After confirming the decision of Qi Wuhai to participate in this battle, the Warring States said to everyone again: “Let’s vote together, agree, or disagree?” Those who agree remain as they are, and those who disagree raise their hands. ”

When Lin Lei heard the words of the Warring States, he couldn’t help but laugh, this old guy really knows how to play tricks.

At this time, even if someone disagrees, do they dare to raise their hand first?

If this is a raised hand, it will be on the blacklist of the Warring States, will it be better in the future?

Therefore, when the voice of the Warring States fell, no one raised their hand except for a few dovish admirals such as Karp and Pheasant.

The hawks, led by Akainu, must agree with the plans of the Warring States.

And the neutral side headed by the yellow ape, seeing that the cranes all agreed, naturally agreed. After all, Tsuru also belongs to the neutral side.

As a result, there was no doubt that this plan of the Warring States was passed by a majority.

Karp’s face was ashen, he knew that Ace was dead, and he was in a bad mood, so he left the marshal’s office directly.

Sengoku sighed, ignored Karp, and said to the three admirals: “During this time, recover the troops as soon as possible, we must concentrate all our forces and eliminate the Whitebeard Pirate Group in one fell swoop.” ”

“Good!” Akainu nodded heavily, his face full of excitement, he had been waiting for this day for a long time.

The green pheasant and the yellow ape could only nod helplessly.

Then, Warring States looked at Lin Lei and said solemnly: “Lin Lei, you can’t rest anymore, I have an important matter for you to do.” ”

“The marshal did as he ordered.” Lin Lei hurriedly said.

Sengoku nodded in satisfaction, and then said: “Inform the matter of Qiwu Hai, I want you to do it.” ”

Lin Lei was puzzled: “Isn’t it just a phone call?” Or just send someone to it, you don’t need me to make a move. ”

Sengoku smiled slightly and did not answer.

The crane next to him said with a smile: “The marshal hopes that you will shock the Qiwu Sea and let them not underestimate our navy, so that they can put away the careful thoughts in their hearts.” ”

“Got it!” Lin Lei suddenly realized.

This is to warn Qi Wuhai, let them not take advantage of this time to play tricks, let them know that there are still strong people in the navy, and they are still very young and powerful people with unlimited potential.

“This is a pretending to be a bi!” Lin Lei smiled in his heart, he liked this task very much.

What’s more, Qi Wuhai is still a master, it just so happens that his strength has increased a lot during this time, and they are all advancing in strength, and they need to compete with experts in order to adapt to changes in strength.


After the meeting, Linley gathered his team.

Orochimaru and Nami soon came to assemble.

Lin Lei looked at the people in front of him and said with a smile: “It seems that we can’t eat at Marin Fando, let’s go to the warship and have a banquet.” ”

“Boss, are you going to leave again? Is there any task? Zhan Taomaru asked with a look of anticipation, his strength has risen sharply now, and he is trying to show something.

Burnham, Gulante and they also look expectant, these people were originally warmongers, but now that their strength has increased, they naturally want to show it.

Lin Lei looked at everyone’s expectant expressions, and said with a smile: “Not bad, the task that the marshal just gave requires us to send a letter to Qi Wuhai, and by the way, shock them.” Therefore, when the time comes, there will be a time for you to strike, and the target is still Qiwu Hai. ”

“We actually let us send the letter, but also to deter the Qiwu Sea, what happened?” Burnham looked surprised.

Orochimaru and Smogg’s faces changed, they had faintly received news before, it seemed that the marshal was really sure to eliminate the Whitebeard Pirates.

Lin Lei waved his hand and said, “Okay, you don’t care what the purpose of the marshal is, just follow the order, let’s go to the warship to assemble first!” ”

“Okay!” Everyone nodded and headed for the warship.

Lin Lei turned to Nami and Nokigao and said, “You two go to replenish the living materials, get more drinks by the way, and when you leave, let’s have a banquet first.” ”

“No problem!” Nami and Noki nodded and left happily.

Karna brought some navy to help them carry supplies.

Linlei and Zhan Momomaru boarded the warship first and found a place to sit.

“We think you’ve all heard that this time the marshal has decided to destroy the Whitebeard Pirates, so he will summon Qibukai to help. Of course, in order to avoid these guys playing tricks, we need to deter them first. Lin Lei said to several people.

This is something that does not appear in the original book.

Of course, in the original work, the Warring States could not take out a master to deter the Seven Wuhai.

First of all, the strength of the three major admirals of the navy is known to the seven martial arts. It’s not that the three admirals are insufficient, but they are used to it.

Just like when the atomic bomb first came out, everyone was very afraid, afraid that the earth would die tomorrow. But over time, people have become accustomed to it, and they are no longer afraid.

What’s more, the three major admirals of the navy have their own responsibilities, and they cannot leave casually, nor can they deter the Seven Wuhai.

And now, because of the existence of Lei, the Warring States thought of deterring the Seven Wuhai.

After all, Lei’s strength is enough.

Of course, the most important thing is that Lin Lei is too young, let Lin Lei deter the Seven Wuhai, and the Seven Wuhai will be jealous.

After all, such a young Linlei, with such strength, what will be the future achievements?

And for this, Lin Lei is also very confident, because now not only his strength has increased, but also the strength of his partners.

This time, it will definitely surprise those Qiwu Hai.

Thinking of this, Lin Lei continued to say to everyone: “Those Seven Martial Seas are all fierce, so this time we will beat them up, as long as they don’t kill them.” What we have to do is to completely suppress their prestige and make them full of fear and jealousy of our navy. ”

“Hehe, I like to do things like this the most.” Orochimaru waved his fist and grinned, he now has combat power comparable to that of a general, but he didn’t put Nanabukai in his eyes. Except, of course, Hawkeye Mihawk.

“Boss, there are only six left in the Seven Wuhai now, which one should we go to first?” Burnham asked curiously.

Lin Lei mused: “The Blackbeard Pirates have already fought with them, so there is no need to go, just call him directly when the time comes, presumably he does not dare to play any tricks.” ”

In fact, Lin Lei knew that he couldn’t deter Blackbeard Tiqi at all, the reason why the other party wanted to become Qiwu Hai was to enter the Advance City to make trouble, and even if the navy was terrifying, it couldn’t scare Blackbeard Tiqi.

“As for the other five…” Lin Lei pondered for a moment before he had an idea.

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