Bai Qianfan thought that the horse, who looked very rich, would gallop out of the gate, but the fact is that the horse swaggered like a stroll in the courtyard, "yes, yes..." The sound of hooves on the road is very rhythmic. To tell you the truth, she hasn't run as fast as she does. If she goes on like this, she has to be overtaken.

She waited patiently for a while, but she didn't see the horse's running posture, so she said to the horse handle, "uncle, please raise your whip, I'm in a hurry!"

The horse handle style was a man of fifty or so, with a dark face and a mouth. His teeth were white, and he didn't look back. "Don't rush, it's already very fast."

Bai Qianfan said, "where is it fast? You have to let the horse run. I'm really in a hurry

Ma Ba Shi looked back at her with an unhappy look. "You're a stranger. I drive all year round. No one is too slow. If you want to be fast, you can run on horseback. Besides, my whip is not used to beat horses."

"Why don't you whip the horse?"

Horse handle raised his hand and waved in the air, "pa!" The clear voice rang in the air, "used to listen to the sound."

Bai Qianfan wants to cry without tears, but her mother and son have big eyes to small eyes, but they have nothing to do. Later, when she meets other carriages on the road, she finds that the handlebar style is not lying. Compared with other carriages, they are really fast, but if they go on like this, they will inevitably be caught up.

Along the way, the trees on the roadside are lush. Bai Qianfan found that the mountain forests in Nanyuan are different from those in Dongyue. The flowers and trees seem to have infinite vitality. The green image of the mountains is that the spring tide will submerge people. The sun gradually rose above her head, and the roof of a small village under the col was shining with gold. She was surprised to find that no matter how dilapidated people's houses are, the golden spire must be there.

She looked at the light smoke, her heart moved, and said to the horse, "uncle, just send me to the village."

Ma Bashi looked back at her, "aren't you going to town?"

"It suddenly occurred to me that a relative lived here and wanted to see him."

The horse pulled the reins, drove the carriage down the slope and sent her to the village. Bai Qianfan paid for the carriage, tied Mo Ronglin in his arms and carried the burden to the village.

The village is not big. The villagers look at her curiously and can't guess which noble guest she is.

Bai Qianfan asked several families about buying horses, but the horses looked small and the price was not low. She asked how to get to the next village and went through the village.

She walked along the narrow mountain road. When she looked back, a villager stood under the tree and looked at her. She waved with a smile and turned around the tree. After a while, she secretly looked up and looked again. The villager disappeared. She looked around and went up the left mountain road instead of going to the next village.

People often come to this mountain. There are many roads, one on the left and one on the right, winding and winding, stretching into the dense grass. Bai Qianfan walked for a while and found a good place to rest. It's a low depression, with its back against the hillside and the top of its head covered with leaves and grass. She sat on the grass, with a wide field of vision, and could see the official road she just came to.

She took out the steamed bread, broke it and fed it to Mo Ronglin. She ate rice dumplings by herself. The rice in Nanyuan was delicious, but it was cold and hard. She didn't dare to give it to Mo Ronglin for fear that he would not digest it. She specially put some steamed bread on her body to feed him. Her milk is not much now, so it's not enough to satisfy him in case of emergency.

Fortunately, Mo Ronglin is not picky about food. He is always happy with what he gives him. He is proud and spits bubbles at her.

She deliberately sternly taught him: "how old, but also spit, how dirty ah, after not allowed to do so."

Mo Ronglin understood her words, but he vomited more happily. Bai Qianfan pulled his sleeve to wipe it off for him, and pinched it on his chubby face, "if you don't listen, I'll hit you carefully!"

Mo Ronglin grinned and stood up with her arm. He called out: "Niang."

He would have called his mother long ago, but he didn't often. Every time Bai Qianfan listened to him, it was like the first time. She had a kind of unspeakable happiness. She chuckled and hugged him to kiss his little face. "Darling, be obedient. Your mother took you to your father. Your father must be very happy to see you grow so big."

Mo Ronglin put his arms around her neck, and his body arched and arched, as if in a coquetry. Suddenly he turned to look down the mountain, and Bai Qianfan also saw it. In the dust, a group of people and horses came to the village quickly.

It was the pursuers who came. If she was still in the carriage at this time, she would be sure to catch her. Now the people and horses have entered the village. It is estimated that the handlebar style was interrogated on the way back to the city and gave her whereabouts, so the officers and soldiers came to the village to catch her.

Not many people came, about a dozen soldiers. The man in the lead was tall, with a golden crown on his head and sharp corners on it, just like a roof with a reduced mouth.

She sat still and waited patiently. Before long, the team went down the mountain road to the next village, which was exactly what she expected.

If they couldn't find her in the next village, they would search there, while she swaggered back to the road and stopped a carriage to leave.She tied Mo Ronglin to her body, carried the burden down the side of the mountain, and soon got to the official road. As she walked quickly, she looked around, hoping to find a carriage quickly.

She carried a person on her back and walked slowly. Thinking that those people were still searching for her between the two villages, she could not help but feel proud. When they slowly searched the mountain, she might have arrived in the town.

But How could she vaguely hear the sound of the horse's hoof? She went to the back of the tree and slipped down the slope of the road, hiding herself in the grass. Sure enough, the sound of the horse's hoof was getting closer and closer to her. She didn't dare to look up and listen to the sound running from far to near.

They didn't catch up so quickly. It seems that the mother emperor will chase her back at all costs.

She lay quietly for a while, just about to get up, and heard the sound of the horse's hooves coming back. She quickly lay down and motioned for Mo Ronglin to be quiet. Mo Ronglin grabbed the dust on the ground with his fat little hand and looked at her and laughed.

This time, the sound of the horse's hooves stopped near them. She heard the soldiers turning over and dismounting. Her heart slowly raised. She didn't know why they stopped here. Did she find her?

But it's not like that. If I find her, I'll catch her. How can I scatter around like I'm searching?

After waiting for a while, she only heard the sound of footsteps spreading. She didn't dare to look up, but Yu Guangli saw that Mo Ronglin raised his head and seemed to be smiling at someone.

A pair of grey boots appeared in her eyes. Up, she saw the blue robe of the lake, rolled with a wide golden edge and embroidered with the pattern of Mandala bells.

Her eyes stayed in the pattern no longer up, the man was obviously not satisfied, he bent down, the golden crown on his head shining in the sun, a pair of eyes looking at her with a smile.

Bai Qianfan recognized those eyes. At the banquet last night, he looked at her rudely for a long time. Several times, their eyes were right. He didn't mean to avoid them at all. Instead, he laughed shamelessly.


Reader: don't abuse the author. The emperor has a headache, so do we.

Author: if you have a headache, I won't.

Readers show four meter long knives: cut her!

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