“Damn, he escaped.” Smogg looked at Anilu, who had disappeared into the sky, his face full of anger and unwillingness.

Lin Lei said sarcastically: “If you comprehend the domineering spirit of armed color, you can at least help me a little, but now you can only stand by and watch the play.” ”

Smogg looked embarrassed when he heard this, indeed, in the battle just now, he could only stand by and watch the play.

Anilu can’t hurt him, and he can’t hurt Anilu.

“What now?” Smogg asked as he looked at Lei, who had fallen to the ground and couldn’t get up.

Lin Lei scolded: “Idiot, help me up, and then take me to Angel Island to recuperate.” ”

“Believe it or not, I dropped you from here.” Smog snorted coldly and pointed to the white sea next to him and said.

Lin Lei said gloomily: “Then you are waiting to be wanted by the world government!” ”

Smog pouted, then grabbed the lei, turned into smoke, and flew towards Angel Island not far away.

Lin Lei looked at the Island of Gods and secretly thought: “Now that Anilu is injured, he should not dare to come to my trouble in a short time, and the rest will be left to Luffy to deal with.” ”

Lin Lei decided to wait until he recovered from his injuries before picking the fruits of victory.

This battle made Linlei even more eager to obtain the Thunder Fruit.

“This is the last time I will be embarrassed, and after I get the Thunder Fruit, no one can force me like this.” Lin Lei thought through gritted teeth.

This time he was injured very badly, but it also allowed him to see the power of the thunder fruit.

Anilu can exert such a powerful attack, and when it comes to his hands, the power exerted is definitely comparable to that of the admiral.


“Ahhh… It hurts me…”

On the other side, Anilu returned home, clutching his chest and yelling in pain.

Since eating the Thunder Fruit, he had not been injured again, let alone such a serious injury.

“Damn Qinghai monkeys, I must kill you.” Anilu’s face was full of anger, and then he forcibly suppressed his injuries, called his four gods, and ordered them to take the army of gods to capture the monkeys of Qinghai.

The four divine kingdoms immediately took people to Angel Island to arrest people.

Unfortunately, Anilu did not know the identities of Leih and Smogg, nor did he know that it was not just the two of them who came from the empty island.

Therefore, the last capture of the four gods was Luffy and his group, as well as Battle Peach Pill.

As for Lei, Lei, Smogg, because they were recovering from their injuries, they escaped.


A few days later, Leih and Smog were hiding in a room when they suddenly heard some familiar voices outside.

“Ah, what to do? Garin was taken away by them. On the street, Usopp yelled.

Solon said in a deep voice, “Go to the so-called god and save Garin.” ”

“Hey, fatty, let’s stop first, and when we defeat God, we’ll fight again.” Luffy said to Orochimaru who was not far away.

Solon also looked at Orochimaru and said, “Maybe your companion was also captured by that god, let’s join forces to deal with him first.” ”

Zhan Taomaru pondered for a moment, then nodded and said, “Okay, join forces with you for the time being, but I won’t let you pirates go.” ”

After that, the group went to the Island of Gods.

Smogg looked at the figure leaving outside the window and said to Linlei: “It’s Straw Hat Luffy and the group, and Orochimaru, they decided to join forces to deal with that ‘god’.” ”

After cultivating for a few days, although Lin Lei’s injuries were not all better, he also recovered three percent, he looked at Smog and said: “Let them go first, I will cultivate for a few more days, and then rush to the Island of Gods.” ”

“But Orochimaru is still there, and you also know that the power of that god is not something they can deal with at all.” Smog was a little worried about Orochimaru.

Lin Lei smiled slightly, “You underestimate them too much, have you forgotten that Luffy is a rubber fruit powerhouse?” Rubber is a non-conductive insulator, and that god’s thunder and lightning has no effect on Luffy, just like you. On the other hand, with Luffy’s physical skills, he can completely restrain him, not to mention Orochimaru, his armed color domineering can also threaten that god. ”

“So that’s the case, do you want to take advantage of the fisherman?” Smog suddenly looked at Lei.

Lin Lei said with a smile: “If there is a bargain, we will kill them all.” ”

“Good!” Smogg also did not object to this proposal, anyway, whether it was the Straw Hat Pirates or the god, they were their enemies, so let them go dog eats dog first.

In the past three days, Linlei’s injuries have recovered seventy percent, and the battle is no longer a problem, so they decide to go to the Island of the Gods.

“At this time, Luffy should pass the trial of the gods, and he will almost be against Anilu.” Lin Lei thought secretly.

Soon, Lei, they arrived on the Island of the Gods again.

As soon as they arrived on the Island of Gods, both Leilei and Smog felt a huge explosion in the distance.

“It must be Luffy who is fighting that god.” Smog said from the side.

Linlei nodded.

Such a huge movement, only Anilu can make it, he must have fought with Luffy.

“Let’s get over!” Linley said and rushed with Smog towards the place where the huge movement broke out.

They flew all the way and soon saw Luffy’s group.

Linley looked at it from a distance and saw a huge ship, and now Anilu was with Luffy, and Orochimaru, and the three of them were fighting fiercely there.

“That’s the Ark Proverbs!” Lin Lei looked at the big ship and thought, this ship is still good, Anilu with this big ship, can release a more powerful trick ‘Lei Ying’, can destroy an island, can be called a general-level attack.

However, in Linlei’s opinion, this is because Anilu’s physical strength is insufficient, if he has enough physical strength, he can release the trick of ‘Lei Ying’ on his own, and it is precisely because of his lack of physical strength that he needs the help of the foreign object of the Ark Proverbs.

“Let’s fight, let’s fight, wait until it’s time for me to harvest.” Lin Lei sneered, and then hid with Smog in the distance to watch.

I have to say that Luffy’s protagonist aura is indeed powerful, and with the rubber fruit to restrain the thunder fruit, he is on par with Anilu.

And the war peach pill next to him made Anilu even more jealous, because he would also be armed with domineering.

Since Anilu was injured by Linlei, he was very afraid of that pitch-black armed color domineering, and when he saw Orochimaru’s axe turn pitch black, he didn’t dare to hard connect.

In fact, with Orochimaru’s little armed color domineering, he couldn’t hurt Anilu at all.

It can only be said that Anilu was scared by Lei, and now he is afraid when he sees the armed color domineering.

Coupled with Luffy’s rubber fruit restraining the thunder fruit, it made Anilu even more humiliated.

To be honest, Anilu is really holding back these days, first encountering the smoke fruit of Smogg, and now encountering the rubber fruit, and the fruit that specifically restrains him, all of which were met by him.

There is also the armed color domineering that makes him fearful.

Looking at Anilu, who was surrounded by Luffy and Orochimaru, Linley knew that Anilu was finished.

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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