Shi pengpeng's conjecture was correct. On the fifth day, he found a lot of silver bills with semicolons. The shopkeeper didn't say anything and changed them all. Then he found the fake banknotes, which were also of 1000 denominations. However, the layout of the banknotes of Shijia shop was designed by Shi pengpeng himself. In some places, even if they were imitated, there would be subtle differences. The shopkeeper specially selected several experienced clerks to check the notes. One day, he found more than ten fake banknotes.

The holders of counterfeit banknotes should have a clear idea. When they see something wrong, they turn around and run. All the staff in the Silver Village perform their own duties and can't spare any hands to chase them, so it's OK. But when some people see it, it's spread.

The common people have feelings for the historian's firm. For so many years, the historian's firm has been able to do business without cheating the old and the young. No matter how rich or poor they are, they are treated equally. Everyone who enters the store is a guest. They are polite to everyone. The common people are respected and naturally impressed. Another is that the historian's shop opens a warehouse every year to do good deeds with porridge. Other families do good deeds. On the surface, the porridge soup is clear enough to show people's shadow. The historian's shop is different. The fragrant white rice porridge and white steamed bread are the same as those sold in their shop. Sometimes, the poor can get credit or relief, and their feelings and hearts are gradually established. When we buy things, we all recognize the historian's firm.

After the incident that the stolen gold appeared in the historian's Yinzhuang, the common people believed that the historian's firm was wronged, and no one went to Yinzhuang to exchange silver. Now they heard that someone went to exchange silver with a fake banknote, and they believed that it was framed. In Jingshi, after dinner, they talked about it all.

At this time, the Bank of the semicolon near Lin'an City collected the money and sent it to him. He was robbed on the way.

This is a double whammy for the historians, but it also indirectly proves that some people want to kill the historians and use the trend of exchange to bring down the historians' bank.

The spread of this incident has aroused people's indignation. Although they can't help, it's OK for them to say a few unfair words on behalf of historians and businessmen. The public opinion in the market is one-sided, and all of them are blaming the black heart behind the scenes. Some officials even played for the imperial court to speak for the historians.

Mo Ronglin sits on the Dragon chair and listens to the court officials talking about the reaction of the common people. He is a little surprised. He didn't expect that the historian's firm has such a good reputation among the common people and has done so many seemingly insignificant but warm things. He has changed his image of Shi Yingying's mother and daughter.

However, public opinion alone can't overturn the case for the historian's firm. Some officials came out to refute, saying that everything has to be based on evidence. If we can't explain why gold appeared in the Bank of the historian's firm, we can't prove Shi Yingying's innocence. When he finished, he was immediately seconded by some people. The court officials who avenged the historian's firm did not show weakness, and quarreled on the spot.

Mo Ronglin went to quarrel with them. He was stunned for a while before he stopped the noisy officials at the bottom of the court. "What's the quarrel? There's a mirage door investigating this matter. They'll find out. They won't wrongly the good people, and they'll never let go of the criminals!" Finish saying, also no matter have to go up to play, get up to descend Dan Bi.

Wang Changliang called out, "retreat!" He chased the emperor with the dust.

Officials also saw that Mo Ronglin was in a bad mood and did not dare to say more. He bowed to the emperor.

Although the gold was found back, Mo Ronglin's mood was not much better, but more depressed. He felt that he was too disappointed with Shi pengpeng. After a while, the relationship between them eased a little. As a result, when the incident broke out, everything returned to the original point. Although he also believed that Shi Yingying would not do such a thing, as an emperor, he was a suspicious person. Except for a few close friends, he didn't want to really believe anyone.

Xu Guifei stood by the side of the road and saw the emperor coming from a distance. She asked for her good health. But the Emperor didn't seem to see her, so she walked by.

Xu Guifei, "..."

Wang Changliang also Leng for a while, chased two steps to remind Murong Lin in a low voice, "emperor, the empress of the imperial concubine is greeting you."

Mo Rong Lin Dun foot turned around, but did not pass, light way voice, "pardon."

Xu Guifei stood up and said, "the emperor is going down."

"Well," muronglin asked her, "is your concubine waiting for me here?"

Concubine Xu is delicate and timid: "I haven't seen the emperor for a long time, so..."

Mo Ronglin is a bit at a loss, so what?

"Your concubine has been in charge of the harem recently. I've worked hard. I don't need to worry about me if I have nothing to do."

"I don't work hard." Princess Xu took a few steps towards him, and the fragrance of roses went straight to his nose.

Mo Rong Lin's brow was almost imperceptible, and he wanted to step back a few steps, but he held back, taking care of Princess Xu's face.

"Emperor, I'm in charge of the harem. There's nothing beside it. It's just the same," she said, pausing for a moment. She seemed a little embarrassed. "I don't have a phoenix seal. I have some notes and documents. I can't sign them."

Mo Rong Lin was silent for a while and said, "the Phoenix is in the hands of the queen." And then he left.

Princess Xu pondered this sentence for a long time, but she still didn't understand what it meant? Does it mean that the Phoenix seal is in the hands of the queen, and you want to get it and give it to her? Or is the Phoenix seal only in the hands of the queen, not for her?Mo Ronglin took a few steps forward, and suddenly looked back at Princess Xu. Princess Xu was very happy. She was about to follow her, but she saw that the emperor quickened his pace. She didn't mean to wait for her. Her steps fell to the same place again.

Mo Ronglin looks back at Xu Guifei, but suddenly he is a little puzzled. In his heart, Xu Xueling, the first candidate for the queen, seems to be following up in front of the palace.

In fact, Xu Xueling and Shi pengpeng are both stable personalities, but they give him totally different feelings. Xu Xueling is dignified and elegant, noble and aloof, and has the momentum of motherhood. And Shi pengpeng is calm, calm and introverted, and has a convincing force.

Who is more suitable to be a queen? For a moment, he has no answer in his mind.

In the end, Princess Xu didn't catch up with her. She had her pride. She summoned up the courage to speak her own words, but the emperor was indifferent. In front of the slaves, her heart was bleeding.

With people to go back, a small maid came in a hurry, whispered two words in Jinling's ear, Princess Xu slanted a look, "what's the matter?"

Jinling said, "Niang Niang, Liu Guiren is uneasy again. She wants to ask the imperial doctor to have a look."

Xu Guifei raised her lips and said, "why do you feel uneasy again? Her body is really out of order. Send a doctor to have a look."

She said, quite a profound look at Jinling, Jinling understanding, "slave personally run a trip."

Concubine Xu waved her hand and looked at Chengde palace and Fengming palace not far away. She sighed and went to Biyao palace.

Come on??.

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