The next day was a cloudy day. The street was cold and clear. Someone was sitting under the grass shed eating steamed buns with hot miscellaneous soup. He looked at the pedestrians indifferently. A camel was tied to the tree behind him. He looked up at the sky and snorted from time to time.

In the gray light, a tall man came across the street. He was dressed in a windbreaker, and his eyebrows were covered with a white hood. All he could see was his tall nose and strong chin. There was a fierce momentum in his actions, which made people feel afraid. But his eyes couldn't help following him all the time. Only when his entourage cast a glance at him from afar, his eyes were as cold as a knife, did he quickly withdraw his eyes and dare not look again.

It was mo Rongshu and Ning 19ning 19who were in a hurry. After receiving the news that Bai Qianfan was under house arrest, he lay down in the middle of the night and didn't feel sleepy. He simply didn't sleep. When it was just dawn, he took two bodyguards to go out to find the master of Taoyuan valley.

He came too early, the Taoyuan Valley master was still sleeping, and Pang Guanshi had just got up. He dressed up in a hurry and came out to see him.

"Master Huang is here so early. What can I do for you?"

Mo Rongshu said, "I want to see the valley master."

"My master hasn't got up yet. I have something to convey."

Mo Rongshu didn't speak yet. Ning Shijiu said with a straight face, "could you please take care of the business and let me know that my master has something important to talk about with the valley master?"

Manager Pang took a look at the sky and said, "the valley master still has an hour to get up. Is master Huang willing to wait?"

Ning 19 was even more angry. He was about to speak, but he was stopped by Mo Rongshu. "It's OK, I'll wait."

Manager Pang arched his hand and left in a hurry.

Ning 19 said angrily, "Yee, they are on purpose. Who is the master of Taoyuan Valley? Dare you wait for me?"

Mo Rongshu lifted his robe, sat down, took a sip of hot tea, and said slowly, "at least we have hot tea, which is not a slight."

Ning 11 saw Ning 19 one eye, "we come so early, the other side knows we are anxious, slant want to hang us, nature is intentional, just want to let us Ye disordered square inch, good for their use."

Ning 19, "..." Ah, Pooh! They think very well. Our Lord is not a man who can mess with everything. "

Mo Rong Shu glanced at him, "if you don't mess up your square inch, how can you run to someone else's house early in the morning?" He came here on his own initiative. It was so early that the blind could see that he was very anxious. When it comes to Bai Qianfan, he can't help but worry. In a hurry, he forgets that the master of Taoyuan Valley is an old fox. It's taboo to show his emotions when dealing with old foxes.

In that chamber, the owner of Taoyuan Valley had already got up and sat at the table for breakfast. Seeing that Pang Guanshi came in, he asked, "can Mo Rongshu still wait?"

"It seems quite patient," said Pang

The master of Taoyuan Valley hums and laughs, "he came so early. He has already revealed his mind. He probably guessed our intention. He just pretends not to be in a hurry." He put down the hot tea in his hand and sighed, "in the final analysis, no matter how powerful a person is, he always has weakness when he is deeply in love. You should remember that."

Pang Guanshi nodded, "I remember."

The owner of Taoyuan Valley looked at him and said, "have you eaten yet?"

Pang Guanshi shook his head, "never."

The master of Taoyuan Valley pointed to the chair on the opposite side, "sit down."

Pang Guanshi was surprised and hesitated, "subordinate or..."

"If you are asked to sit down, just sit down," said the master of Taoyuan Valley, holding a pot and pouring a cup of hot milk tea for him. "Time flies so fast. After so many years, did you eat with me last time when you were five or six years old?"

Mr. Pang sat down with a flash of water in his calm eyes. He cleared his throat and said, "it's six years old."

Taoyuan Valley master's eyes stayed on his face for a moment before withdrawing, "you still remember."

Pang Guanshi bowed his head, "I've never forgotten a moment."

"All these years have been done by you. It's hard for you."

"It is the duty and glory of subordinates to share their worries for their masters."

The Taoyuan Valley owner's lips moved, but after all, he just sighed and didn't speak any more.

Manager Pang's eyes were fixed on a dish of roumo in front of him, as if to make a hole.

Although the master of Taoyuan Valley deliberately hung Mo Rongshu, he kept his word. An hour later, Pang Guanshi pushed him into the reception room.

He looked at Mo Rongshu and said with a smile, "I'm sorry to have kept you waiting."

Mo Rong Shu nodded slightly, "it's OK, I came early."

The master of Taoyuan Valley waved his hand, and Pang Guanshi retreated quietly. Mo Rongshu took a look at his bodyguard, and Ning 11 and Ning 19 also withdrew from the door.

"Now there is no outsider in the room. What can I do for you?"

"Last time the valley owner said he would make a deal with me. I want to know what the deal is?"

The master of Taoyuan Valley stroked the blanket on his leg. "I'm very curious. Last time I mentioned trading, you seem to despise it. Why did you..."

"Do the valley master remember the woman standing beside the emperor Munda in the white tower?"

Taoyuan Valley master nodded, "remember.""That's my wife."

The owner of Taoyuan valley was surprised. "It turned out to be the queen of Dongyue, but how could your wife be with kunqingli?"

"I'm also very strange," murongshu stares into the eyes of the Taoyuan Valley owner. "I don't know if kunqingli is going to take my wife for me or For the valley master? "

The master of Taoyuan Valley avoided his eyes and said with a smile, "I don't know your wife for the sake of me."

"But as soon as my wife showed up, the valley master stopped working, didn't he?"

Taoyuan Valley master's eyes twinkled twice, and soon recovered as usual, "it's just a coincidence."

"As it happens, can the valley master tell us why he wants to stop the mission?"

"It's none of your business."

"I am the executor of the task. Shouldn't the valley master give me an explanation?"

The master of Taoyuan valley was annoyed by him. He didn't figure out what happened that day. How can he explain it? Is it just an instinctive reaction?

He was silent for a long time, slowly calmed down and said, "I suddenly changed my plan."

Mo Rongshu didn't want to change his face with him. Naturally, he didn't ask any more questions. He said, "so the valley master wants to cooperate with me in the new plan?"


"What do you want me to do?"

"Do you have a man in your hand?"

"There are a hundred people in the suburbs."

"Not in the city?"

"No, many people, big goals, easy to attract attention."

"Did you send someone to rob that army horse last time?"

Mo Rong Shu said with a smile, "nothing can hide from the valley master's eyes."

"And the horses?"

"See you off."

The owner of Taoyuan Valley looked at him suspiciously, "where did you send him?"

"The army and horses were sent to Baicheng for military use."

"So there are only a hundred of you besides your bodyguards?"

"My wife and I took a small suit. It's enough to bring a hundred people. If it wasn't for the accident, I wouldn't come to the valley master."

The master of Taoyuan Valley turned his wheelchair and walked slowly forward for a while, saying, "I want you to reunite with my husband and wife. You hurt kunqingli for me."

Thank you for the silent snow, peace of mind, KT, @ mood coffee @, corn dregs, the mantissa of 77032578482943655015706 friends, thank you, we will continue to work hard, come on together.

In the monthly ticket

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