After lunch in Du Fu, Mo Ronglin takes Shi pengpeng back to the palace. Because he doesn't want to attract people's attention, he chooses a light carriage. There is not much space in it, so it's a great test for him to sit side by side.

He knows his own problems, as long as there is no physical contact, the general problem is not big, he can deal with it freely, will not let people see abnormal, but at the moment, the back sweat layer after layer, stick on the body very uncomfortable, the face is also hot, breathing faster than usual, he does not want to let Shi pengpeng aware, so try to make the breathing gentle, so the pressure is also affected Sin, more and more uncomfortable.

The car is too quiet, a bit of movement will be magnified, Mo Ronglin does not want Shi pengpeng to notice, but she still noticed, turned to see him, "the emperor's face is not very good, uncomfortable?"

Mo Rong Lin shook his head, "I'm ok."

Shi pengpeng thought for a moment, leaned on the car's apron and pulled away a little.

Mo Rong Lin looks at her this action, some words are hard to say, she is understanding, but he doesn't seem to want to appreciate.

After entering the palace and passing the second gate, Shi Peng said, "emperor, my concubine ate more at noon. I want to go down for a walk."

Mo Ronglin didn't understand her meaning and said, "I just want to go."

So they stopped the carriage. The empress and the emperor got out of the carriage and walked slowly towards the Forbidden Palace in a leisurely manner.

After a short walk, Mo Rongsheng came over in a hurry and saw Shi pengpeng. As soon as his eyes brightened, he moved his eyes to Mo Ronglin's face again. Then he restrained his joy and saluted him politely.

Mo Ronglin was very upset because he went to Du's house last night. He came across his little thought about Shi pengpeng. He knew that he didn't give up on Shi pengpeng, so he didn't look good. He asked sternly, "where are you going in such a hurry?"

Mo Rongsheng replied, "my younger brother will go to uncle Liuwang's house."

"Follow uncle Liuwang to tease birds around the garden again?"

In the presence of Shi pengpeng, Mo Ronglin said it implicitly, but Mo Rongsheng knew in his heart what bird and garden the emperor brother was talking about. He was afraid and did not dare to refute it. He was honest.

Mo Ronglin thought that he didn't understand what he said last time, so that the muddleheaded brother was still under illusion, so he said, "don't go anywhere. I have something to say."

When Shi pengpeng heard this, he could not stand on the side, squatted for a blessing and left first.

Mo Rong Lin Mu sent her away, with his own did not notice the gentle, but eyes back, immediately clip frost, "you went to Du house yesterday?"

Mo Rongsheng body trembled for a while, premonition is not very good, dare not lie, "is."

"To do what?"

"No, I didn't do anything. Everyone went, so..."

"Everyone can go, but you can't, don't you know? Don't say no one asked you, even if you have, you can't go. Don't you know? "

Murong murmured, "brother Huang, you misunderstood me. I didn't treat sister Huang..."

"Nothing?" Mo Rong Lin mercilessly exposed him, "just saw the queen, your eyes are going to stare out, when I am blind?"

"Last time I was in Fengming palace, I just woke you up, but I didn't make it very clear. Today I'll leave my words here. Shi pengpeng is the queen and my wife. Don't say you don't contact her any more, you can't even think about it. Otherwise, I'll turn your brain into a pig's brain. Believe it or not?"

Mo Rongsheng raised his head in horror, "brother Huang, you..."

Mo Ronglin faced him squarely, "what do I want?"

"Brother Huang, do you like sister Huang?"

"Don't worry about me," muronglin said coldly, holding his hand behind him. "Take care of yourself. Besides, from today on, you are not allowed to leave the palace. Just stay in the palace." And without looking at him, he rolled up his sleeve and walked away.

Mo Rongsheng was left standing in the same place as if he had been struck by lightning.

He followed the king of Jin to play around in the place of wind and moon all the year round, and had the most research on the word of love. His brother clearly moved his love for Shi pengpeng!

He looked up to the sky and sighed. He also knew that it was time to cut off his love. The emperor always bullied Shi pengpeng because of the discord between the emperor and the empress. He was worried and couldn't let go of it. Now that the emperor was on his mind, Shi pengpeng's future would be escorted by the emperor, so it would be nothing for him.

He was full of melancholy and sighs. He hated God's lack of eyes, nature's making people, and his fate with Shi pengpeng. He walked all the way, sighed all the way. His steps were empty, his posture was staggering, and he walked out of the sunny day.

The friendship that he had accumulated since childhood was about to peel off. It was as painful as cutting a flesh. Mo Rongsheng burst into tears. The sun was too dazzling. He covered his face with his hand. He felt sad. He put his hand down and found that he was lost.

He grew up in the palace and lost his way. It's funny, but he hasn't been to this place. There is a small pool in front, with reeds. The pool is quiet and green like a piece of jade. On the left is a peach forest. The flowers have already failed. You can see the green fruits sticking out of the branches and leaves. The forest is dense. At a glance, it is very lush.He usually strolls around Meilin and Minghu at most. There are special people to take care of those places. Naturally, the scenery is good. There are few people here. It can be seen that he is not so diligent in taking care of them. There are some dirty things floating by the pool, and the paths in the forest seem to have not been repaired for a long time.

He was sad and didn't want to see anyone. Thinking that it would be better to stay in the woods for a while, he stepped up the earth slope and went to the peach forest. The path inside was not taken care of. Weeds grew out of the gaps between the stones, and it was also lush. The lush green decorated the stone path, which also complemented each other.

After walking for a while, he suddenly heard someone talking. It was a woman's voice. It was like the flowing water in the Huaxi River. It was very beautiful.

He is very curious, tiptoe quietly hiding behind the tree to see, this look silly eyes, not far from the tree under a beautiful swing.

The beautiful woman has a pretty face. Her eyes seem to be filled with a pool of water. When she smiles, there are two small pear vortices in the corner of her mouth. As soon as the two red lips open and close, she talks with the little maid beside. She can't hear what she says. The voice falls into his ears and seems to hold his heart tightly.

The little maid was naughty and pushed hard. The beauty was startled and exclaimed. Her eyes widened and she was as timid as a deer. But when she fell down, she laughed again. She didn't blame the little maid for her mischief. She was fascinated by the strange look.

The woman in the palace is either a slave or a concubine in the harem. He has seen all the concubines, but he has never seen her. Who is she?

This problem, he has no time to think, two eyes closely staring at the beauty's every move, frown and smile, feel that he just suffered to die heart and jump up again.

Thanks to all of you, the little princess took a roller coaster again and came back to the list. Thank you very much. I hope she can keep it till the end of the month and continue to give you sweet.

We also see the urge, but now two books, three shifts every day is the author's limit, plus the cervical vertebra is not very good recently, so please understand more, will speed up the pace and finish early.

Thank you again.

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