Empress Dowager Rui is talking to xiuyuanshuang. The little prince comes in like a gust of wind and goes into empress dowager Rui's arms, grinning and crying, "grandma, my father took my mother out to play. If you don't take me, they don't want me."

Empress Dowager Rui holds muronglin in her arms and coaxes her sweetheart, "darling, don't cry. How can your parents not want you? Of course, they want to. They go to worship Bodhisattva today. Baonuolin grows up quickly and doesn't cry."

Mo Ronglin said: "dad goes out with his mother every night. He thinks I'm asleep. In fact, I know that I'm not afraid of the dark, but my mother is mine. Why does he bully me not to return it to me?"

Hearing this, Empress Dowager Rui laughed and pinched his little nose. "Darling, you are the sweetheart of your parents. They don't want you. No one will want you. Obedient, don't cry, grandma let someone do a Trojan horse for you. When it's done, grandma will play with you. "

Mo Ronglin is most interested in playing. He howls a few times to vent his dissatisfaction, but he has no tears. Hearing that there is a Trojan horse, he bends his eyebrows and says, "how big is it?"

Empress Dowager Rui showed him, "it's so big, so high, with a semicircular wheel under it. It's so rocking. It's so fun."

Xiuyuanshuang quietly looks at muronglin, who is also her child. Although she only took him for a few months, it was the most difficult months. At that time, muronglin's eyes were dull, her personality was strange, and she communicated with different people. With patience, she led him on the right track bit by bit, let him learn to nod and shake his head, learn to express his will, and become a normal child When my mother comes back, I don't want her aunt.

"Your Highness," she called him, "why don't you come to my aunt's palace to play? My aunt has made a new jigsaw puzzle. Do you want to play it?"

Mo Rong Lin hesitated and said, "thank you, aunt. I have to go back and wait for my parents. I'll go again next time."

Empress Dowager Rui said with a smile, "it's better for you to teach. Lin'er knows the rules now."

Mo Ronglin came down from empress dowager Rui, "Granny, I'm back. My father is back. You have to talk about him."

Empress Dowager Rui gave him a kiss. "Well, grandma said he had to take lin'er with him wherever he went, OK?"

Mo Rong Lin eyes a fly, "father Dynasty business busy, after mother go out, Lin son accompany on the line, don't bother father."

Empress Dowager Rui had no choice but to smile. She waved and watched laurel pick him up at the door.

"Now," said empress dowager Rui, "the emperor and the queen are reunited. The emperor is happy, and lin'er is happy. The future will be better."

Xiuyuan frost indifferent smile, "is not, the emperor to the empress, touching, finally get reunited, concubine also happy for them."

Empress Dowager Rui realized something and said with a smile, "don't worry. Although the emperor and the queen are reconciled, you are still in charge of the harem. You have the ability, and the emperor can trust you."

"The old Buddha joked that when the queen was in charge of Fengming palace, the affairs of the harem would naturally be handed over to her. My concubine was only in charge of it. When the master came, I was eager to take off the burden."

"The queen doesn't have this ability. You'd better take care of it. Let's have a chance to talk with the emperor." The tone of Empress Dowager Rui is a little flattering. She really likes xiuyuanshuang, but the emperor likes Bai Qianfan, and she can't manage it as a mother. She always feels that she owes xiuyuanshuang a lot. It's a little help.


in the Xiangdan Pavilion, the heat was dense, and white Qianfan's hair was full of hair. The flush on his body had not faded, and his white skin was full of green and red marks. The emperor was a little regretful. He clearly remembered the propriety, and once he got up, he forgot again. He took white Qianfan to his arms and gently stroked her back, "do you want to drink water?"

Bai Qianfan closed his eyes. With a sound, the emperor jumped out of bed and poured water for her at the table. He had a drink of his own. He went back to bed and held the woman in his arms. He gave a long breath.

"Don't blame me for being shameless. I miss you crazy."

Bai Qianfan closed his eyes and laughed, with a small voice: "in fact, I also want to."

The emperor felt hot in his heart, touched two and choked, "do you still want to?"

Bai Qianfan opened his eyes, "I mean missing you. I want to be blind."

The emperor said with a smile, "maybe I'm suffocating. When I'm with you, I'm full of that. I want to press you under my body, but I can make it..."

"Listen, is that what the emperor should say? I'm not ashamed of myself. "

"I'll tell you, but you're not ashamed of it."

He took her hand, ten fingers entangled, lying side by side, "I know all your thoughts, just think I'm selfish, I'm trapped in this Forbidden Palace, I want to drag you with me. I ordered a kiss, you know, but I killed Huangfu Pearl... "

Bai Qianfan let out a sound. She didn't know about it. For a moment, she was mumbling. She didn't know what to say.

"I don't regret killing her at all. There are also the prince and elder brother. Although they were not killed by me, I forced them to die," the emperor closed his eyes with a wry smile. "This is the family of heaven. In order to win the power, they killed each other hand and foot. At last, your mother emperor of Nanyuan played a good chess, pushed me to the throne, but separated us. I never look forward to power, and you don't like Forbidden Palace, but in the end, we became the masters of Forbidden Palace. When I became an emperor, I knew how heavy the burden was on my shoulders. I can't go any more. So I beg you to stay here. I'm really lonely in this forbidden palace alone. With you, I won't be lonely. Qianfan, "he turned to see her," stay here and stay with me, OK? "Bai Qianfan sniffed, "I'm reckless. I'll give you trouble if I stay here. Didn't I hit you yesterday?"

The emperor asked, "who did you hit?"

"Shufei, I told you yesterday."

"No matter who she is, fight," the emperor said, "the queen can't teach you a lesson. You're not beating people indiscriminately."

"You are not afraid that she will complain to her family. Those who can be among the four concubines have a very high family background."

"Higher than me?" The emperor sniffed, "no matter what her family background is, if you dare to annoy me with this, I'll beat him on the board."

He said, and took the emperor's spectrum, Bai Qianfan listen also did not feel uncomfortable before, deliberately asked him, "Shufei pour bottom is who, do you know?"

"What else do I care about? I haven't looked it in the eye at all. " He sighed, "I'm sorry for you. If it wasn't for the Empress Dowager Cheng Zi who was very ill, I wouldn't let go. One year is nothing, ten years and eight years I can survive. But Wei Zhongqing said that the Empress Dowager can only endure the oil lamp, and you don't have any news. I want to live in front of me, and I can't help her, not to mention she's still my mother." He said with a sigh, "I don't have a deep relationship with the empress dowager, but when it comes to life and death, I can't be cruel..."

"I understand," Bai Qianfan rubbed in his arms, "just like I did to my mother emperor, she left me when she was young, and finally met me, but she calculated me and wanted to kill my husband. I really hate her, but if you really want to kill her, I don't feel good either."

"Don't mention that," said the emperor. "As long as you stay with me, I can solve all the same things. You believe me."

Bai Qianfan nodded, "I always believe you, never changed."

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