Wuyang princess was dragged by the emperor to stagger. She wanted to struggle and was afraid of losing her dignity. Finally, she was pulled to the flower boat by the emperor. The lights on the bank were bright, and the lake became darker. Everyone only saw that the princess was pulled into the cabin by the emperor, and the boat was rowed to the center of the lake, so nothing could be seen.

The courtiers were very surprised. They didn't expect that the calm and steady emperor would do such a ridiculous thing. After all, the other party is a princess from a neighboring country, who hasn't been officially married. It's against the rules in both emotion and reason, but so what? This is in East Vietnam. The emperor is the monarch of East Vietnam. No one can manage what he wants.

The emperor took Princess Wuyang into the cabin and relaxed his hand. He sat down and took the teapot on the small table to pour water for himself. There was no one in the cabin. The whole boat had only one person standing at the bow of the boat. That was Ning Jiu.

The emperor leaned back on the chair and looked at Princess Wuyang with a smile. "It's the first time that we have had a chance to talk alone since you entered the palace."

Princess Wuyang sat opposite him, looking cold, "what do you want to do?"

"What do you want to do?"

"I came to make up, but I didn't get the respect I deserved."

"To his and kin, and what?" The emperor asked, "what do you mean now that you don't intend to recognize me or lin'er?"

Princess Wuyang snorted, "anyway, the emperor does not lack women."

"You blame me for taking the harem?"

"How dare you, now that you are emperor, naturally you want to accept the harem."

"What do you say when you marry LAN Wenyu?"

"I'm the only one. Why can't I marry him?"

The emperor said harshly, "I am still alive. You are not a widow. What qualifications do you have to marry?"

"For me, from Dongyue to Nanyuan, I've been dead once."

The emperor is dumb, half ring just ask, "you are to blame I didn't protect you and Lin son well, let you hurt bitterly."

"I don't want to talk about the past again," Princess Wuyang's expression is always flat. "I'm the princess of Nanyuan. I have my own country. I live happily in my own country. Lin'er gave it back to you. Why do you want to force me back? In order to force me to come back, you lead a large army to press the border. Do you know that Nanfang is not good at fighting, and only tens of thousands of troops can let them destroy the country. You are very aggressive and overbearing. You only care about yourself. Do you think about others? "

"So you don't want to come back?"

"Yes, I don't want to. If I give lin'er back to you, it means I'll break up with you."

"By the way, take lin'er for five cities?"

"If you don't want anything, don't you want to be suspicious?"

The emperor nodded, "so it is. Everything is planned. Bai Qianfan, you really make me look at you with new eyes."

"The emperor also makes me look at it with new eyes. In addition, please call me Wuyang. That name brings me too many disasters. Since I am reborn, I don't want to mention it any more."

"Don't you want to marry me?"

"You know, I like a simple life, and I don't want to be trapped in this complicated situation."

"Is it easy to marry LAN Wenyu? I've heard that he's famous and many women have affairs with him. "

"If he married me, there would be no other women."

"Do you believe him?"

"Why not?"

"Well," nodded the emperor for a long time, "if you don't want me to take you back?"

"That's not necessary. Since I've agreed, I won't go back on it. After all, it's about the relationship between the two countries. It's just," she paused, "can I decide the date of marriage?"

"When do you want to be?"

"In two months, will you?"

"There's nothing wrong. I've been waiting for so long. It's not bad for two months, just as you said."

"But in these two months, I hope the emperor will respect me and nothing like this will happen again."

The emperor laughed, "it seems that you are afraid of me?"

"It's not afraid, it's just that your behavior embarrasses me."


the cruise ship stops in the middle of the lake and hasn't come back for a long time. The people on the shore have almost eaten. Some people leave the table and walk around, watching palace lanterns, guessing lantern riddles, or enjoying the fragrance of osmanthus.

Xiuyuanshuang sees that muronglin is held in her arms by Empress Dowager Rui, and listens to the story of the heavenly dog eating the moon told by the virtuous concubine. Obviously, the little guy is fascinated by it, and her eyes don't blink. She smiles, gets up and walks around.

When the wind blows, the shadow of the tree is so charming that she walks into the shadow of the tree. Suddenly, she hears someone talking. She is about to walk away. When she finds that the sound is familiar, she stops to listen to it, but it's green lotus and laurel.

Laurel was very surprised, "sister green lotus, who did you listen to? Is Princess Wuyang really the former Princess of Chu

Green lotus way: "I cheat you to do what, Jia Tong said, this matter we a few know good, you don't pass on, Emperor don't let public."


"The emperor's mind, I don't know. Anyway, don't spread it to the outside world." green lotus was a little impatient. "I came to you to ask, have you ever seen the princess when you were working for the emperor?""No, the emperor only takes the chief manager and Ning Jiu to the Ci'an palace, and he doesn't take me. I can't see that." Laurel is very happy: "it's so good, we Princess back, the little prince will have a mother."

Green lotus joke good, "a princess, a prince, look at you this chaos, should be called the queen."

"Yes, it should be called the queen. Ah, sister green lotus, the queen and the emperor have already been married. How can they be married again?"

"It's a matter of two countries. We have to show off. We don't understand or ask about politics. I just want to see the princess later. I miss her."

"Me too. I miss her so much."

Xiu Yuan frost as like as two peas, and her feet as a footloose, and his feet as high as a foot, as if he stepped on the pile of cotton, and his foreboding was right. The princess of Wuyang was Bai Qianfan, and she said, there are people who are exactly alike in the world.

But why didn't the emperor disclose her identity? Looking at Princess Wuyang's attitude towards the emperor, they are not as good as before Suddenly, she trembled. If Princess Wuyang is Bai Qianfan, she is mo Ronglin's mother. She will take away the little prince. No, it can't be. Mo Ronglin is her. No one can take away Mo Ronglin.

She quickly walked back to the table. Seeing that Mo Ronglin was still in Empress Dowager Rui's arms, she reached out and hugged him. Wen Sheng said, "is your highness playing well? It's time to rest."

The little prince always listens to her and nods obediently. Xiuyuanshuang puts him down and asks him to salute empress dowager Rui and leave. Empress dowager Rui smiles and waves, "go, be obedient!" She raised her eyes and saw xiuyuanshuang's face. She was a little strange. "Why don't you look so good?"

"Nothing. Maybe I'm tired. Just take a break." Xiuyuanshuang reluctantly smiles, squats and takes muronglin away. When she comes to the corner and turns back, the boat still stops in the center of the lake. She sighs with a faint sigh and a trace of sadness floats from her eyes.


three shifts have been launched

in the morning

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