It's not a small case if people's lives are involved. What's more, yichihong has committed crimes in succession. Not long ago, there were rapes and murders in tongNing, two in a row, almost one day. People in TONGNING county were in a panic. Siping and tongNing's county government sent a letter to Lin'an City, asking for the help of mirage gate.

Fold into the palace, the emperor is naturally a stroke of the pen, transferred to the mirage door, limit Ning'an within a month to solve the case.

When Da Xiaoma brought back the news, Ning'an sent a wave of people out to inquire about the news. Siping and tongNing were not far from Lin'an. He was afraid that yichihong would come to Lin'an to commit a crime. He really wanted to make an accident in Lin'an's territory. Let alone the mirage gate, the Emperor's face was not good.

he took Zhuge and pony to go to tun Ning, and let the bench and the eagle go to Siping. As for the ink and clear spirit, he didn't feel shy at all. Based on his understanding of his royal highness, he knew that she had lost the battle and was embarrassed to join him. He was also happy to be quiet, and he had to go away with the others.

Murong Qingyang is embarrassed to go to Ning'an, but it's not so easy to get rid of her, so he secretly follows the bench and Shanying to Siping.

As the master of mirage door, bench and hawk don't know that they are being followed? Halfway through, they looked at each other and said in a long voice, "come out, boss."

Murong Qingyang touched his nose and turned out from behind the tree. Hahaha, "you know I'm behind."

The bench said, "boss, you'd better go back. Angie won't let you interfere in this case."

"Why?" Murong Qingyang is not happy, "I'm also a member of the mirage door. Why do you leave me alone when there's a case?"

"A case doesn't need so many people. Isn't Xiaoyu still in the Yamen? You can be a companion with Xiaoyu."

"But pull it down," Murong Qingyang said, "little fish doesn't say a word all day. I have to suffocate with him."

"But brother Ann said something. Don't put us in a dilemma."

"It's OK. If Ning'an blames me, I'll say you two don't know I'm behind."

The hawk broke his face and said, "we don't know if such a big living man is behind us. Isn't it going to smash the sign of the mirage door?"

"Then say, I'm shameless. No, I'll follow you both. I can't get rid of you."

Hawk, "..."

Bench, "..." Boss, you say that about yourself, ok

"Ning'an knows me. If you say that, he will have no choice."

Bench and hawk exchanged eyes, gave up persuasion, to tell the truth, Ning'an often take Qingyang no way, what can they do? Besides, with them watching, Qingyang is at least safe.

In this way, the three went together to Siping.

The bench took the waist tag of the mirage door and went to the county government to report. When the county government adults saw that they were almost like bodhisattvas, they were extremely enthusiastic. They were treated with delicious food and drink. There were no signs of four rapes and murders. The people in the county were worried, and the people were full of complaints. They complained about the government's inaction and made him sad. Those who have money ask for a house guard, those who have no money send their daughters to relatives in other places to stay out of the limelight, and others reduce their betrothal gifts and marry their daughters in a hurry.

Because the case hasn't been solved, and the four corpses haven't been put in the coffin, they are all placed in the Yizhuang. The bench and the hawk want to go and have a look. Let Murong Qingyang summarize the case file first, and then analyze the case when they come back.

They were kind-hearted and afraid of the little girl. After all, they went to see the dead. Mo Rong raised her eyebrows and said, "what's to be afraid of? I'm not afraid of the fifth lady who was hanged last time."

Bench and Shanying think of Murong Qingyang's last move in Yangfu. They think they think too much. Since she is not afraid, they go together.

When I got to Yizhuang, I went into the room and saw four corpses lying on the ground, all covered with white cloth. When I lifted the white cloth, I saw a piece of red cloth. Mo Rong was stunned for a moment and said, "is this a foot of red cloth?"

"Yes," the guard of Yizhuang replied, "what the corpse was like when it was found, and what it is now. The county magistrate won't let it move. He said that he would wait until the adults of the mirage gate came to see it."

Murong Qingyang uncovered the white cloth again, revealing the red, naked body of the dead, green and white, slender, with no scars on his body. She opened the red cloth again, revealing the face of the dead. The face was purple, but it was quite calm. She could not see the pain of death. The four dead had the same expression.

Bench frowned, raped and killed still so calm, very strange.

As soon as he looked back, he saw Murong's face was clear and blue, and he was a little angry. He asked, "what's the matter?"

Murong Qingyang said hatefully, "this murderer is so hateful. I must catch this man myself, break him to pieces and avenge these girls." The girls lying here are almost the same age as her. They are innocent. They should still be entertaining under their parents' knees. Now they are lying on the cold ground and their lives like flowers are trampled on mercilessly. She really hates the murderer.

Back at the county government, the files of the four cases have been placed on the desk, and the bench asks Qingyang to have a rest. She refuses, and has to go with them to look at the files.The eagle said with a smile, "you are a girl. When you stay with us at night, you are not afraid of any gossip?"

Murong Qingyang said solemnly, "didn't Ning'an tell you that I'm not a girl?"

Hawk, "..."

Bench, "..."

They began to understand why Ning'an couldn't find a way to take Qingyang. The goods were unreasonable, and people couldn't answer them.

Well, since she doesn't take herself as a girl, they don't mind having more than one little brother.

The three men looked at the file separately, and Shanying said, "I think this one foot red is like a habitual criminal who runs away to commit crimes. First he does several crimes in Siping company, and then he goes to tongNing to do the crime. The corpse is covered with red cloth. This is the way of the common people. On the one hand, it can be used as his own sign, on the other hand, it can confuse others, on the other hand, it can provoke the government, and make the people feel frightened. He muddles the water and plays the official well In the former dynasty, there were such cases. Because of the geographical dispersion, we could not find where the murderer came from, so it became a headless case. "

The bench has different opinions. He said, "I haven't heard of the flower picking robber yichihong before. It's not clear whether he is a fugitive. But I think yichihong is a new one. He kills every time he rapes. It's different from the previous flower picking robbers. He's a very cautious man. Maybe he kills people just to kill them. Maybe there are some people who are raped and killed There are people who know him. There's brother an in tongNing. Let's start from Siping. "

Murong Qingyang doesn't have a case manager. She thinks Shanying's words are reasonable, but she also agrees with the bench's words. The case is complicated, which arouses her greater fighting spirit.

Ask for a monthly ticket at the weekend.

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