In this way, Shi Chuang got two gold medals from Mo Ronglin. She didn't intend to keep them. She was going to ask Du Jinyan to come and ask him to bring them to Shi Yingying. Jin Chuaner was taught by Shi Yingying. They were just as violent as each other. She had to prepare one for her mother. There are not too many of these things. If she can, she will get two more pieces, including father's and brother's.

About why Mo Ronglin is afraid of her, she pondered for a long time, once thought he was afraid of women, but thought of Li Guifei and Liu Guiren, they have served the bed, and rejected the idea. So Mo Ronglin is not afraid of women, he is only afraid of her.

She doesn't know whether she is afraid because of disgust or because of fear. The reason why Mo Ronglin is afraid is the key to the problem, so she must make it clear.

Although Shi pengpeng is a low-key person, she still has a sense of accomplishment for making the great Dongyue emperor afraid of herself. All of a sudden, she felt that her life was suddenly brightened, and the silence in the deep palace was not so abominable. She no longer shrank in Fengming palace, and went out for a walk when she had time.

April Fangfei, the palace scenery is pleasant, she takes Jin chuan'er walking along the lake, just Mo Ronglin and Jia Lanqing come from the side of the path, Jia Lanqing is about to bow, see Mo Ronglin a turn, crisp and clear away.

Jia Lanqing, "..."

He turned back silently, comforted Shi pengpeng and said with a smile, "the Emperor may have left something behind. He went back to get it."

Shi pengpeng nodded with a smile, "my palace knows that the emperor probably didn't take the gold medal for death."

Jia Lanqing knows that Shi pengpeng can get the gold medal. He is quite surprised. What's more surprising is that Shi pengpeng can make fun of it, which is different from the stable boss Shi in his impression.

He sighed as he watched Shi pengpeng leave. In fact, Shi pengpeng and Mo Ronglin matched each other. I don't know why Mo Ronglin hated her so much.

Mo Ronglin stops slowly as he walks. Later, he finds that he is hiding from Shi pengpeng. This cognition shocked him. He wants to hide from a woman in his own territory. It's incredible. Then angry, she is old, why should he avoid her?

But then, he could always meet Shi pengpeng in the palace. At first, he thought it was a coincidence. Later, he knew that she meant it. She was waiting and testing to find out where his bottom line was? This woman dislikes him, but she is very smart. She is like tying a rope to him. She drags it loosely, which not only does not completely annoy him, but also makes him know her existence.

He wondered, he went out to walk because he was tired and wanted to breathe, but no matter when he went out or where he went, he could always meet Shi pengpeng, and he always came out when he didn't pay attention to it, which scared him. He knew that the unscrupulous businessman was blocking him all day long.

He asked Wang Changliang, "what does the queen need to do everyday?"

"It manages the harem and internal affairs, and some festivals are also hosted by the empress," Wang said

"Send a message to Fengming palace to let the queen rectify her internal affairs. I hope there will be a new change in the near future."

Wang Changliang should be, personally went to Fengming palace.

When Shi pengpeng heard the will, he was stunned for a moment and said, "manager Wang, the emperor asked the palace to rectify its internal affairs. What is the rectification?"

Wang Changliang thought about it and said, "since the empress dowager, all the affairs in the palace have been in the charge of the house of internal affairs. Although the emperor is strict under the rule, there are a few twists and turns here. If you can do things well, some things don't conform to the rules. The emperor will pass without turning a blind eye. Now that the empress is sitting in the palace, I think the emperor hopes that the empress will have the rules "Mao is Mao. The rules of the palace are strict, so the people at the bottom don't need to beat them, so they will be obedient."

Shi pengpeng nodded, "I understand."

She is good at straightening out affairs. Shi Yingying is the boss of such a big historian business. She is in charge of all the trivial things. Although she is a big girl who has never been out of the cabinet, she has a good face. When she meets with adultery, trickery, unreasonable and unreasonable, she doesn't show any respect and is punished severely.

Shi pengpeng likes to do things. Doing things enriches her heart. She asks people to take a look at the account books of the house of internal affairs.

When the house office moved the books, she was a bit silly, not one or two, but one by one. It was piled on the table like a hill, and she was dizzy.

Shi pengpeng's eyes slowly swept through those books, and his mind flashed. He understood that Mo Ronglin was looking for something for her, so that she didn't have a chance to go out and scare him.

In fact, if he doesn't do that, she also decides to stop for a while, because when she meets Mo Ronglin these days, he always has Liu Guiren around him. Although one is cold faced, the other is very gentle and looks not intimate, but because Mo Ronglin doesn't even have to be a maid of honor, she likes Liu Guiren's company very much.

He had his favorite concubine beside him. No matter how thick she was, she was too embarrassed to come up to him.

Liu Guiren became a favorite imperial concubine. She was a little puzzled. She went to the side room of Chengde hall every day. As long as the emperor wanted to go out for a walk, she had to be around. The emperor was silent and didn't talk much. She didn't get close to her. Occasionally, she would ask her to play chess with her. When she arrived at night, she would let her go back.She felt a little strange. The emperor in the day and that night were just like two people. The emperor in the night was kind and amiable, and the emperor in the day made people dare not be close to her. Once she was a little closer, she immediately changed the emperor's cold eyes, which scared her out of the atmosphere. After that, she carefully kept a proper distance and did not dare to make any mistakes.

Rao is so, she is also complacent, can often accompany the emperor around, is the only glory, the queen will not say, even the imperial concubine can not compare with her, although she is now a low position, but in time, it is not impossible to rank imperial concubine.

Especially when she saw the envious eyes of Yang Guiren and Zhang Guiren, she felt more and more different. The three people entered the palace together, and their family backgrounds were almost the same. No one was better than anyone else. They ate together, lived together, talked and laughed on weekdays, and became good sisters. But walking along, there was a gap. She was different from them.

Since Mo Ronglin was surrounded by many people and ordered by the queen to straighten out the internal affairs, Shi pengpeng had not appeared in front of him for a long time. Mo Ronglin was relieved, but at the same time, he had some strange emotions in his heart. He couldn't tell the truth clearly, just like two people who were fighting hard, but suddenly the opponent disappeared.

Jia Lanqing raised his head from the fold several times. Mo Ronglin's face was listless, and he didn't know what he was thinking. With a hook on his lips, he said in a loud voice: "the queen is coming."

As expected, the startled emperor flicked his broad sleeves, and the imperial pen rolled down from the table, breaking the silence of the room.

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