“Boss, it’s not that you don’t know the difficulty of cultivating armed color domineering, and if you want to reach the level of poetry, it is simply impossible in a short time.” Orochimaru said with a wry smile.

Lin Lei nodded, of course he knew the difficulty of cultivating armed color domineering, just now it was just used by him to change the topic.

“Boss, if you deal with Moonlight Moria this time, the Marshal of the Warring States will not be angry!” On the side, Smogg spoke.

Lin Lei sneered: “It wasn’t me who made it, it was Blackbeard Tichy who did it, what does it have to do with me.” ”

“But you told him to do it!” Smogg said.

Lin Lei sneered, “I instructed him to do it?” Then I want him to be my son, will he do it? In the end, it was Blackbeard Tichy who wanted to kill Moonlight Moria, which had nothing to do with me. ”

“What you said is so reasonable, I can’t refute it.” Smog smiled wryly.

Orochimaru smiled and said: “It’s good to kill Moonlight Moria, his shadow fruit is powerful, and the mammoth fruit of Jack last time, if it is handed over to Gulant and Burnham, their strength will jump to the point of me and Smogg, so that the strength of our team will be even stronger.” ”

“Not bad, these two little guys have great potential, and if they get two more powerful devil fruits, their strength will definitely grow by leaps and bounds.” Smogg on the side agreed.

Lin Lei said lightly: “They have only joined us for a few days, let’s see their loyalty first, I don’t want to cultivate two white-eyed wolves.” ”

“It’s impossible, they are also from the genius training camp of the headquarters, and there is no problem with loyalty to the navy.” Smogg said.

Lin Lei snorted coldly: “There are not no traitors in the navy. ”

With that, Lin Lei put down the hook and walked towards the warship not far away.

Orochimaru watched Lin Lei go away, glared at Smogg, and whispered, “Are you an idiot?” Can’t you see that the boss said that loyalty is to him? ”

Smog said in a deep voice, “Of course I know, but what does the boss want to do?” What is the difference between loyalty to the Navy and loyalty to him? ”

“Of course there is a difference, the green pheasant is still a admiral, but last time he also protected the son of the devil. Therefore, even in the Navy, it is necessary to take sides. ”

Orochimaru looked at Smogg and continued, “The hawks led by General Sakaski, the doves led by General Pheasant, and the neutrals led by General Yellow Ape. I used to be neutral, now I have joined the hawks, you used to be a dove, do you still want to stay in the doves? ”

Smogg fell silent when he heard this.

Orochimaru glared at him and snorted coldly: “Don’t forget how your strength has improved, if you don’t want to join the hawks, then please leave this team immediately, if one day you dare to betray the boss, I will definitely not let you go.” ”

Smog hurriedly said: “I will not betray the boss, but the premise is that the boss cannot betray the navy. ”

“How could the boss betray the navy?” Zhan Taomaru shook his head and smiled, and said: “With General Sakaski, the boss will definitely become a general in the future, plus a few of us, the navy will be the boss father and son in the future, why should he betray the navy?” ”

Smogg nodded undeniably when he heard this, continuing in his current state, it was only a matter of time before the Linlei father and son took control of naval power, because the green pheasant and the yellow ape were difficult to compete with the Linlei line.

Although the green pheasant side has the support of Karp, a naval hero, but the red dog side has the support of the five old stars, and now, the Marshal of the Warring States also values Linlei very much.

Smogg is not an idiot, and certainly can see the future naval situation.


Walking to the warship, Lin Lei heard the conversation between Orochimaru and Smog through the heart net, and couldn’t help but smile slightly.

Now with this team, he can be sure that Orochimaru, Nami, and Nokitaka are loyal to him. And Smogg, Dusty, Karna, as long as he does not betray the navy, will also be loyal to him.

Moreover, Nami and Nokigao often brainwash the two daughters of Dusty and Karna, coupled with the relationship between Karna and Calvin, it is estimated that sooner or later they will also be loyal to Linlei.

During this time, Orochimaru was also brainwashing Burnham and Gulant, these two guys had already admired Linlei, and now their loyalty to Linlei was also skyrocketing.

Only Smogg is too old and experienced, and it is impossible to make him loyal to Lei.

However, Linlei didn’t care, Smogg’s armed color domineering and seeing and hearing color domineering were all given by him, if Smog dared to betray him, he would directly let the system take it back.

At that time, without the armed color domineering and seeing the color domineering, Smogg’s strength will regress to when it was in Rogue Town, then it is not worth mentioning.

In short, Linlei is absolutely in control of his team.

“Fire Fist Ace!”

Lin Lei thought about it, took two grilled fish to Ace, who was tied to a wooden pillar, and then untied the rope on him and threw one of the grilled fish to him.

Ace also ate unceremoniously, and then he looked up at Lin Lei and said coldly: “Don’t think that this little favor can send me off, you killed Luffy’s companions, I will definitely not let you go in the future.” ”

Lin Lei sat on the deck, looked at Ace with disdain, and mocked: “You are about to be locked up in Advance City, all this time, the pirates who were locked up in Advance City, except for a golden lion Shiji, no one else has successfully escaped from prison, do you think you can still come out to seek revenge on me?” ”

Ace sneered and did not refute.

Lin Lei continued: “What’s more, you still have the most evil bloodline in the world, do you think the navy will let you go? ”

“What do you know?” Ace raised his head sharply, his pupils shrank sharply, and his eyes stared at Linlei.

Lin Lei pouted, “Isn’t your father the One Piece Roger?” Karp saved you back then, do you really think our navy doesn’t know? ”

Ace said gloomyly, “Since you already knew, why didn’t you kill me in advance?” ”

Lin Lei sneered: “First, for the sake of the face of that guy from Kapu, and second, if Karp can train you into a navy, then we are also happy to see it.” It’s a pity, that guy Karp raised his two grandsons to become pirates, and I now wonder if Karp is a traitor arranged by your pirates in our navy. ”

“My affairs have nothing to do with my grandfather, and Luffy didn’t go out to sea as a pirate because of him.” Ace hurriedly said that he didn’t want to implicate Karp.

Lin Lei waved his hand and said indifferently: “Don’t worry, Karp is our naval hero, and no one can embarrass him.” As for Luffy, I also know that it was the red-haired Shanks who lured him out to sea, but alas, he could have become a navy. ”

“What’s good about being a navy, being a slave to Draco?” Ace said disdainfully.

Lin Lei sneered: “Then when you pirates, burn and loot everywhere, do all the evil?” As the son of One Piece, don’t you know that the world has become chaotic because of your father’s words? There are also countless civilians who have been killed by pirates because of his time as sea pirates. When you were a child, you should have heard everywhere that there were ordinary people scolding your father. ”

Ace was silent when he heard this.

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