After Mo Ronglin borrowed Shi pengpeng's money, he always had the feeling of holding people's hands short. When he saw her, he was not as polite as before. His nose was not his nose, and his eyes were not his eyes. Moreover, he is a man of reputation. He always wants to pay back the borrowed money as soon as possible, so that he can regain his former momentum in front of Shi pengpeng.

He had silver to pay back, but the money was still on the way. It was a batch of gold transported from Nanyuan. Now Nanyuan is a subsidiary of East Vietnam. Every year, he would pay a sum of gold to pay back Shi pengpeng. He had been looking forward to the gold for a long time, but it was a long way and a large amount. He had to be careful in everything, and he had to be patient.

Can wait to go, wait to come a bolt from the blue, the whole two cars of gold even people with money disappeared.

When the news came back to the imperial court, there was an uproar. Mo Ronglin sat on the Dragon chair and was even more shocked. With such a large amount of gold, how could it be said that it would be gone without it? Who had the courage to rob the emperor's money?

Ning'an hurried into the palace to face the emperor, took the emperor's will to thoroughly investigate the matter, and set a time limit of one month to solve the case.

For a moment, the mirage door was unprecedentedly tense. The gold theft case had no warning in advance. It must have been a premonition. Such a smooth robbery of gold, it can be seen that the plan is very thorough, there is no flaw, leaving no clues, just like those guards walking with gold disappeared out of thin air.

In fact, the place where gold disappeared is not far from Lin'an. Across the two counties, it is a rather desolate mountain. There has been no rain recently, and the road is dry and hard. But we can see the traces of some grass on the roadside pressed by the wheels of the car. Strangely enough, when Ning'an checked all the way, those traces were broken at a stream. Further on, we can't find any traces pressed by the wheels of the car Trace, he stood on the slope, looking at the stream, frowned.

Murong Qingyang carried a bamboo basket on his back. When he saw something suspicious, he picked it up and threw it into the basket. All the way, he found the place where Ning'an stood and said, "what's the matter? Hurry to find the clue."

Ning an ignored her, still looking at the stream, Murong Qingyang thought he didn't hear, ready to call him again, was dragged away by the bench, "when brother an is thinking, it's better not to disturb, sometimes the train of thought is broken, I can't remember for a long time."

He leaned his head into her basket and said, "what are you picking up? They are all stones and grass roots. What's the use of picking them up?"

Murong Qingyang took off the basket and put it on the ground. He pointed to a stone and said, "look, there are patterns on the stone, a circle in the middle, and round by round on the side. Does it look like a sun?"

The bench said, "you picked it up by the stream. It's no wonder that the stones are washed by water for years to form such a pattern."

Murong Qingyang picked up a big grass root, "is this crooked like a snake?" She said while shaking grass roots to the bench face, bench eyes do not blink, look at her eyes like a fool.

Murong Qingyang doesn't believe that she can't scare people. He hides the grass roots behind his back and goes to the Mountain Eagle. He suddenly throws the grass roots at him and exclaims, "snake!"

After a while, I saw a flash of light in the sky. The eagle cut the grass root in two with his sword. He looked at her angrily, "is it fun?"

Murong Qingyang curled his lips and walked away without interest, continuing to search for her treasure.

At that end, little Zhuge had been squatting on the ground for a long time, and he didn't know what he was looking at. Murong Qingyang was a little curious. He looked along his eyes, but he didn't see any fame. She asked, "little Zhuge, what are you looking at?"

Little Zhuge pointed down the slope and said, "look there."

Murong Qingyang glanced at him casually, "it's just some sand and stone. It's nothing strange."

"These are some newly exposed sand and stones."

Murong Qingyang looked at it carefully and said, "don't you think it's different from other places?"

Little Zhuge reached out to brush, and some small sand fell into the stream. Now the ink looks clear, and she can see the difference. The newly exposed sand particles are bigger, and the color will be a little yellow, but she is still curious, "brush away the sand on the surface of other places, and the newly exposed sand is not the same as this?"

Xiaozhuge explained with a smile, "it's the same inside. The difference is that the outside layer is normal. The outside layer doesn't peel off so easily. The sand and stone on the surface here are sprinkled on purpose to cover the traces."

At this time, Ning'an came down from the slope and gathered everyone together. He pointed to the stream at the bottom of the slope and said, "Shan Ying and Xiao Zhuge go down the stream to see if they can find the body?"

Murong Qingyang heard this, startled, "whose body?"

Little Zhuge replied, "of course, he is the one who escorts gold." he asked Ning An, "brother an also thinks that the thief left from the stream?"

Ning An nodded. "I've just looked at it carefully. This stream is probably a source. The lower it goes, the wider it will be. It's OK to leave or carry goods. The current can cover up all traces. If the thief really goes from here, maybe the clue will be broken."

Little Zhuge pointed to the place he had just looked at and said, "the thief should have gone down there. There is a fracture on the slope there, but they cover it up so that people can't easily find it. It's an old-fashioned way."Ning An went to have a look, "then we have to go down to have a look." he looked up at the sky, "go quickly, and come back before the sun goes to the West. There are some evil ways in this place. It doesn't look like a good place."

Murong Qingyang asked, "why is there a heresy here? Isn't it just a little bit of avoidance?"

Ning An shakes his head, "can't say, just intuition."

Suddenly a gust of wind blowing over, Yin swish, Murong Qingyang, a cool back, conveniently holding Ning'an's arm, looking around, "this place will not have a ghost?"

Ning An Leng for a while just gently hand earned out, in her forehead flicked, "you are not very brave, how also afraid of ghost?"

Murong Qingyang said, "I can't beat ghosts."

On one side of the bench, smiling, even the silent fish pulled the corner of his mouth, with a little smile, this noise, Murong Qingyang heart relaxed a lot, afraid of what all left behind.

When Shanying and xiaozhuge arrived, Xiaoyu sat under the tree and played his flute.

Every time he played the tune, it was a little sad. Against the desolate scenery, it made people sad.

Murong Qingyang played with the little stone, put his head on his knee, and asked Ning'an quietly, "I always feel that little fish is like a person with a story, you know?"

Ning An stares at her one eye, "other people's business, less inquisition."

"So there is?" Murong Qingyang ignored Ning'an's glare and put forward a face to get in the past, "tell me."

Ning An looked at the little Lai Pi's face that was about to be pasted. She couldn't laugh or cry. She didn't take him as an outsider.

Ah, I'm so afraid. I kneel down to ask for some monthly tickets.

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