Through the windless belt, Linlei’s group soon entered the Great Voyage.

“Brigadier General Linlei, the whereabouts of the Straw Hat Pirates have been found, they are in Alabastan.” Karna came over and said to Linlei.

Lin Lei nodded and said, “Then let’s go to Alabastan and speed up!” ”

“Yes!” Karna nodded.


Half a month later, they arrived in Alabastan.

After arriving in Alabastan, they received news that Luffy and his group had gone to the royal capital of Alabastan.

“These guys are really fast!” Linley fears that the battle between Luffy and Klockdar is about to begin, so he orders Karna to guard the warship and replenish the supplies, while he himself takes Smog and Orochimaru and the three of them to speed up to the capital of Alabastan.

All three are strong and very fast.

But even so, when Linlei and they arrived at the royal capital, they found that the battle between Luffy and Klockdar was almost over.

“It turns out that you are afraid of water, see me attack you with blood… Rubber Storm! Luffy’s roar came from a distance.

Smogg’s expression suddenly became excited, and he quickly said: “It’s Straw Hat Luffy, I’ll go catch him!” ”

“I’ll help too!” Orochimaru also rushed away.

Lin Lei was not in a hurry, but walked leisurely behind.

He knows that Klockdar has been killed by the protagonist’s aura, and Smogg and Orochimaru can easily catch him.

As for Luffy, he has the help of the protagonist aura, and Smog and Orochimaru are doomed.

Sure enough, when Leilei’s arrival in the field, Smogg said with a look of anger: “He escaped again.” ”

Lin Lei smiled secretly in his heart, if you catch this, will there be a top war behind?

Ignoring Smogg, Lin Lei looked at Klockdar, who was being held by Orochimaru, and said with a mocking face: “Klockdar, you are a Qiwu Sea, you were actually defeated by a little pirate who just came from the East China Sea, and you really went back more and more.” ”

Klockdar had no physical strength at the moment, plus he was handcuffed by Hailou Shi, and he didn’t have a trace of strength in his body, and he relied on Zhan Taomaru with his hand to not fall to the ground.

Looking at Linlei’s young face, Klockdar’s pupils shrank and said in a deep voice: “It turned out to be you, Sakaski Linlei, how could someone like you come here?” ”

Lin Lei sneered: “Of course, I came to clean up waste like you, even a little pirate who did not comprehend domineering can defeat you, do you think you are still qualified to stand on the Seven Martial Sea?” What’s more, you are suspected of subverting the Kingdom of Alabastan, and you are also the leader of the Baroque criminal group, and you are no longer eligible to be ranked in the Seven Martial Seas. ”

Klockdar was silent for a moment, then stared at Lin Lei and said gloomyly: “If I say that when I fought with that kid in the straw hat, I was weakened by a mysterious force, would you believe it?” ”

“Idiot, are you a three-year-old?” Orochimaru on the side said sarcastically, he felt that Klockdar was making a reason for his failure.

Smog also looked disdainful.

Lin Lei’s pupils shrank, and his heart was a little shocked.

“What’s the situation? System, does Luffy really have a protagonist aura? Lin Lei hurriedly asked the system in his heart, he always thought it was his own guess.

The system said: “Of course there is a protagonist aura, otherwise the One Piece anime would have ended with Bucky.” ”

“What do you mean?” Lin Lei wondered.

The system said lightly: “Bucky is the crew of One Piece, following Roger on the Great Voyage for so many years, do you think a weak person can survive for so long on the Great Voyage full of crises?” Bucky, not as weak as shown in the anime, in the top war, even Hawkeye’s sword can only smash Bucky, but not kill him. I ask, how could such a person be defeated by Luffy. ”

Lin Lei said in a deep voice: “Indeed, Bucky should not be so weak, at that time, Bucky should have recognized Luffy’s hat, and he, like Shanks, was guiding Luffy to grow up in a different way.” ”

Lin Lei thought about it carefully, it seemed that every time Bucky and Luffy met, they were ostensibly causing trouble for Luffy, but in fact, they inadvertently helped Luffy every time.

Shanks, Bucky, and Hades Renly, and even the One Piece’s ship doctor from Upside Down Mountain, they are all in contact with Luffy, watching Luffy and helping Luffy grow.

Lin Lei couldn’t help but worry: “So, when I meet Luffy in the future, won’t I also be restrained by his protagonist aura?” ”

“Don’t worry, I’ll block his protagonist aura, his protagonist aura is only useful to others, not to you.” The system said lightly.

Lin Lei was immediately relieved when he heard this, as long as there was no threat to him. Otherwise, he really had to find a way to kill Luffy first, and he couldn’t raise tigers anymore.

However, since there is no threat to him, let’s raise it for a while.

“Let’s go, take him back to the warship and hold him for the time being.” Lin Lei thought about it and waved his hand at Momomaru.

The group began to return to the warship.

After returning to the warship, Karna glanced at Klockdar and asked, “Commodore Linlei, don’t you escort Klockdar to Advance City first?” ”

“We will also pursue the Straw Hat Pirates, and then we will send them to Advance City together.” Lin Lei waved his hand.

Joke, send Klockdar to Advance City? He didn’t do it.

When he increases his luck value, he will slaughter Klockdar and seize the opponent’s rustle fruit.

A moment later….

Karna came over again and said to Linlei: “Brigadier General Linlei, the Marshal of the Warring States agreed that you should temporarily detain Klockdar, but he said that he can’t let others know that Klockdar was defeated by the Straw Hats.” Therefore, he will publicize that you defeated Klockdar and promoted you to major general. Congratulations, Major General Lei. ”

“Groove!” When Zhan Taomaru on the side heard this, he immediately looked at Lin Lei with envy and jealousy: “Boss, your luck is too good.” ”

“Obviously I caught Klockdar.” Smogg was also jealous.

Lin Lei laughed and said, “I’m handsome, lucky, you can’t be jealous.” ”

Promoted to major general, he seemed very happy.

After all, he has only now truly stepped into the admiral class of the navy.

“Colonel Smogg, Colonel Battle Peach Maru, you also have credit for cooperating with Major General Linlei to capture Klockdar, so you have also been promoted to one level this time, and now you are already a colonel, congratulations.” Karna said with a smile.

“Yay!” Zhan Taomaru was overjoyed.

Smogg also showed a smile, he found that it was really good to follow Linlei, and before he made a move, he picked up a credit for nothing and was promoted to colonel.

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