When the emperor heard the news, he rushed over angrily. Xiuyuanshuang was about to explain. He slapped him on the ground and said, "I trust you and give you the prince. That's how you repay me!"

Although the emperor was strict, he seldom beat people. Today, he was beaten in front of so many slaves. Xiuyuanshuang lost his face, covered his face and fell to the ground, silent for a long time.

Qiuwen timidly came forward to help her up. She wanted to say two words for her master. Seeing the emperor's gloomy face, she didn't dare to speak.

Jia Tong encircles the imperial garden with the forbidden army and searches again inch by inch. Ning jiuze orders him to go down and block the palace gate. He goes to the palace gate to ask if there are any suspicious signs.

besides calling his mother, Mo Ronglin's other words are not very sharp. He uses more actions to express his emotions. He holds Bai Qianfan's neck and uses his own words When he was a child, he used to rub her with his little face and kiss her with his soft lips.

Once the good time seemed to be pulled back from the other end of time and space in an instant. Bai Qianfan couldn't help crying, but she knew it was not the time to cry. When Mo Ronglin's mood was calmed down, she asked him, "lin'er, would you like to go with your mother?"

Mo Ronglin nodded without hesitation.

"Let's leave here and go to Jiangnan for company with aunt Guixiang. You were born there. It's fun there, but lin'er can't be emperor like his father."

The light in Mo Rong Lin's eyes darkened for a while. He lowered his eyes and pulled his little cloak. But soon he raised his head and said, "go with your mother."

Bai Qianfan was amused to see his little hesitation. "Lin'er wants to be an emperor. In fact, what's good about being an emperor? He's trapped in this Forbidden Palace and not free at all," she said, feeling sad. "If she can, my mother believes that my father doesn't want to be an emperor, but now the great responsibility of the world falls on him. He has no way. My father is a man who does great things, We are not here to hold him back. Your father doesn't worry that no one will succeed to the throne. After all, he has so many But you are the only one. Lin'er, you can give up everything but you... "

Mo Rong Lin leans in her arms and touches her face with her little hand. "Lin'er goes with her mother."

"It's really my mother's darling," Bai Qianfan gave him a kiss. "It's going to be dark in the sky. Let's go as soon as it's dark."

But obviously, she thought too simply, lost the little prince, the whole Forbidden Palace was under martial law, after dark, all the palace lights were on, and the palace was as bright as day. Before baiqianfan, she stepped on the route, but she found that she could not move. The cat was in the trees, looking at the lights in all directions, looking down.

"I can't go today." Bai Qianfan hugged Murong Lin again and again. "Lin'er will go back first, and my mother will come to you next time."

Murong Lin heard her say, tightly hold her neck, as if a let go, she will disappear, "mother, don't, leave lin'er."

"No, even if you lose yourself, you won't leave lin'er any more, but you can't expose yourself now. If you are caught by your father, you will be finished."

Mo Rong Lin blinked his big eyes, "mother, father, together."

Bai Qianfan nose a sour, "you are still small, do not understand adult's matter, mother here will not be happy."

Mo Ronglin does not understand, but he does not like his mother sad, sensible nod.

"Go, mother, watch lin'er go. Don't worry. Mother will come to you soon. Don't look back. Let's go." Bai Qianfan is reluctant to give up, but she doesn't show sentimental emotion, and looks at Mo Ronglin leaving with a smile.

From the vestibule to the back palace, there were people everywhere. Teams of imperial guards were holding torches and shouting, looking for the little prince everywhere. Suddenly, a small figure appeared in the light. He turned a blind eye to the tumultuous scenes around and swaggered through the crowd.

He appeared so suddenly, and so calm, really let everyone dull, some can't believe their own eyes.

The one who can rob people in the Forbidden Palace must be one of the experts. How can he let people go so quickly? Your highness must have been greatly frightened when he was captured. How can he be so calm? When they were surprised, they had to admire him. He was really the son of the emperor and had a strong heart that ordinary people could not match.

In the Ci'an palace, Empress Dowager Rui cried and fainted twice. She leaned against the soft couch and wiped her tears. "If you can't find lin'er, you'll die. My dear grandson, you can't do anything..." Then he began to cry again.

The emperor sat on one side and was upset by her tears. "Empress dowager, you are so relieved. If you cry carefully, lin'er will be OK. I don't believe it. Someone can take lin'er away from the Forbidden Palace!"

"But why don't you believe it now? Lin'er has to have a long and short life, and his family is no longer alive..."

Xiuyuanshuang said in a warm voice: "old Buddha, lin'erfu has a big life. He will be fine."

Just then, a villain came in like a gust of wind, followed by a group of bodyguards and eunuchs. They all looked at him eagerly, and only when he came to the emperor did they feel relieved.When the emperor saw Mo Ronglin, his heart fell to the ground and he was about to pick him up. Empress dowager Rui rushed over from the soft couch and hugged Mo Ronglin tightly in his arms. He was so happy that he cried: "lin'er, you scared grandma to death." she cried and laughed and hurriedly checked whether Mo Ronglin was hurt.

The emperor looked at his son silently. He was a little strange. After all, he was less than three years old. How could he be so calm in such a situation?

Was he robbed, or did he hide himself?

He called the eunuch maids present at that time to ask, "do you see the robbers who arrested the prince?"

The eunuch maids looked at each other. Before they saw the master, they saw that the child's head was low and disappeared. They ran to see that the man was gone. They were looking everywhere. Such a small child couldn't run far, so some master must have robbed his highness.

"Back to the emperor, the slaves didn't see the robber..."

The emperor waved them back and looked at muronglin thoughtfully. No matter what empress dowager Rui asked him, he kept silent and didn't say a word. However, the emperor always felt that something was wrong with him. After careful observation, he finally found that the last point of gloom in muronglin's eyes had disappeared. It was like a black pearl in the dust, showing a bright light and a faint excitement .

This is a little strange. Why is he excited? Because he hides to make everyone happy and move people to find him?


continue two shifts today

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