
As the sword and punch of the red-haired Shanks and Linlei collided in midair, the two powerful forces formed a terrifying shock wave and swept out in all directions.

Suddenly, the entire sea was boiling, and countless waves swept up in the sky, making the pirate ship under the feet of the red-haired Shanks tremble.

The pirates on the pirate ship, including Ben Jackman, all looked at the huge black Thor in mid-air with a shocked expression.

“Such a powerful force, this kid turned out to be so strong.”

“Akainu is just that!”

“This is the legendary Thunder Fruit, which has the strongest attack power in nature.”


The pirates of the red-haired pirate group all looked at the lei in mid-air with shocked faces, they really did not expect that a naval imp had such a powerful power.

As for Leigh’s killing of Jack and the battle against Hades Rayleigh, they all thought that the Navy was just bragging.

“So strong-” Shanks was also surprised, really fighting with Lei, he knew how strong Lei’s strength was.

“It’s really worthy of being feared by Renly’s predecessors, Linlei, I Shanks remember you, you are qualified to be my opponent.”

Shanks pressed a sword towards Linlei, his eyes were extremely fierce.

“Boom!” Another violent collision, the sea is subverted, the void is trembling.

Linlei swung his huge black fist, like a laser cannon, and constantly bombarded Shanks.

However, all of his attacks were blocked by Shanks’ sword.

“One of the four emperors, worthy of the name!” Lin Lei gritted his teeth and continued to attack Shanks, he didn’t think that he could suppress Shanks, that was simply unrealistic.

At this stage, he is not yet Shanks’ opponent, and he can delay for a while longer.

“It’s a pity, if I meet him again after the war, I won’t be afraid.” Lin Lei thought secretly.

After the top war got the shock fruit, he was not afraid of Shanks.

It’s just that I didn’t expect Shanks to come to the first half of the Great Voyage so soon, which did not appear in the original book.

“It seems that because I killed Usopp, Jesus Bu wanted to seek revenge on me, so Shanks came over.” Lin Lei thought secretly.

Before, he also felt a gaze full of killing intent, and the owner of those eyes was Jesus Bu.

He killed the son of Jesus Bu, and it is normal for the other party to want to kill him.

And the red-haired Shanks couldn’t chill his subordinates, plus he wanted to rescue Ace, so he ventured to the first half of the Great Voyage.

Yes, it’s adventure.

Although the strength of the red-haired pirate group is very strong, after all, this is the first half of the great shipping route, and it is the place where the naval power is the strongest.

Here, the Navy has an absolute advantage.

One is not good, the red-haired pirate group may be planted here.

Thinking of this, Lin Lei slammed a punch at Shanks and shouted: “Redhead, since you have come to the first half of the Great Voyage, then you are ready to enter the Advance City, I have already informed the Marshal of the Warring States, and our reinforcements will come soon.” ”

“Hehe, wait until your support column reinforcements rush over!” Shanks was not in a hurry when he heard this, he slashed at Lin Lei with a sword, obviously there was no sword covered by armed color domineering, but the power was extremely powerful, even his thunder fruit could resist.

“Sure enough, he is worthy of being the overlord of the new world, and he has also mastered the high-level use of armed color domineering, is it Ryu Ying?” Lin Lei’s heart was awe-inspiring, and the attack became even more fierce.

Although the red-haired Shanks did not have the Devil Fruit, his three domineering auras had almost reached their peak.

It is estimated that there are only a limited number of people such as Karp and Reilly who can compare with him.

“What a hard fight!” Lin Lei smiled bitterly in his heart, but the fighting intent in his eyes was even stronger, and he mobilized all the strength he had, and the whole person seemed to really transform into a thunder god of war, roaring towards Shanks.


The battle between the two was too powerful, causing the surrounding sea water to split in half, and the pirate ship at Shanks’ feet was about to collapse.

“Damn, give me up!” Shanks roared, and with a fierce sword, he slashed Lei’s huge body into the air.

Afterwards, Shanks jumped up and continued to kill Lei.

“Want to keep your pirate ship?” Linley knew Shanks’ purpose, after all, if they continued to fight, Shanks’ pirate ship would collapse.

However, Linley is also happy to fight with Shanks in the air, after all, it is beneficial to him.

Because Linlei has a thunder fruit that can fly, but Shanks needs to rely on his own strength to fight in the air, Shanks’ consumption must be very large.

In addition, if Shanks is stopped in the air, his overlord-colored domineering will not affect the Battle Peach Pill below.

“That’s all I can do at the moment, Orochimaru, Smogg, Burnham, it’s up to you next, don’t let me down, be sure to hold out until the yellow ape arrives!”

Lin Lei glanced down, and then stopped paying attention, after all, in the face of the red-haired Shanks, one of the four emperors, he had to be 120,000 vigilant and go all out.


Below, as Leilei and Shanks took to fight, the men and horses under both sides also began to rush together.

“Ace is behind, these three imps will be handed over to me, you guys go to save Ace first!” Ben Jackman said, stepped out of the pirate ship, and killed the three people on the opposite side, Battle Peach Maru, Smogg, and Burnham.

“What a big breath, let me deal with him!” Orochimaru roared, and boundless gravel swept out, forming a huge desert giant god, wielding a black desert giant axe, and slashing towards Benjaman.


Under the blow, Ben Jackman took a few steps back, his eyes froze, and he looked at the opposite Battle Peach Pill with some shock, and said incredulously: “This is Klockdar’s rustle fruit, how can it be in your hands?” ”

“Want to know? Go down and ask Klockdar! Orochimaru laughed viciously and rushed towards Ben Jackman, and a terrifying sandstorm swept out, sweeping many pirates of the red-haired pirate group into the sky.

“Be careful – it’s a natural rustling fruit!” The pirates retreated, ready to detour to attack Nami and them.

“This road doesn’t work!” Burnham roared, turned into a mammoth form, and his huge body suddenly blocked in front of a group of pirates, stopping many pirates.

“This is Drought Jack’s Devil Fruit, how could he get it?” The cadres of the red-haired pirate group were shocked again.

“Come on, let me see the strength of the Four Emperors of the New World!” Smog let out a low roar, and his hands were like laser cannons, shooting compressed smoke cannons one after another, and many pirates were beaten to the end.

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