Although the man who broke into Murong Qingyang's room was killed, his identity was soon found out. When something happened to the hut, the woman in charge of the rent heard the letter coming and saw the dead on the ground. She covered her mouth and exclaimed repeatedly that the man was no other than her nephew.

The families of the other victims came to identify them. They all said that they had seen him. The little widow who was killed in the end lived alone, but the people in the courtyard had seen the dead cut firewood for the little widow. After combing these clues together, we can get a general picture.

The murderer is Zhao San. He is a good cook and a cheater. Since his parents died one after another, no one cares about him. Now he is in his thirties and has not married a daughter-in-law. My aunt is in charge of renting a house in a small alley in the west of the city. Sometimes she asks him to help him do some mending work. He often goes in and out of the alley and is very familiar with the situation. When she sees a big girl and a little daughter-in-law, she is always in a daze. It seems that everyone is not surprised to know that he is the murderer.

But Siping's victim's family came, but no one recognized him. Ning'an is more sure of his conjecture. There are two one foot red, or the one in Siping is one foot red. Zhao San in tongNing just imitates him, and Zhao San only commits crimes in his familiar area, and he will not leave the west of the city. Therefore, the case of tongNing is over, and the case of Siping is not over. Ning'an asks several benches to go back to Siping and then investigate.

But after the four cases in Siping, yichihong never appeared again. If Shanying said that it was an old-fashioned wanderer, it would be meaningless to stay in Siping.

Siping county government wants to close the case. After all, there are only a few days left in one month. As long as the case is closed, he can pacify the people and restore order in Siping county. Otherwise, the families of the victims will come to the county government every three or five times to throw away rotten vegetables. Who can bear it.

He wants to close the case, but Ning An doesn't agree. If the case is closed, Zhao San will become one foot red, and the real one will be at large. It's hard to catch him again.

The county government also wanted to persuade, Ning An waved his hand, "the emperor's one month deadline is for the mirage door, which has nothing to do with the county government. If the county government really wants peace in Siping City, it's only to seize a foot of red."

"Isn't Yang San one foot red?"

Ning'an shakes his head and is about to speak. Someone probes at the door. When the county government sees him, he immediately smiles and goes out of the door to talk to him. Ning'an hears that the county government is called father-in-law. He thinks it's the son-in-law of the county government.

He stood for a while, and went out from the side door. In the yard, several mountain Eagles were talking around Murong Qingyang. He stood under the corridor and watched each other from a distance. The sunset was just slanting. Murong Qingyang was surrounded by people and was full of laughter. Today, she was wearing an apricot yellow skirt and bathing in the light red sunset. She was a little coquettish, thinking that an hour ago, the goods were still in front of him Shed tears, commissar aggrieved said he did not want her, tears a wipe, lively is a man.

He shook his head with a smile and walked slowly to see the bench squinting at the front right. He patted the shoulder of the bench: "what are you looking at?"

The bench raised his chin, "brother an, who is with the county magistrate? It looks familiar. "

Ning An looks over, the county seat is seeing off guests, he Oh a, "is the son-in-law of the county government adult, probably find the county government to have something to do."

The bench sat for a moment and said, "I remember, he is Xu Wenxuan, the young master of Weiwu boxing hall. It turns out that he is the son-in-law of the county magistrate."

Ning An asked, "how do you know him?"

"In the fourth case, the Qian family hired a hospital guard, or they hired him in his family's boxing house. At that time, I went to Weiwu boxing house to look up clues and met him."

Ning An nodded, "that's it."

After seeing off the guests, the county magistrate went back to the yard and wanted to talk to Ning An about closing the case. Ning An asked him, "was that your son-in-law just now?"

"It's the son-in-law of the lower official," the county government said with a smile. "It's Xu Wenxuan. His family owns the biggest boxing hall in the county."

Ning An asked, "when did you become a relative?"

"Less than two months," the county government was a little strange, "Deputy headmaster Ning asked what to do with this?"

Ning An smiles, "ask casually."

County Government adults then before the topic, "rather Deputy headmaster, if the deadline has not found a red foot, is it possible to close the case?"

Ning An looked up at the sky and said, "I'll talk about it later. I have something else to do. Goodbye." Then he waved to the bench and said, "let's go!"

A group of people Hula catch up with Ning'an, leaving the county magistrate staring at their back in a daze.

Ning'an took everyone to the restaurant, ordered an elegant room, ordered a table of dishes, and said to Murong Qingyang, "it's your treat today."

Murong Qingyang without saying a word, took off his wallet and threw it on the table, very forthright said, "brothers, whatever you want to eat, just order."

Shanying looked at the exquisite and small purse and said with a smile, "how much silver can I hold here? Is it enough to invite everyone to a meal?"

Small Zhuge greedy wine, "boss, I do not ask high, a pot of good wine will become."

Pony, "boss, I want to eat Babao duck and hand shredded chicken."

The bench said, "let's have a few catties of sauced beef."Hawk, "I want to eat crystal elbow, popcorn."

Murong Qingyang asked Ning An, "what do you eat?"

"I don't choose. That's enough."

Murong Qingyang asked Ning Shijiu, "what about you?"

Ning 19 said, "slave, I don't choose."

Murong Qingyang thought for a moment, and asked Hou's little two, "do you have shark fin and sea cucumber?"

Little two glanced at the small purse on the table, laughing a little reluctantly, "there are all kinds of shark fin and sea cucumber, but the price is not cheap. A bowl of shark fin soup is five Liang, and a plate of fresh sea cucumber is six Liang."

Murong Qingyang said, "first of all, write down their points, and each one will have a bowl of shark's fin soup, fresh sea cucumber large portion, and a few of your shop's signature dishes. The wine must be a good wine aged for more than ten years. For the time being, that's not enough."

The crowd cheered: "the boss is powerful."

Second, he glanced at the purse again. He suspected that the silver there might not be enough to pay the bill. When he went downstairs, he thought that he wanted to be angry with the shopkeeper. He had to be careful that these people upstairs ate overlord food.

Not only the sophomores are worried, but also the benches are worried. They all know that Qingyang is the gold of the rich businessmen. She can afford this. It's just Shanying picked up Xiaohe bag and weighed it. It was lighter than he thought. After another shake, it rustled inside. He said, "boss, there is not much silver here."

Ning An said with a smile: "the head here is not silver."

"Is it not silver or gold?"

When Murong Qingyang heard this sentence, he suddenly remembered that the gold leaves in her purse were all marked inside. As long as they were taken out, her identity would be exposed. She snatched the small purse back quickly and said to Ning'an, "it's still your treat today."

Ning'an, "..."

Everyone, "..."

Well, I've seen your urging, so let's add more today.

I'm looking for a monthly ticket.

I'll see you later.

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