After killing Nikol, Linley followed Calvin to the cultivation room.

There are many naval warriors who are cultivating, some sparring, some doing push-ups, some doing sit-ups, some lifting weights, some practicing the six styles of the navy…

At this time, when these naval soldiers saw the arrival of Lei, they all cast their eyes over, and their eyes were full of contempt.

Obviously, Linlei’s bloody ‘glorious deeds’ had already spread throughout the warship.

Therefore, even if Linlei’s status is extraordinary, these naval soldiers still despise him.

The new world is a place where the strong are respected, and cowardly people will not be respected, and only the strong can make people awe.

“Look, it’s that waste, he actually came to the cultivation room, it’s really surprising.”

“I heard that Young Master Linlei personally killed a pirate yesterday and has overcome blood sickness.”

“Fake, he dares to kill the pirates with his own hands? I’m afraid that General Sakaski deliberately let people spread it for the sake of face. ”

“This person really disgraced General Sakaski, it was simply a disgrace to General Sakaski.”

“If I were General Sakaski, I would throw him into the sea to feed the fish.”

“Does this waste dare to come to the cultivation room and make a grandstanding?”


The navies around them, turning their heads and ears, whispered and pointed at Linlei.

Lin Lei’s face was gloomy, he was stronger now, and his hearing was strong, so he knew what these people were saying.

Calvin also heard the discussion of those people, but he did not stop it, but turned to Lin Lei and said: “If you want to win the respect of others, show your strength and do a thousand push-ups first.” ”

“Good!” Lin Lei gritted his teeth and nodded, and then lay on the ground to do push-ups.

The surrounding naval soldiers watched with interest, and they wanted to see how long Leilei could hold out.

However, most of them are not optimistic about Lei.

“I guess he can make 100!”

“You overestimate him too much, 80, I bet 1000 Bailey!”

“Maybe later, our Young Master Linlei will be tired and faint.”



There were mocking voices all around.

Linley gritted his teeth and sped up to do push-ups, a… Five…… Thirty-seven… Ninety-five… One hundred and thirty… Three hundred and fifty ….

Facts always speak louder than words!

As Linlei continued to do push-ups, the surrounding naval soldiers who were ready to watch the joke slowly put away the mocking smiles on their faces, and all showed surprised eyes.

Calvin also looked at Lei, he didn’t expect that Lei, who was cowardly and low in strength before, could actually do so many push-ups, almost five hundred.

Moreover, Linlei’s physical strength was obviously sufficient and did not reach the limit.

“Sure enough, it is the species of General Sakaski, even if he was cowardly before, once he awakens, he will burst into a powerful talent.” Calvin thought to himself.

He could only attribute this to Sakaski’s genes, after all, he didn’t know that Leilei already had the system.

“727…… 933…… 1001…… 1138…” The number of push-ups Linley did had exceeded a thousand, but he still didn’t stop.

Calvin didn’t stop either, his face had become solemn, and his eyes were glued to Lei, who was doing push-ups on the ground, he wanted to see how long Leilei would last.

And those naval soldiers around were also impressed by Linlei at this moment, and everyone’s eyes did not have the previous contempt and ridicule.

One of the naval warriors took a deep look at Lei, and then quietly left the cultivation room.


Akainu’s office.

The naval warrior who left the cultivation room walked in, saluted the red dog respectfully, and said, “To General Sakaski, Master Linlei has done more than 2,000 push-ups, and it continues. ”

Akainu raised his head, his eyes showed surprise, and couldn’t help but ask, “2000?” Still continuing? Does he have this physical strength? ”

For his son, he still understands and knows that his waste son does not have much strength.

“Yes, General Sakaski!” The navy soldier nodded.

The red dog turned his head to look out the window, a flash of joy flashed in his eyes, could it be that he threw him into the sea that day, causing him to awaken a powerful talent under the pressure of death?

It is not impossible, some people burst out with great power at the moment of death, and there are examples of this.

Thinking that Lin Lei was so cowardly before, but today he personally killed all the pirates on the ship, Chi Inu felt that this possibility was very likely.

“You go down!” Akainu waved his hand and looked out the window, and an idea appeared in his mind.

“Do you want to send him to the genius training camp?” There was some hesitation in Akainu’s eyes.

In the naval school of Marin Fandor, there is a genius training camp, only real geniuses can enter to learn, the former red dog is one of them, the instructor at that time was still the general Zefa.

As a red dog, he was fully qualified to send Lin Lei to the genius training camp, but he didn’t have the face to do so before.

After all, at that time, Lin Lei was not only weak in strength, but also cowardly in character, and entering the genius training camp was simply a shame for him.

But now, if Lin Lei really awakened a powerful talent, then it would not be a problem to send him to the genius training camp.

“Let’s observe first, anyway, there is still a month before Marin Fando.”

In the middle of a ring, the red dog still decided to observe for a while, and when Lin Lei’s talent was determined, he would decide whether to send him to the genius training camp.

Otherwise, if Lin Lei didn’t have any talent, wouldn’t he want to embarrass him?

Akainu doesn’t want to be laughed at.


Cultivation room.

Three hours had passed, and Linley was still doing push-ups.

The long period of exercise also made Lin Lei sweat, and the clothes on his body were soaked with sweat.

“It’s already 10,000, even if I can’t do it, Young Master Lin Lei is really powerful.”

“I just said, how can the son of General Sakaski be waste?”

“It seems that Young Master Linlei really inherited the talent of General Sakaski!”

“So, what those two naval soldiers said yesterday is true, and Master Linlei really killed a pirate with his own hands yesterday.”

“It must be true, Young Master Lin Lei overcame the fear in his heart and finally awakened his powerful talent.”


The words of the surrounding naval soldiers gradually reached Linlei’s ears, and the corners of Linlei’s mouth pulled up a smile slightly.

Sure enough, only the strong can be respected.

Lin Lei gritted his teeth and continued to insist.

Calvin did not stop Linlei, and at this time, his gaze towards Linlei was already full of appreciation.

“With this talent and will, Young Master Linlei’s future must be limitless.” Calvin thought to himself.

From calling Linlei miscellaneous soldiers to Young Master Linlei, Calvin’s impression of Linlei has completely changed.

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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