Jin chuan'er takes Shi Chuan back to Fengming palace, and the slaves under him are like enemies. The ones who hold the lamp hold the lamp, the ones who draw water, and the others find medicinal wine and ointment to wipe the Queen's feet.

Jin chuan'er squatted on the ground and looked carefully under the headlight. Fortunately, she didn't have a bad wring, but was a little red and swollen. She poured the wine on her hand and rubbed it on Shi Chuan's feet.

Shi Chuang is not coquettish, and can't stand her rubbing so hard. She cries out, "chuang'er, don't do it, let Qionghua come."

When Qionghua and Qiongyu saw that the empress was in tears, they all begged Jin chuan'er, "sister chuan'er, let's come. The empress is in great pain."

Jin chuan'er is the one who loves Shi Chuan the most, but she can't help it. If the congestion doesn't break, it will become abscess. At that time, it will be more troublesome. She doesn't trust others to make it,

but Shi Chuan keeps crying out for pain, and she can't get rid of it. It's getting lighter, but she doesn't look good.


Mo Ronglin leans on the couch and looks at the glazed lanterns on the table. Sixi walks in quietly. He glances at Yu guangpiao and immediately sits up straight, "how about it?"

"Niang Niang sprained her foot. It seems that it's quite serious. After listening to it for a while, Niang Niang screamed miserably."

"Why is she called?"

"Jin chuan'er is wiping medicine for her mother. Jin chuan'er is so strong that she can't bear it."

Mo Rong Lin said coldly, "it's as strong as an ox, but it's not strong enough. The queen wants the palace to save money. In my opinion, let's reduce the amount of the ox first."

Four Xi said, "Jin chuan'er is also good for Niang Niang. If you don't disperse the congestion, you will have abscesses."

Mo Ronglin snorted, "what does a slave know? Don't rub her good foot. Ask the imperial doctor to have a look. At least she is my queen. If she is lame in the future, I'll be a lame queen, and I'll have no light on my face."

Four Xi should sound is, turn around to go, and listen to the emperor said, "today too hospital who on duty?"

Four Xi thought, "it's like Lu Yizheng."

"Let doctor Lu Zheng go for a trip."

"Yes, emperor," four Xi stooped back and snickered as he walked. The emperor was worried about the queen, but he said sarcastic words and refused to admit it. They were slaves. They really looked at it.

When Lu Yi arrived at Fengming palace, Jin chuan'er had already helped Shi Chuan to clean up. Lu Yi was not at ease and insisted on having a look. When she heard that the emperor sent him, Shi Yingying felt a little guilty. She didn't blame him for it. It was her fault, but the Emperor's attitude was a pity A little bit better.

Doctor Lu was looking at the place where Wei arrived. He knew it wasn't very serious. He was relieved and left two bottles of medicine oil to cure tendon and bone injuries. He asked Jin chuan'er to wipe the empress one round in the morning, middle and evening.

Jin chuan'er takes the medicine, thanks Lu Yizheng, and asks the eunuch to send him out.

Lu medicine is not back to the hospital, first go to Chengde palace.

The emperor had already taken a bath. He was dressed in bedclothes and hair. He was sitting under the lamp reading a book. When he heard the notice, he asked doctor Lu to come in and ask, "how's the queen?"

"Back to the emperor," said Lu Yizheng, "the empress really sprained her foot, but it's not very serious. Jin chuan'er has already rubbed the medicine for her. She'll rub it again tomorrow. It's just a matter of time. It's not suitable to walk these days. She should have more rest."

"Have you told Jin chuan'er that?"

"Yes, I did."

The emperor rolled up the book. "How many days off?"

"Three days at least, five days at most, that's fine."

"What's the point of eating?"

"It's better to be light. I've already told you that."

"Well," muronglin nodded with satisfaction, "you step back."

Doctor Lu is retreating. The emperor is holding a book in his hand, but his head is looking up at the beam on the roof. He thinks that she can't walk these days. I'm afraid she's bored in Fengming palace. It's up to taro. Why don't you lend her taro for a few days.

Think of here, he raised his voice to call four Xi, "you send taro to the queen, say I borrow her to play for a few days."

Four Xi ah, ran to the side of the box to get taro, take to go, and was stopped by the emperor, "wait."

"What else does the emperor want to command the slave?"

The emperor said, "it's too late now. The queen should have a rest. I'd better send it in the morning." If you send it to her now, she may stay up late to play, because she loves Tarot.

Four Xi had to put taro back in the box again, "the slave will send it to the empress tomorrow morning. Is there anything else the emperor wants to bring to the empress?"

The emperor thought, "no more." He put the book on the head of the bed and said, "turn out the light. I'm going to sleep."

Si Xi came up and blew out the light on the desk. The room immediately fell into darkness. The emperor closed his eyes, but couldn't sleep. It seemed that from the afternoon, his heart was in a mess. Some scattered pictures always flashed in his mind: Shi pengpeng stood in the study, with a calm face about the interpretation of Wu De Gong Xiang lacquer. The pale mole on Shi pengpeng's ear, the hair on her cheek, the smell of jasmine on her body, the brilliance in her eyes when she was absorbed, and the way she said she liked him with a smileMo Ronglin took a deep breath and put his hand on his chest. He felt a little uncomfortable just thinking about it. Does this mean that his hidden disease is getting worse?

He opened his eyes in the dark, took a deep breath and warned himself not to think about it. He should go to bed early and go to bed early tomorrow. But when he closed his eyes again, he saw Shi pengpeng appear in Meilin. She called him the emperor in a soft voice. She approached him. Her red lips breathed like orchids, her hands were soft as bones

Mo Ronglin angrily opens his eyes again and calls for someone to pour water for him.

After drinking half a glass of water, I finally calmed down and fell asleep.

Unfortunately, Shi pengpeng came to see him in her dream. She had no makeup. She was wearing a white bedclothes. Her long black hair was scattered, like a lock of water grass, growing to the waist. She was very thin. She had a thin waist. She didn't wear shoes. Her toes were as white as jade, but her hair covered her face, and she couldn't see clearly.

She approached step by step, swaying. As she passed by, white jasmine blossomed out. The fragrance of jasmine was faint and surrounded him from all directions. He wanted to escape, but his body seemed to be fixed and could not move. He could only watch her approaching.

Finally, she stood in front of him, slowly raised her arms, and separated the hair on her face with her hands. Under the hair, there was a frightening and pale face, with no facial features and nothing. It was like that his face was covered with human skin, which scared him into a cold sweat. Then she cut the skin with her long nails. Under the hair, there was a fishy red face, eyebrows, eyes and nose There is no lack of lips, but they are bloody

He screamed with fright, woke up, raised his hand to touch his forehead, and felt the sweat of one hand.

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