Seeing Murong Qingyang enter the door, Qihong greets him happily, "Your Highness hasn't come for a while. My aunt reckons that you can come over these two days. Yesterday, she made some snacks, waiting for you to eat."

Murong Qingyang, taking Qi Hong's arm, said, "how's your aunt recently?"

Qihong patted her hand and said with a smile, "Your Highness Lao is worried about it. It's very good." He called to the left wing room again, "Ning'an, come out, Qingyang is coming!"

Ning An knew the royal highness of the princess, and every time he was there, he was always very busy. He did not know how difficult it was, but he was not a passionate person. He was not enthusiastic, especially when he heard his mother calling him. He seemed to be a little reluctant. He was about to open the door and heard what he said. Come to him. "

Ning'an's steps were at the door. For a moment, he was in a dilemma.

After returning from Siping, Murong Qingyang hasn't been to the mirage gate for several days. Ning An doesn't know what's going on, but it's good for him that she doesn't come. Yesterday, his mother told him that Qingyang would come here these two days. He took a rest today, but he didn't go out. Unexpectedly, the goods really came. It seems that his voice is a little cold to him!

Ning An thought carefully, he didn't offend her recently. Before, it was her who chased after him. Leng Buding's girl changed her personality. He was really not used to it.

After a moment's hesitation, he opened the door and went out.

On the stone table of the Flower Pavilion, there are dim sum boxes brought by Qihong. They are very big and almost occupy the round table. The big round box with a red paint surface is painted with many beautiful patterns, such as flowers, plants, vines, rockery, rocks, and some figure paintings. Children fly kites, ladies shake fans, old people go fishing, and a group of young people with headscarves are playing Cuju .

Murong Qingyang was attracted by these pictures and looked askew for a long time, "aunt, this box is really beautiful. Where did you buy it?"

"It's from boss Shi," said Qi Hong. "Last time I sent her some snacks, she gave me this big box. She said it was from somewhere in the south. It's the only one in Lin'an City." As she spoke, she opened the lid. It was black and painted with gold. It was divided into many small fan-shaped lattices. A small circle in the middle was also divided into four fan-shaped lattices. It was filled with all kinds of colorful snacks. It looked very beautiful.

Murong Qingyang looked for a long time, did not know where to start, are a little reluctant to eat.

Qi red see her that way funny, pinch a hand to her mouth, "eat, aunt specially made for you."

Murong Qingyang opened his mouth to catch it. He chewed his cheeks and looked at Qihong with a smile. "It's delicious." Eyes a slant, Piao to the people who are going here, smile on the convergence of some.

Ning'an felt the alienation of Murong Qingyang before he came near. He touched his nose and hummed in his heart. I can't come to my own home

Qihong saw her son coming and said with a smile, "you talk with Qingyang, I'll cook for you."

Ning An sits down on the chair, pinches a piece of snack and throws it into his mouth. He glances at Murong Qingyang. He holds the lid of the snack box and looks very attentively. He doesn't want to talk to him at all.

Ning'an looks up at the sky, the sky is blue, white clouds are like catkins, and the golden sun is all over the earth. It's a good weather.

He cleared his throat and broke the silence. "Aren't you going back to the mirage door?"

Murong Qingyang continued to appreciate the lid, did not hear.

Ning An had to say, "if you are not going to come to the mirage door, you should tell me?"

Murong Qingyang's eyes were still fixed on the lid of the box, "I'm just a non staff member. I come and go as soon as I want. I don't need to say hello to anyone. That's what you said at the beginning."

Ning An listens to her tone a little blunt, also a little not happy, "what's the matter with you, have you eaten gunpowder?"? I didn't offend you. "

Murong Qingyang finally looked at him, "you didn't offend me, it's just my own careful eye, it's nothing to do with you." She squeezed out a smile and patted him on the shoulder. "Although But I still take you as my best friend

Ning An Leng for a while, although what she also don't say, have no head and no brain, let him some inexplicable.

He hesitated and asked, "what happened to you?"

"No, I'm fine," Murong Qingyang laughs. She's a little angry with Ning'an, but she knows that she's making trouble out of nothing. Ning'an grows up. He has a confidant and will marry and have children. In addition to her, there will be more intimate people in his future. In his heart, she's not the most important, and he won't tell her what's on his mind. She should learn it slowly Get used to it.

She asked, "how's the mirage gate recently? Aren't you busy?"

Ning An said, "yes, some people in the mirage gate are investigating cases in other places. Xiao Zhuge and Xiao Ma also went to the south a few days ago."

"Don't you have to go?"

"If it wasn't for a particularly serious case, I would stay in the north, not far from Lin'an."

"Oh, that's it."

Ning'an is not a man who talks a lot. Mo Rong Qingyang talks a little today. When they talk here, they are both silent. The atmosphere is a little dull.Ning'an used to think that Murong was quiet and noisy. Now she calms down, and he thinks that she's better to make noise. At least people seem normal. Her silence made him uneasy.

He didn't have a word to say, "are you still throwing booku?"

Murong Qingyang shook his head, "very few, can't find the right opponent, win too easy, boring."

Ning An said, "I've been too busy these years, and I seldom fall down..." He spoke very slowly. According to the character of Murong Qingyang, when he passed his words, she should respond immediately, but she just looked at him with a pair of bright eyes, clearly looking forward to it, but she didn't say it.

After a pause, he said to himself, "would you like to have a try?"

"Good." This time, Murong Qingyang picked up quickly, and even grinned at him, with a small sense of success.

Ning An didn't care about these small details. He felt relieved when the goods came back to life.

They went to the lawn to throw the cloth warehouse. Murong Qingyang used to come to this place. She still remembers that when she was a child, she was lying on the lawn and kicking Ning'an's butt. The young boy was angry and waved his fist to her. In the end, he was picked up by Ning to teach her a lesson, and then he was solved by her two or three words. How funny it was

I haven't fallen for a long time. They are unfamiliar with each other. At first, they just try to feel it, but they don't dare to do it. You touch me, I touch you. Slowly, I get a little feeling back. After several turns, Ning An suddenly takes out his hand, grabs Murong Qingyang's waist, and presses it down from the side. Murong Qingyang is pressed on the grass.

When he was a child, he used to press Murong Qingyang under his body countless times. He should have been familiar with it, but what's the matter with this inexplicable embarrassment?

While he was in a daze, Murong Qingyang kneed and whirled, pressing him tightly under his body, showing a smile of victory, "I won!"

The second is more.

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