Seeing the four colorful light groups on the ground, Lin Lei knew that this battle was not fought in vain, and while he still had a trace of strength, he immediately picked up the four colorful light groups on the ground.

After doing this, Lin Lei could no longer resist the surging fatigue, and the whole person fell directly to the ground.



Everyone immediately exclaimed.

Zhan Taomaru hurriedly ran over to help Lin Lei, and the golden light on the yellow ape flashed, and he had already appeared next to Lin Lei.

“His injuries are very serious and must be sent to Marin Fandor for treatment as soon as possible.” After checking Linlei’s situation, the yellow ape said with a solemn face.

Linlei’s injury was indeed very serious, his chest was pierced by Leily’s long sword, although it did not hurt the important position of the heart, but the damage caused was also very tragic.

What’s more, Linlei consumed too much in this battle, so he fainted.

It was also fortunate that he had the Natural Thunder Fruit, otherwise his situation would be even more dangerous.

“I’ll take a look!”

The green pheasant came over and after checking Linlei’s wound, he used his cold qi to freeze Linlei’s wound and temporarily help Linlei stop the bleeding.

The crane also came over at this time, and seeing that Lin Lei was so seriously injured, he quickly said to the yellow ape: “General Huang Ape will send Lin Lei to Marin Fando first!” ”

“Good!” The yellow ape nodded, then picked up Lin Lei, and disappeared into the sky with a golden light.

Seeing the yellow ape leave with Lei, the crane looked down at the corpse of Raylei on the ground, shook his head and sighed: “I’m afraid no one expected that Renly would die in the hands of a young man!” ”

The green pheasant couldn’t deny it, and said a little inexplicably: “It’s getting closer and closer to the end of the old era!” ”

“Bring the body back!” Tsuru ordered two Navy soldiers to remove Renly’s body.

Subsequently, the navy left the area and returned to Marin Fandor.

On the warship of Lei.

Nami saw Zhan Momomaru and Smog and them returning, and quickly asked, “What about Brother Linlei?” ”

Zhan Taomaru said solemnly: “The boss’s injury is very serious, so the Yellow Ape General has already sent him back to Marin Fando first.” ”

When Nami heard this, she suddenly became even more worried, and quickly urged Karna to launch a warship and go to Marin Fandor.

Karna was also worried, and quickly ordered the boat to sail below.

The group followed the cranes and pheasants to Marin Fando.


Great Route somewhere.

The Red Firth continues to sail through rough waters.

On the deck, Shanks looked at the sea in the distance, his face full of worry.

He and Renly agreed to meet after they got out, and at the very least, they had to make a phone call to report that they were safe.

But now, after so much time, and there is no news of Renly, Shanks knows that this time Renly is less fierce.

“I hurt Renly-senpai! Hurt Jesus to spread them! Shanks said with a look of self-reproach.

Ben Jackman next to him shook his head and said, “What kind of stupid thing to say, help Jesus to take revenge, that is natural.” Moreover, Captain Roger has a deep affection for you, and it is only natural that you came to save his son. What’s more, Senior Renly is not all here for you, he is also here to rescue Ace. If you want to blame, blame us for our lack of strength and are not opponents of the Navy. ”

Shanks clenched his fists when he heard this, his eyes were full of unwillingness, and he gritted his teeth and said: “Still I’m not strong enough!” ”

“Captain, it’s not good!” Just then, a crew member hurried to report.

Ben Jackman knew that Shanks was in a bad mood, so he frowned and scolded, “What happened?” What a fuss! ”

The crew said with a worried face: “Deputy captain, our treasure house has been opened, and all the Bailey and treasure inside have been stolen by someone.” There was also food and water, all gone, and now everyone not only has nothing to eat, but also no water to drink. ”

“How so?” Shanks’ eyes widened when he heard this.

Ben Jackman’s face sank, and then he seemed to think of something, his pupils shrank, and he said coldly: “I know, it’s that little bastard of Linlei, he can be invisible, so he stole our treasure and food.” ”

“This bastard!” Shanks’ face was full of anger when he heard this, and he gritted his teeth.

Ben Jackman took a deep breath and said to Shanks: “Now is not the time to scold Lei, we must first solve the food problem, after all, there are thousands of people on our ship, and the food and drink of these people alone is a very large amount of supplies.” ”

“Now we don’t have a place to replenish supplies, and we don’t have any money.” Shanks frowned a little bitterly.

Ben Jackman said: “You can only catch fish, eat fish and drink fish blood, and solve the food crisis first.” ”

“By the way, there are fish in the sea, I will go down and catch fish now!” Shanks said and jumped into the sea.

Ben Jackman was stunned, and then sighed helplessly, thinking, even if you want to catch fish, you don’t have to bother the captain to personally take action.

After all, the captain had to sit on the ship to reassure the crew.

However, having known Shanks for so long, Ben Jackman can be regarded as understanding Shanks’ character.

“Alas!” Sighing helplessly, Ben Jackman played the command duty of a real captain, he called the cadres of the red-haired pirate group, and said in a deep voice: “We are short of food now, so we have to go to the sea to catch fish, and all of you who have not eaten the devil fruit will go to the sea to catch fish.” The rest are responsible for caring for the wounded. ”

“Yes!” The crew of the red-haired pirates answered, and they were also accustomed to Ben Jackman giving orders.

Although the captain of the red-haired pirate group is Shanks, everyone knows that the real captain is Ben Jackman, and Shanks’s guy is just a spiritual pillar.


Marin Fandor, Marshal’s office.

Sengoku listened solemnly to the voice of a crane coming from inside the phone worm.

“What! Reginsion? ”

“Did the red-haired pirates escape?”

“Ah, Linlei that kid killed Renly?”

After listening to Tsuru’s report, Sengoku finally let go of the tension in his heart, looked at Karp and Akainu, who had just returned from the New World on the opposite side, and said: “The battle is over, the red-haired pirate group escaped, but Renly was killed by Lei. ”

“What? Is Renly dead? When Karp heard this, his expression was stunned, there was no sadness, no joy, only a silent sigh.

“Another old guy is gone!” Karp then sighed.

Roger, Whitebeard, Rayleigh, etc., are all his former opponents, and watching his contemporaries die one by one, Karp is not very comfortable in his heart.

The red dog next to him did not have this feeling of Karp, and he hurriedly asked: “How is Linlei’s injury?” ”

He knew that if he wanted to kill a strong man like Renly, it was impossible to do it without paying some price.

“Linlei’s injury is a little serious, but the yellow ape has already rushed back with Linlei first, and now let the hospital prepare immediately.” Sengoku said nothing, so he sent someone to give orders to the hospital.

Chi Inu’s brows furrowed when he heard this, a little worried.

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