Bai Qianfan looks over his head, just as Kun Qinglong looks over. Through the light and shadow of the sword, through the dark crowd, their eyes collide. After a moment's gaze, they stagger.

When he learns of the death of the empress, Kun Qinglong is angry and vows to kill Mo Ronglin. He also plans to kill Mo Rongshu and his wife. After all, they taught him how to kill his ancestors. Although he and kunqingli are possessed by lanliuqing, he knows clearly in his heart that his mother is his mother and his daughter is her daughter. He can always be hard hearted to others.

But just that one eye, but let his heart some not give up, he is not willing to kill her, because she is too like Blue Willow clear, black and white eyes, eyes seem to contain water mist, so look at him, let his heart all pull up, can't say what strange feeling, just don't want to kill her.

He sighs in his heart. Is it because he is just like Kun Qingli, and his mind is not clear. He places his love for his mother on his daughter. No, he is not like that. What's more, Bai Qianfan is the daughter of lanliuqing and other men. When he thinks about this, he is furious. Even if lanliuqing is dead, he doesn't want to kill her again.

When Bai Qianfan took back her eyes, her heart thumped. She leaned against Mo Rongshu and didn't say a word for a long time until Mo Rongshu gently stroked her hand, "how are you shaking? Are you afraid? "

She thought that what Mo Rongshu asked was whether she was afraid of the danger. She shook her head and said in a low voice, "not afraid."

"Not afraid of what you shake?" He lowered his head and rubbed against her face. "Why is it so cold?"

She still shook her head, holding her hands together and holding them hard. Blood is a wonderful thing. One eye can confirm many things. When she saw kunqingli for the first time, her heart beat faster. She once thought it was her father, but her mood was different.

Mo Rongshu saw that her mood was a little wrong, and pinched her face, "don't think about it, leave it to me."

Bai Qianfan was stunned and raised her head. Seeing his determined eyes, her heart warmed and she nodded. At any time, he was her day and helped her solve all her troubles. She just needed to believe him.

Mo Rongshu turned out from behind the pillar and said in a loud voice, "Valley master, I have something to say."

Kun Qinglong sneered, "do you want to beg for mercy?"

"No, I'm afraid you'll regret it."

Kun Qinglong was puzzled, "I have nothing to regret."

"I'm afraid you'll kill your own daughter."

Kun Qinglong was stunned, and immediately looked at Bai Qianfan. Half of her body was hidden behind the pillar, leaning her head. A pair of water eyes looked at him very quickly, and then took it back, as if she felt guilty.

Kun Qinglong's brain explodes. He looks at Bai Qianfan's first line of robes, but he is a little helpless.

Mo Rongshu was waiting impatiently, "Valley master, do you want to understand?"

Kun Qinglong doesn't understand. His daughter How is that possible? It must be mo Rongshu's trick to get away.

He had four sons. When lanliuqing was pregnant, he wanted to be a girl, a beautiful little girl like her. Unfortunately, he was still a boy. Although he was happy, he still had some regrets. Later, the child was taken away by lanliuqing. He took away the prince. All the other sons were removed by kunqingli. Now there is only one kunqingyu.

Where's his daughter? How could lanliuqing give birth to his daughter?

The little head at the back of the pillar came out to see him again. At the moment of looking at each other, Kun Qinglong's heart hurt again.

Damn, this girl is as poisonous as her mother!

The fighting is still going on. Although Mo Rongshu's people are all elite, they have been in a weak position for a long time.

Kunqingyu stands on the side and sees the whole scene. He knows the struggle in kunqinglong's heart. At that critical moment, kunqinglong still risks taking him away. It can be seen that he attaches great importance to flesh and blood. Later, he settled down in Taoyuan Valley and the people sent out brought back the news. All the princes who stayed in the palace were killed by kunqingli. He remembers that day very well Clear, Kun Qinglong shut himself in the room, all day, did not eat a meal, did not drink a drink, just sit silently, looking at the distant sky in a daze, although he was still young at that time, but also understand the deep grief on Kun Qinglong's face. The expression of grief was fixed in his mind forever.

"Master, they can't escape. Let's see what tricks Mo Rongshu can play."

Kun Qinglong was silent for a while, then he suddenly looked up at him, "what did you just call me?"

Kun Qingyu was a little embarrassed. After he was taken to Taoyuan Valley, Kun Qinglong was not allowed to call him father Huang any more. He wanted to call him master. Even his name was changed. He became Kun Qinglong's entourage, and later became a steward, managing everything in Taoyuan valley. After calling the host for so many years, I'm not used to changing my tongue.

"Yu'er, are you still blaming me?"

Kun Qingyu bowed his head and said, "my son doesn't dare. My son knows his father's hard work."

"Just know," said Kun Qinglong. "When things here are over, I'll start preparing for your accession to the throne at once."

Kun Qingyu knelt down quickly, "Jiangshan was originally his father's, now his father's return, should return to the original owner, please think twice."Kun Qinglong slowly shook his head, patted him on the shoulder, and helped him up. "I'm old. I've been ill for a long time, and I'm not in good spirits. I'd better spend my life earlier. I'll leave Monta to you. I can rest assured."

Mo Rongshu saw that they were kneeling down and patting their shoulders. He didn't know what he was doing. He called out again, "Valley master, how about the bottom? Give me a word!"

Kun Qinglong raised her eyes to see Bai Qianfan. She drew back her head behind the pillar again. She only saw a little robe. He frowned and yelled, "stop it!"

With the sound of drinking, all the people's movements are stagnant, looking up. Kun Qinglong made a gesture. The iron bodyguard took the lead to withdraw a step, and the others also followed. Ning shisan naturally took a breath. For a moment, the hall was quiet. The two sides were on one side, and the boundary was clear.

Kun Qinglong said to Mo Rongshu, "come down and talk."

Mo Rongshu looked down at him and did not move. "It's better for the valley master to come up and talk."

"Don't you dare to come down? Is there a ghost in your heart?"

"When dealing with the valley master, you must be more careful."

"Want to delay?"

"No need. Two more hours, you can't catch me. "

"Come down and say something."

"If you want to talk, please come up to the valley master."

In kunqinglong's eyes, murongshu is cunning. In murongshu's eyes, kunqinglong is just an old fox. They can't trust each other, so they don't give up.

If Mo Rongshu comes down, he will be captured alive immediately. If Kun Qinglong goes up, he will be taken hostage. Life and death matters, no one dare to be careless.

For a time, the scene just froze.

Thank you for lyh883, happiness as sweet as honey (2), Xiaohe k664 (2), CCY jade girl, basin friend with the mantissa of 66580560. Thank you very much for your monthly ticket, recognize your relatives, and continue to ask for your monthly ticket.

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