The emperor specially chose an uninhabited courtyard in the southwest corner to house Bai Qianfan. The place was too far away. Usually, no one walked around. As long as the people who lived there didn't make trouble, no one would find out if they lived quietly for a year and a half. But Bai Qianfan could not hide. He played drums in the middle of the night and climbed trees in the daytime. Don't make too much noise.

The emperor wanted to hide Bai Qianfan for a period of time and wait for everything to be ready before doing anything. But he found that Bai Qianfan couldn't hide at all. He didn't do anything at all. He issued an imperial edict. He didn't care about the opposition of the courtiers. He was watching the man's reaction.

But when he was old, he couldn't stand the toss. He couldn't sleep well at night, so he wanted to take a nap during the day. But as soon as he closed his eyes, he said, "BAM BAM..." His voice came in from outside the window. Needless to say, the ancestor was beating the drum again. He had no choice but to raise his hand and cover his ears.

As soon as Bai Qianfan has time to beat the drum, Mo Rongshu can't send a message in. She can only send the message in one direction. She doesn't know if Mo Rongshu has heard it or not, so she can only repeat it.

The emperor flipped about in bed like a pancake. After all, he was so annoyed that he lifted the quilt and went to find Bai Qianfan. He wanted to confiscate her drum.

Anger rushed into the door, a see Bai Qianfan, that share of anger inexplicably dispersed, smile instantly climbed on the face, "thick China, did not rest."

Bai Qianfan lay on the drum and looked up at him, "don't you want to take a nap at this time, old man? How did you come out?"

Emperor, "..." You still have the face to ask

"Nonghua, can you stop drumming in the middle of the night and in the afternoon?"

Bai Qianfan said, "it's my drum that tickles my uncle. It's easy to do. I'll just go." Then she stood up and walked out with the drum in her arms.

The emperor quickly opened his arms to stop, "where are you going? The imperial edict has been issued. You are my queen."

Bai Qianfan didn't know about the imperial edict. He was surprised, "are you kidding me, old man?"

"I'm serious to you. I never make fun of you," the emperor looked at her scorching, "Nonghua, up to now, can't you see my deep love for you?"

Bai Qianfan only felt goose bumps rolling on his arm, "don't blame me for not reminding you. If you really want to do this, you can only ask for trouble."

"I'm willing to suffer from you."

"Eh --" Bai Qianfan disgusted to open the distance, "have seen shameless, have never seen such shameless as old man, go quickly, don't pestle here to hinder my eyes."

The emperor was not a Buddha. He was ridiculed by her again and again. He was very angry. He pointed to her hand and couldn't help shaking. "The imperial edict has been issued. I'll get married immediately. You can't go anywhere. Wait to be a bride!" Then he left.

Bai Qianfan picked up a teacup and threw it. The emperor couldn't dodge. The cup exploded at his feet and broke into pieces. He was so surprised that he didn't even dare to turn back and ran away.

Bai Qianfan's temperament is good. She seldom loses her temper. This time, she can't help it. It's not personnel that emperor Mengda handles. Everyone knows about the imperial edict. Mo Rongshu must know it now. She's not afraid of anything else. She's afraid that Mo Rongshu will get angry in a hurry and come up with something good or bad. She won't let her husband suffer!

Angrily scolded a sentence: "old Wang son of a bitch." He picked up her drum, climbed to the roof and began to beat it. Emperor Mengda wanted to hide her. She wanted to tell the world. No matter whether Mo Rongshu received the news from her or not, at least let the people in the palace know her existence. To find trouble or to save her, she had to expose her position first.

The emperor came and went angrily. He walked out of the courtyard. The cold wind blew on his face. He stirred his spirits, calmed down and was reminded by his angry words. Anyway, the imperial edict has been issued. It's time to get married in order to avoid a long night's dream.

When he made up his mind to leave, he heard the annoying drum sound again. He sighed, but he didn't have the courage to go back.


sitting at the table, Mo Rongshu has been staring at the topographic map of the palace for two hours. This is not the one Ning shisan drew, but the complete topographic map of the Forbidden Palace he got from kunqingluo.

He believes that Bai Qianfan can take care of herself. She is smart, courageous and resourceful, but she is still worried that she can't think about it. When she thinks about it, her heart will be in a mess. At this time, he can't accompany her. I really want to kill her.

Burying his face in the palm of his hand, he told himself again and again that he couldn't mess up. Bai Qianfan was waiting for him to pick her up.

For a long time, Mo Rongshu raised his head and his face was gloomy. Only his eyes were cold and black, and there seemed to be a black flame burning inside. No one could see it without reason. His hair was tight. The boundless chill spread in the room, and no one dared to take a step.

Mo Rongshu pushed away the drawing. This topographic map has been engraved in his mind. It's useless to look at it again. This plan is temporary, there are too many uncertain factors, but time is pressing, he is not willing to wait any longer, his only purpose is to take Bai Qianfan out, as for the fight between emperor Mengda and Taoyuan Valley, it is their business.

He went through everything from beginning to end. One thing puzzled him very much. The master of Taoyuan Valley had a grudge against emperor Mengda, but every time he was assigned a task, he was only seriously injured and could not die. This was the case with the sheep catching contest, the case with the baituta, and the same was the plan this time. He couldn't figure out why he didn't kill emperor Mengda and why he was only seriously injured?According to the information he has, the Taoyuan Valley master's strength is enough to make Mengda change. However, the Taoyuan Valley master has always been unable to restrain himself. Instead, he has to act with the help of him, which gives people a feeling of concealment. It seems that he is not willing to let people know that he has come back for revenge.

But no matter how to cover up, some old minister will recognize him. As long as the Taoyuan Valley master takes off his mask in public, the mystery can be solved.

The night is getting deeper, and Mo Rongshu is still sitting under the lamp. He doesn't know whether Bai Qianfan is asleep or just like him, unable to sleep. She doesn't like to be restrained the most. Now she's under house arrest in a small courtyard. She must be unhappy, but he knows that when she's unhappy, she probably won't make others happy.

The candle on the table is burning quietly. The small flame is just like someone's bright eyes. Only when I think of her can I feel a moment's tenderness on Mo Rongshu's face

Out of the window, the strong wind, whistling like a ghost, suddenly, big raindrops fall down on the edge of the window, noisy as falling beads. Mo Rongshu frowned. Mengda was famous for its dry winter. How did it rain? He pulled out a sneer from the corner of his mouth. Maybe he couldn't even look at it.

Suddenly, he looked back and someone knocked on the door in the wind and rain.

Mo Rongshu silently bent his lips, and the news he had to wait for arrived.

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