Case twists and turns, check Zhuang Mingqi this line, find out is all against the historian business. Murong Qingyang is a little bit flustered. He feels that the other party is playing with them in circles.

Ning'an knew her best. He rubbed her head and said with a smile, "can't you calm down?"

Murong Qingyang dodged for a moment, avoided his hand and said angrily, "the master behind the scenes is too insidious. I really want to whip him twice."

Ning An said, "don't worry. He's more frustrated than us. The historian's firm is not broken. He has to fight again. The more he does, the more proof that someone wants to fight against the historian's firm."

But without waiting for the master behind the scenes, something happened to Du Changfeng. The northwest pigeon sent a message to Lin'an. Du Changfeng left the Northwest Garrison and disappeared.

This time, the whole court and the field were shocked. Du Changfeng ran away after the east window incident. A big man, regardless of his wife and children, ran for his own life. Anyone who heard this would scoff.

Shi Yingying didn't make a big noise when she heard the news. She was alone in the room and no one would disturb her. Du Jinyan was very worried and walked up and down the corridor anxiously.

When Shi Yingying came out, she looked at him and said, "if you go down, you'll have to step out of the pit. Don't you feel bored?"

Du Jinyan was very worried. He was relieved to hear his mother's voice. He could teach others, which proved that the problem was not big.

"Niang, don't listen to the gossip outside. Dad is not that kind of person!"

"I know," she said calmly, "who your father is, I know best."

"Mother, are you worried about dad?"

"I don't worry. We are here. Your father will come back sooner or later." Shi Yingying patted him on the shoulder, "go to dinner. Your father's whereabouts are unknown. We can't be out of proportion. We should wait for him to come back."

Du Jinyan red eyes, holding history Yingying to side hall to eat.


after hearing the news, Mo Ronglin kept silent, but the civil and military officials argued endlessly. When such a thing happened, the officials who had wronged the historian firm did not speak any more, and those who firmly believed that the historian firm was guilty even more clamorously. One by two, they knelt down in the court and said with great eloquence: "the emperor, the matter is very clear Colluding with Zhuang Mingqi to steal gold. Now that Zhuang Mingqi is exposed, Du Changfeng flees with fear of crime. Please order the emperor to strictly investigate Du Fu and the historian's business. "

"Emperor, this case has been delayed for a long time. It's time to put an end to it."

"Emperor, the prince is guilty of the same crime as the common people. You can't condone Du Changfeng just because he is the father of the state. You have to set an example for the common people in the world."

"Emperor, for such a long time, the mirage gate has done nothing. It's all due to Ning'an's intimate relationship with historians and his negative neglect. Please check it out."

"The Emperor..."

Mo Ronglin closed his eyes, took a deep breath, opened it again, and said in a deep voice, "don't talk about the mirage door. I believe in Ning'an. It's all right

He got up and went down to Danbi. The people below were still talking and they were tired of hearing him.

Wang Changliang accompanied him to Chengde hall. Hearing the sound of footsteps coming up behind him, he looked back and bowed, "Lord Qin."

Qin Huai'an is the censor of zuodu in the Academy of inspectors. He is also a talkative person in front of Mo Ronglin. Wang Changliang opened some distance to facilitate them to speak.

Mo Rong Lin looks at Qin Huai'an lightly, "do you have something to say?"

"Yes, emperor," said Qin Huaian, holding his fist and bowing to his waist, accompanying the emperor slowly forward.

"Emperor, I know that the relationship between boss Shi of the historian firm and the Empress Dowager is very deep. The emperor hesitated because of this relationship and didn't question boss Shi. But now this case is full of troubles, and officials are full of complaints. If they don't come to a conclusion, I'm afraid..." He paused for a moment, and his voice was lower. "What's more, when the emperor set up the empress for a reason, I didn't dare to speak in vain, but I felt aggrieved for the emperor. Now that historians have made such a big mess, it's a good opportunity for the emperor to be abandoned. The emperor knows it and can't say anything. The historian's business is as rich as his country's. to Dongyue, it's already a towering tree. If we don't cut it down, we can... "

His words are all up to the point, but they don't make it clear. At the beginning, the emperor suddenly changed the Du family's daughter into a king, which made the court and the field in an uproar. The reason is not known to all. After a big marriage, the emperor and empress are at odds with each other. All officials know that they have seen the empress punish the stone lion. Now is a good opportunity for the emperor to turn the tables. It can not only abolish the empress, but also take the historian's business into his pocket. Why is the emperor so slow? The reason, as we all know, is that the relationship between the Empress Dowager and the Empress Dowager has been hesitant for fear of hurting her heart.

Mo Ronglin stopped and stood on the veranda with his hands down, looking at the pavilions in the distance. Although it was autumn, the sun was shining high, and the yellow glazed tiles were shining in the sun, showing a solemn and solemn momentum.

It's needless to say that Qin Huaian had imagined all kinds of things. This is the best chance to get rid of Shi pengpeng, but I don't know when those thoughts will disappear in his heart. I can't find any trace. Now I'm bored to hear it again.

Qin Huaian quietly looked at the emperor's face, considered it for a while, and said, "emperor, those who do great things don't pay attention to trivial matters. The Empress Dowager will surely understand the emperor's difficulties..."Mo Rong Lin took his eyes back and fell on his face, "who asked you to say these words?"

His voice was not big and his tone was ordinary, but Qin Huaian knelt down on the ground in fright, "no one, it's all the words from the bottom of my heart. As the censor of zuodou in the imperial court, I impeach all the officials in the vocational college. I can't tolerate all the officials who are treacherous, villains who form the party, and who are in power and fortune. I'm loyal to the emperor, and I can learn from the sun and the moon. I do everything for the emperor and the court ……”

Mo Ronglin said, "get up." No longer care about him, negative hand, self-care to go forward.

Looking at the back of the emperor, Qin Huaian looked a little perplexed. He got up slowly and turned to go outside the palace.

Wang Changliang saw that Mo Ronglin had passed the Chengde hall and didn't enter, so he knew where he was going. He followed him to the cold palace with a brush.

Mo Ronglin is not afraid of anything else. He only worries that the news of Du Changfeng's whereabouts will come to Shi pengpeng's ears, for fear that she will be sad. I don't know if she will cry when she is hurt? When he came here together, he felt a little uncomfortable.

But the more he worried about something, the more he felt. At the moment of opening the door, he saw Shi pengpeng raise his eyes and look over. His eyes were red and misty. It was obvious that he had just cried.

His heart suddenly yanked, standing by the door, a little at a loss.

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