The emperor guessed right. Even Ning Jiu couldn't find a thousand face man. Xiuyuanshuang must hide her in a very hidden place. But even he didn't expect that xiuyuanshuang would hide the dead thousand face man in his bed. No matter how brave a princess is, she can't sleep with a corpse.

Xiuyuan frost see bodyguard to chisel bed, desperate to rush up, desperately fight bodyguard, at the moment, her hair, clothes messy, is not like crazy, but a real madman.

Qiuwen cried out of breath and begged the emperor, "emperor, please forgive her master. When she was a Tibetan, she felt that something was wrong with her. Please forgive her. She has lost her mind and doesn't know what she is doing My master is so pitiful You have a good heart. Please forgive her... "

The emperor took a look at xiuyuanshuang, who was fighting with the guards. He slowly turned around and asked Qiuwen, "tell me, why did she change people?"

Qiuwen cried and said, "the master doesn't know that the thousand face man in Xihua palace is fake. He is afraid that the emperor and the queen will make up one day. When the time comes, his royal highness will return to the queen. She doesn't want the queen to take the prince away, so she replaces the queen. In this way, no one will rob the prince with her."

The emperor was shocked. "It's natural for the prince to come back to the queen. How can he say that the prince is her?"

"My master taught his Highness the prince for a period of time and liked him very much. The master said that it doesn't matter if the emperor doesn't care to see her. She will live on his highness in the future, and no one can take his highness away from her."

The emperor shook his head. "Your master is a madman."

When Bai Qianfan knew all this, he was very surprised. He sat on the soft couch and didn't speak. The emperor came and hugged her in his arms. "Don't think so much. It's all over," he said, kissing her temples. "Don't worry, no one can take lin'er away. He's our child."

Bai Qianfan sighed, "the pathetic people also have pities."

"She is to blame." The emperor said in a slow voice, "in order to get what you want, by all means, this kind of person deserves to die."

Bai Qianfan fell to the bottom and didn't have the heart to say, "but she's crazy. This is the biggest punishment for her."

"It's not sure whether you are really crazy or not. You are good at everything, but you are too soft hearted," the emperor said, pinching her face. "You almost got your son robbed, and you pity her."

"After all, she really treated lin'er. My nurse said, if you remember more kindness and less hatred, you won't get moldy in your heart."

"I just want to tell you this. I'm going to make your nanny the first lady of Gaoming. When spring comes next year, I'll rebuild the cemetery for nanny."

"Really?" Bai Qianfan's eyes were bright. "That's great. In my heart, nanny is more intimate than my own mother, but," she hesitated, "she's a country woman. You've got such a high rank, won't others talk about it?"

"I'll beat anyone who dares to gossip."

"The emperor,"

"don't call him the emperor, call him his name."

"Shu ah"

"Shu is just Shu, what to do is like calling a child."


"Well, you can't be soft, hard as a stone on the ground."

Bai Qianfan body twist, "don't call, call the emperor."

The emperor was silent for a while and said, "in fact, I have a small character. I don't like it very much, and I don't have a name. How about it for you?"

Bai Qianfan looked up at him, "what is it?"

The emperor did not speak, his face turned red, as if he had tried to squeeze out from his teeth, "TANU."

Bai Qianfan was stunned for a moment, then covered his mouth and laughed, "there are many men who call slaves in small characters, but why are they tannu? Don't you think you're fragrant enough? "

The emperor stretched out his hand to scratch her. "Don't laugh. From childhood to adulthood, I will beat anyone who calls me that. Even the Empress Dowager can't do it. You are allowed to do it. You are the only honor in the world. You still laugh at me. You should do it!"

Bai Qianfan rolled with laughter in his arms and called him repeatedly, "TANU, TANU, TANU..."

"Just a cry, you mean it, don't you?" The emperor put her on the soft couch, scratched her and took the opportunity to wipe some oil on her chest and waist.

After a while, they sat up, and the emperor asked, "what did you call me just now?"

Bai Qianfan kneaded his sour cheek, "I want to take lin'er to see her."

The emperor frowned, "what do you see her doing? No way. "

"TANU," Bai Qianfan, holding his arm in her arms, couldn't help laughing as soon as she called the name, "let her have a look, eh? TANU

Strange to say, the name of the emperor's detestation is to beat whoever he calls, but Bai Qianfan has a different flavor, which makes his heart itch.

"Well, just one look. Don't let lin'er get close to her."

"Don't worry, it'll be OK," Bai Qianfan puffed up to his ear, "TANU."

The emperor regretted that he shouldn't have told her his little words. It was lawless. He was about to punish her, but Bai Qianfan twisted his body and ran away lightly. He even mouthed him from a distance: TANU.Bai Qianfan and Mo Ronglin go to see xiuyuanshuang. She saw xiuyuanshuang last time in the Ci'an palace. I'll see you every few days. Xiuyuanshuang has changed a lot. Her eyes are sunken, her face is sallow, her hair is scattered, and she is sitting quietly in the chair with her knees in her arms.

Mo Ronglin raised his head and asked her, "mother, what's wrong with my aunt?"

"My aunt is ill." Bai Qianfan stopped at a place about a foot away from xiuyuanshuang

Xiuyuanshuang slowly raises her eyes, and her eyes fall on muronglin's face. The scattered light gathers little by little and forms a point. She stares at muronglin. If muronglin is brave enough, she can't help but step back and hold Bai Qianfan's leg tightly.

"Don't be afraid, my aunt is a little sick," she patted the child's shoulder. "Lin'er will go out for a while, and my mother and aunt will come after a few words."

Mo Ronglin nodded obediently, turned around and went out with the bodyguard.

Xiuyuan frost sobered up a little, disdain expression on the face, "how, come to see my joke?"

Bai Qianfan shook his head. "I don't think you'll have a chance to see lin'er in the future, so bring him to see you."

"Put away your false compassion, and don't be hypocritical in front of me. I admit that I lost, but so what? We can only keep one of us, either you die or I die."

"If you don't come up with this matter, I won't tell the emperor that Ruyu is in your hands."

"Well, are you so kind?"

"Lin'er told me that his aunt was a good person. She played puzzles with him, taught him rules and told him stories, so I didn't want you to die."

Xiuyuan Shuang's yellow face was red and dizzy. She straightened up and shook her lips: "prince, does he really say that?"

"Yes," Bai Qianfan nodded affirmatively, "he remembers those who are really good to him."

Xiuyuan frost paralyzed and murmured, "don't tell him, don't tell him, don't..." She no longer looked at Bai Qianfan, as if immersed in her own world.

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