What green lotus didn't expect was that Xinyue didn't ask about Qin's leaving. But she didn't calm down. When she went to see her, she took the initiative to say, "mother Qin is not here, is my sister used to it?"

Xinyue said with a smile, "there's nothing I'm not used to. Mother Qin has been with me for the longest time. I'm a bit dependent on the old. I'm a soft person. It's not that I don't like to talk about her from time to time. It's not that I haven't given her a chance to make mistakes again and again, which makes the house restless. It's right for my sister to let her go out of the house."

When she spoke, green lotus watched carefully to see if she was insincere, but her happy expression was very sincere, and there was no false appearance. She was relieved.

The return of green lotus makes the operation of Jia's house in order again. Without Qin's stick, the house is more peaceful.

As the days went by, Jia Tong and Lu he lived in the same yard, one in the front wing room and the other in the back wing room, each sleeping separately.

Green lotus has the intention to avoid him, but the place is so big. I haven't seen him for a long time. I don't speak much when I see him. I look at each other and go back to my own place.

But for Jia Tong, it's much better than before. He can open the window to see the room of green lotus. Sometimes the window of green lotus is also open. He can see her walking around the room and talking to the maid. She is a capable person and speaks fast, like beads on a jade plate. She is crisp and pleasant. He often stands by the window to listen to her It's amazing.

Occasionally green lotus also to the window, a lift eyes, two people's line of sight on, his heart that string tremble long pull, he wanted to speak, but throat hair tight, a word also can't say, in a hurry had to avoid.

Jia Tong seldom stays in the palace now, and goes home when he arrives. He knows that green lotus goes to see Xinyue every day, so he doesn't go. It's not wrong to have green lotus to take care of him.

Since he knew that Xinyue was pregnant with a child, he had been in a state of excitement and excitement. He thought about the child during the day, and he thought about the child when he went to bed at night. His whole mind was on the child. It seemed that everything other than the child was not important to him. He seemed to have a son and everything was enough.

Is that true? Why does he have the feeling of caring for one and losing the other?

At that time, his heart was floating in the air. He was worried, uneasy and panicked every day. He was at a loss. He often wanted to get angry. One day, he even glared at the prince. As a result, the little prince didn't see eye to eye with him. Instead, he looked at him with a kind of sympathetic eyes, "master, does aunt green lotus want you?"

When he heard this, his heart was shocked. If green lotus really wanted to leave with him, what should he do? Green lotus only mentioned it once, but once was enough to kill him. At that time, he felt extremely angry, but later he fell into deep fear. Just like the little prince said, green lotus really didn't want him. What should we do?

Now she's back and living in the same yard with him. It's so strange that his floating heart has fallen down. He's no longer in a panic and no longer at a loss. He can see her vigorous handling of big and small things, her sitting at the table doing embroidery, her bending over to cut the wick, and her walking out with a handkerchief

No matter what she did, he felt at ease, because she was beside him.

In the middle of the night, he suddenly woke up and ran out with his shoes on. He stumbled and woke Mei Zhi and La Dong up. He lit a candle and asked him what was wrong?

In silence, he took the lamp in Meizhi's hand and quietly went into the front room. He picked up the curtain of the account. Seeing that she was sleeping soundly, he was relieved. Just now in his dream, he dreamt that she left the house with a bundle and turned back three times in one step, but he stood there and didn't run up to stop her.

He knew it was just a dream. If it was in reality, he would stop her and begged her to stay.

They used to be so good. Why are they so good now? If it is because of children, he would rather go back to the past. He can have no children, but he can't have no green lotus. It's not worth it for a child to be like this.

He had to walk around in front of her to get her attention and find a chance to talk to her, but he was not brave enough. He often talked to her and drew back.

He told Ning Jiu about his confusion. Ning Jiu laughed, patted him on the shoulder and said, "OK, Mr. Jia, are you going to pursue green lotus again?"

It's a word that wakes the dreamer. Why not? He made her unhappy and broke her heart. He should win her heart again and let everything go back to the past.

He appeared more and more frequently in front of her. In the morning, he had breakfast with her and went to the palace together. She sat in a sedan chair. He rode on horseback. The sedan chair driver's steps were neat and the sound of horse's hooves was loud. Occasionally, she picked up the curtain to look out. Their eyes collided with each other and they hurriedly avoided. There was still a smile in the corner of her mouth and a suspicious red cloud on his face.

The first time he pursued green lotus, he was playful and mischievous. Green lotus either glared or used force. Their love affair was very hot and everyone knew it.

But this time it was different. Although he was already a husband and wife, he was more shy than before. His feelings changed from unrestrained to introverted. Many times, he felt ambiguous. But this kind of taste is very good. It can penetrate into people's heart, take root and sprout there, and slowly bloom.He looked at her standing in the corridor from a distance and quickly took the flowers he had just bought and put them under her windowsill.

Green lotus asked, "what is this for?"

"This flower is very fragrant. You can smell it when you open the window. It's better than incense."

Green lotus said, "send a basin to Xinyue. She loves flowers, too."

"Let the housekeeper do it," he said casually

Green lotus crooked lips smile, turned into the room, he hesitated to follow in, took out a small packet of preserves from his arms: "specially to rufang Zhai to buy, you love to eat."

Green lotus takes over, put on the table casually, "adult has a heart."

He was slightly disappointed. "Don't you try it?"

Green lotus smile, "adult probably forget, I had dental disease last year, no longer eat these."

Jia Tong opened his mouth I forgot. " He pauses, his face serious, "but I won't forget it again." Everything will never be forgotten.

He looked at her, she also looked at him, eyes meet, eyes entangled, green lotus slowly red face, in the paper bag picked a small piece of candied fruit to put in the mouth, Jia Tong pressed her, "have dental disease still eat?"

"I haven't eaten it for a long time. I want to taste it."

Jia Tong lowered her head, ate the candied fruit in her hand, slightly lifted it up, suddenly kissed her lips, and said, "it won't hurt your teeth."

He didn't avoid people at all. The girls on the side ran out with their mouths covered. They made a big face of green lotus and pushed him hard. Jia Tong, a military officer, was so sorry that he tightened his arms and became more and more affectionate.

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