Yuchi is not easy to fall to the bottom. She is a girl. She is very patient and stays in the shop for a long time. She asks people to drop the fragrant dew on the back of her hand and gently spread it. As soon as she raises her hand to smell it, a faint fragrance will get into her nose. She sucks happily and says to the boss boldly, "if you want it, is there anything else?"

"Yes," the boss saw that she was a stranger and said with a smile, "our incense in Nanyuan is the most famous. You can have everything you want."

It's not easy for Wei Chi to try everything. When she tries what she likes, she lets the boss put it on the other side. Soon, the fragrant dew she likes piles up. When she finishes all the tests, she looks back and is startled, "so many."

The boss was very happy and said, "the guests are from the caravan. These goods are not much. It's too early to fill your caravan."

It's not easy for Wei Chi to expose her identity. She blurs the past and likes everything. If she wants to eliminate some, she doesn't know what to eliminate for a while. She's not afraid of anything else. She's just afraid that she doesn't have enough money.

He simply took off his pocket and opened it for the boss to have a general look. He said frankly, "I'll just have a little money. You can do as you like. You can buy as much as you can."

The boss put his head together and looked at it, his eyes immediately widened, "Oh, guest, you have enough money to fill your horse team."

Yuchi is not easy to be startled. His purse is very small. There is not much money in it. How can he buy so many things?

She took a coin out of it and said, "how much can this buy?"

The boss pointed to the pile of fragrant dew, "if you can buy these, you can choose more, and I'll save the change."

Yuchi can't help but wonder. My darling, a coin can buy so many fragrant dew. Nanyuan dog is very generous to her.

She simply picked a few more and spent the coin.

The boss saw that she bought a lot and was very happy, so he gave her a blue cloth bag with printing and dyeing to hold fragrant dew.

Weichi is not easy to carry the bulging bag on his shoulder and goes out happily. This time, she must have more fragrant dew than her grandmother. Her grandmother gave her a bottle that was almost used up. She went back to give her two brand new bottles. She was not a mean person.

Knowing the value of those coins, she immediately felt that she had become a rich person, and walked with her head held high.

Just shopping and shopping. Soon, she had two more cloth bags on her shoulders, including delicious dried fruits, pure silver combs, elephant wood carvings, ivory Ruyi, exquisite ornaments, peacock plume headdress They're all things that Dongyue doesn't have. Take them back to her relatives and friends. It's not easy for her to go on a long journey. At least she didn't come in vain.

When her stomach growled, she realized that she was going to have lunch. The restaurants in Dakun city are all over the street. There are also some big stores, but most of them are small restaurants. There are several tables and chairs in the room. When you come in and pull out people, you can almost fill them.

Weichi is not easy to look all the way. She sees that there is no guest in a restaurant, and it's very empty. She doesn't like the crowded environment, so she goes in quickly.

It was an old couple who opened the shop. The old man was a hunchback. When he looked at people, he raised his head very hard. He grinned at her and showed his black teeth. The old woman was wearing a black skirt. Her arm stretched out from her sleeve. She was so thin that only a handful of bones were left. Her face was also very thin. Her cheekbones were very high. It was as if she had been cut out with a knife. It was frightening to look at her. It was not easy for Wei Chi to understand why there was no one in the shop. Seeing the boss like this, no one would like to come in. When she came in, she didn't pay attention. When she looked carefully, it was hard for her to get out, so she had to sit down.

Her husband is very warm to her, but because he can't lift his head, Wei Chi can't easily hear his laughter, but can't see his face. It's a bit strange. The old woman doesn't have any expression on her face, but she doesn't know how to eat Nanyuan rice, so she takes the trouble to teach her.

The food is not very good, but it tastes delicious. Wei Chi smiles and raises his thumb to the old woman, indicating that the food is delicious.

The old woman laughed this time, because she was too thin. When she laughed, she pulled up a few wrinkles, and her whole face became lines, which was a little scary.

After dinner, tea was served again. The cup was dark and I didn't know what it was. Yuchi didn't like to be clean and didn't dare to drink it. Looking at the old woman, she looked forward to her and took a sip of it. Eh, it was really good to drink. After two more sips, she gave the old woman a thumbs up again.

The old woman laughed again and brought her fresh fruits, red, yellow, green and purple, which were cut into small pieces and put on the plate. Then she gave her a bamboo stick to fork.

The food is delicious, the tea is delicious, and the fruit must be good. Wei Chi is not easy to sit there and eat the fruit slowly, asking the old woman about the poison.

"Grandma, I'm new here. I heard that there are many exotic flowers and plants in Nanyuan, but there are also many poisonous ones. Can you tell me which ones are poisonous, so that I won't suffer from them accidentally?"

There were no other guests in the shop, so my wife sat down and counted them carefully. "There is a kind of phoenix tail grass. It's purple and it's so long." the old woman showed her, "it's poisonous. If you see it, you can't touch it. There is another kind called Qian scorpion, which is the fruit on the tree. It's green and round, with small yellow thorns on it. It's also highly toxic. It can be used as medicine after being dried in the sun, but if it's blue, people will die immediately after eating it. This kind of tree can be found in the city of Dakun, and it's called honeysuckle flower... "Weichi is not easy to interrupt her, "is there any money scorpion in Kuncheng? What if a child picks it up and eats it by mistake? "

"There are also small carisolvs who have been killed by eating money by mistake, but this kind of tree has been taken care of by gods. It can't be cut down or moved. As long as parents take good care of it, it won't be a big problem."

Wei Chi is not easy to nod, "I don't know what the tree looks like. I'm going to be in the city these days. In case I encounter it, I'll avoid it."

The old woman did not speak, the husband grabbed first, "we have a tree behind the door, you go to see it."

It's not easy for Wei Chi to be overjoyed. Everything seems to be going smoothly today. After a meal, he found the poison.

She stood up immediately. "Where's the back door? I'll see."

My husband is very attentive to take her to see, through the dark corridor, to the back door, the back door facing a slope, from the wooden steps down, my husband pointed to a big tree, said, "look, that is the money scorpion tree, now is the season of fruit, you go to see the fruit, next time don't eat it by mistake, there has been a foreign merchant mistakenly killed."

Wei Chi is not easy to say, "thank you. Please go back. I'll go and have a look, and then I'll leave."

My husband nodded and turned to climb the wooden ladder.

as like as two peas wife, it was not easy to walk along the slope. Standing under that big tree, she saw the small green fruit, round and yellow, and the same old woman described it. She saw no one in it, and quickly picked up two in the purse and whistled away.

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