flower hung down with fine tassels, which almost covered her eyes and eyebrows. She moved at will and was shining with gold.

She asked quietly, "why dress so ceremoniously?"

The maid replied with a smile, "this is your Majesty's order."

Bai Qianfan looks at himself in the mirror and suddenly remembers that today is December 18.

On the 18th of December, it was a great day for the people of Mengda. On this day, the emperor wanted to burn incense and pray in Baitu pagoda, the most popular temple in the city. All the people in the city went out and knelt around the temple, praying sincerely and looking up at the emperor.

But this year's prayer is destined to be different.

On the 18th, it is appropriate to offer sacrifices, and the fire is burning.

A big fire will come as promised.

Bai Qianfan's heart clattered for a moment. Is the emperor going to take her to Baitu tower?

Just thinking about it, the figure of the emperor was reflected in the bronze mirror. She turned to see him, "where is your majesty going to take me today?"

The emperor was also ceremoniously dressed. His black robe was inlaid with gold lace, and his waist was also embroidered with a colorful ribbon. His head was braided with thick braids, and he was wearing a jade crown, showing the spirit of the king.

He looked at her with a smile, "I know you are a little stuffy in the palace. I'll take you out for a walk."

"Where to?"

"Follow me to the temple to pray."

"Which temple?"

The emperor looked at her for a moment and said, "white tower."

It is confirmed that Bai Qianfan's heart sinks slowly. Why do you take her to Baitu tower and find out the identity of Mo Rongshu?

The emperor stood by and looked at her with narrow eyes. His mother was a beautiful woman, and his daughter was even better. She was as beautiful as lotus when she was not wearing powder. She was as gorgeous as peach and plum when she was wearing makeup.

Bai Qianfan wanted to test his intention by beating about the Bush, but after thinking about it, he might as well ask directly, "Your Majesty, why do you want to take me?"

The emperor lifted up his robe, sat down, waved his hand, let all the people in the room go out, and said with a smile, "you say you are 33 years old?"

Bai Qianfan's heart instantly raised, the emperor took the initiative to mention age, this is to recognize her?

"Yes, your majesty."

The emperor sighed, "I still remember the scene of meeting your mother for the first time. It's like yesterday. It's so fast. It's more than 30 years in a flash."

He paused for a moment and said, "your mother has been gone for more than 30 years. I've thought about her for more than 30 years. Now that you've come, I'm very glad. Maybe God pitied me and sent you to me. I'll take good care of you. I'm a little embarrassed." can I call you nonger? "

Bai Qianfan's heart is beating. Is the emperor recognizing her? But it sounds a little vague

It's not impossible for a father to call her daughter like this, but she is only used to calling her like this by Mo Rongshu. It's always strange for others, even if that person is her father.

"Your Majesty may call me Nonghua."

The emperor nodded, "Nonghua, I'm taking you to baituta. I want you to be blessed by God and keep you safe. I want to give you all the good things in the world."

The emperor's eyes were misty, and his eyes were red. She could see some emotion, and Bai Qianfan was also excited. She was waiting for the emperor to clarify the relationship, so as to call him Dad.

But when the emperor finished speaking, he lowered his eyes to see the ground. He was silent for a long time, and seemed to calm down his excited mood.

Bai Qianfan waited for a while, just about to speak, utmin came in, "Your Majesty, the time has come."

The emperor raised his head, the mist in his eyes had been closed, but his eyes were still slightly red. He stood up and said, "Nonghua, let's go."

Bai Qianfan can't find a reason to refuse. She can only go one step at a time and act according to the circumstances. In fact, she doesn't agree with setting fire. It's always bad to hurt the innocent. She just has to complete the task to get the antidote of Ning Xi. She believes that Mo Rongshu has a sense of propriety.

The Baitu pagoda had already been properly arranged and painted again. It was bright red, green, gold and silver. It was shining in the sun. There was a monk on each step. All the way up, the red robes formed a red arc. The red robes on the white steps were very eye-catching.On the top of the stairs is a high platform, with square cauldrons and colorful flags hanging high. Thin ropes wear colorful flags, flying in the wind. There are yellow banners and all kinds of magic weapons around. White candles with thick arms are burning on the four corners. Because of the wind, the light of the candles keeps jumping. Sometimes it is dark to the extreme, but it doesn't go out, and suddenly it lights up again.

The guards are armed and afraid of being too murderous, so they all guard from a distance. However, there are many dark guards nearby. Some of them mingle with the common people, and some of them act as servants, looking around on guard.

The emperor's carriage came slowly, and the people knelt on both sides of the street to greet him with reverence. Bai Qianfan picked the curtain and looked out secretly, hoping that Mo Rongshu would see him earlier and be ready. But the guard outside pulled the curtain down and whispered, "madam, it's not appropriate to lift the curtain at this time. God will blame you."

Bai Qianfan had no choice but to give up, straighten his head, lean against the wall and close his eyes.

In the teahouse opposite Baitu pagoda, the owner of Taoyuan Valley sat by the window, staring at the carriage slowly driving to the temple. He was dazed. He could not see the expression on his face, but his hand on his leg trembled slightly.

After waiting for 34 years, five months and eight days, from Qingsi to Baitou, how could he not be excited?

He knew that the reason why Mo Rongshu leaked the news was to prepare the emperor. After Prince Kun qingjue had arranged everything, the emperor thought that the fire would not start, while Mo Rongshu thought that even if the fire started, it would go out soon. They were all wrong.

Face down, he pulled the corners of his mouth to smile, they are wrong.

Thank you very much for your monthly ticket. Let's refuel together??.

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