The next morning, Li Mengqi's reward came. Hao pingguan himself came to announce the decree. He stood in the main hall and sang aloud: "the emperor is appreciating a pair of Li's jade Ruyi, a pair of two foot blue treasure bottles, ten East and South pearls, two pairs of red and golden flowers, two rolls of silk, two rolls of yarn, two pieces of satin, a bag of gold leaves and a bag of silver melons..."

Li Mengqi knelt there with a dull look. She couldn't figure it out. She stood in the heart of the earth. Did the emperor reward her with so many good things?

Her father, Li Duwei, was a military officer of grade three. Although he was not a high-ranking official, he had a heart of self-improvement. Like everyone else, he was influenced by the election boom and tried to cram her in. With her, there were two cousins. Unfortunately, they were all washed down in one or two rounds. She muddled through to the last round. In the third round, she should have done the same The Empress Dowager didn't know what to think. He pulled back a few of the candidates who were scheduled to be eliminated. It was a bit of making up for the number. As a result, she stood in the first row and happened to be liked by the emperor.

So far, she has not seen the emperor clearly. She always thinks that the emperor's eyes are not very good. How can so many beautiful and intelligent people take a fancy to her? She has been selected as the fourth imperial concubine. When the news goes back, her father will be very happy.

She went to the palace just to shine. No matter what, she did it. She still had a sense of accomplishment in her heart.

Soon, Empress Dowager Rui's reward arrived. According to her position, Xianfei was the first of the four concubines. In addition to the empress dowager, she was in the harem. Otherwise, those who were higher than her position had to be rewarded.

The emperor had a harem, turned over the signs, and finally returned to normal. Those officials had nothing to say, and finally they stopped making noise. After a long time, the dust of selection settled down. After a few days, the emperor felt comfortable, and his brows seemed to stretch a lot.

The only one who was depressed was Yuegui. She later found out that one of the two people she chose was xiuyuanshuang's sister. She was so sorry that her intestines were blue that she pulled Qihong to complain: "it looks like two sisters. I thought they didn't deal with each other. What's my name? It's to lead a wolf into the house. Ah, I'm worried about it. How can I get my enemy's sister into the palace..."

"What's the enemy? It's Duan Fei. Let the emperor hear it. He won't take it with him." Qihong glared at her angrily. "Besides, it's all about monkey years and horses. Don't hold on to it all the time. Who hasn't done anything wrong? In those years when we left, Duanfei was alone in the palace of Chu. It's impressive just because of her loyalty. After entering the palace, she was safe in Jingxiu palace and didn't cause trouble. It shows that people are open-minded and know the propriety. The Empress Dowager likes it She's not unreasonable. "

Laurel didn't say a word. She knew what Qihong said was right. After a while, she asked, "sister, why did the emperor let us pick people that day? It's too playful to spread it out. Doesn't it damage his reputation?"

Qihong thought, "I guess the emperor made it for the Empress Dowager and the courtiers. He promised to accept the harem, but he didn't compromise anything. He let the Empress Dowager know his attitude. If the Empress Dowager is smart, she won't bother him about the harem. The emperor also wants to take the opportunity to tell the courtiers that he doesn't take marriage as a matter of fact. Nafei is a pure Nafei, regardless of the high and low, and there is no such winding things. "

"Then why does the emperor see the virtuous concubine?" For laurel, this is her most curious place.

Qi red also can't answer, smile to smile, "this, I'm afraid to ask long live ye from."

Laurel couldn't hide something in her heart, so she really asked the emperor. At that time, the emperor took a nap and sat in his study fiddling with some bottles. The sunlight slanted in from the window edge and shone on the bright bottles. A little white light was shining in the emperor's eyes. Laurel looked straight for a moment.

The emperor noticed, his eyes turned, "I have something on my face?"

"Oh no," Yue GUI knelt down in a hurry, "it's the slave who is disrespectful. The slave should be poached."

The emperor tugged at the corner of his mouth, "get up, how can you still be a servant after digging your eyes?"

Laurel see the emperor tone relaxed, mood is also good appearance, squeak for a while, "emperor, slave has a thing unknown, want to ask the emperor to solve doubts."

"He said

"I don't understand. On that day, how did the emperor leave a signature for her."


Yuegui said boldly, "I feel that in terms of appearance and talent, Xianfei doesn't seem to be outstanding, but the emperor makes her the head of the four imperial concubines. If you let her take care of the harem, I'm afraid that those ladies won't be convinced. Xianfei is only afraid that she will take steps in the future Emperor, do you really have a crush on Xianfei

The emperor is silent. Yes, he has a crush on it. It's just a moment. He has a crush on it, but he can't say it to others.

"Well, I like it," the emperor said calmly, and changed the topic: "Qihong is going to get married. Has everything been handed over?"

"It's already handed over. Elder sister Qihong said that Chuntao is very smart and quick to start. It should be no problem."

The emperor was silent for a moment and said, "Qihong has a home. You don't want to be the Queen's palace. You'd better find someone to marry. Who do you like in the Forbidden Palace? I'll show you how to get married."

Laurel said, "long live, don't joke with the slave. The Forbidden Palace is full of eunuchs. Do you want to marry the slave to an eunuch?"The emperor was said to be happy by her, "don't you have another Wei Yizheng? You miss him for many years. Now I have fulfilled your wish. How about that?"

Laurel is so frightened that her eyes are about to fall out. If the former king of Chu is making such a joke, she is not surprised. With the little princess, the image of the king of Chu has collapsed. But the emperor has closed himself for so long, and has become a God who is not happy or sad. Suddenly, how can she laugh with her. Even Xiao Xiang said it.

Laurel blushed with shame and refused to admit, "long live, don't wronged the slave. When will the slave think that Wei Yizheng has nothing to do with him? He has nothing to do with the slave I don't want to get married in my life, I'm a slave... " Speaking of the back, she was a little incoherent and had to run out.

The emperor looked at her back and shook his head. She was the only one who dared to be so presumptuous in front of the emperor, but he would like her to be so presumptuous. Day by day, many traces will sink in the long river of time. If you can grasp a little, you can count it as a little.

Laurel ran to the corridor and saw Ning Jiu circling a big tree. She was a little surprised, but she didn't think it was unexpected.

Lord Ning is pestering like a stake every day. It's rare to see him walk around. But Qihong is about to get married. Maybe he's still touched.

Laurel is a little sad. Once she is infected with love, the more invulnerable a man is, the more vulnerable he is. For example, Ning Jiu, long live ye


this chapter is about the younger brothers and sisters in the group who threaten and cajole for more... So, I have news tomorrow...

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