“This guy really has face!” Lin Lei watched the red-haired pirate group go away, and couldn’t help but sneer.

As soon as Shanks appeared, the call from the five old stars came, and it seemed that there were indeed some secrets between them.

In the original book, during the World Conference, Shanks secretly went to Marin Fandor to meet the five old stars.

If there was no relationship between them, Linley did not believe it.

After all, Shanks, a fourth emperor, quietly entered Mary Joa, and also ran into the room of the five old stars, is it really a vegetarian for the five old stars?

If the five old stars were so easy to see, then the five old stars would have died a long time ago.

In a place like Mary Joa, the defense must be tighter than Marin Vando.

It can only be said that Shanks must have some special identity.

However, Lin Lei is not clear for the time being, and can only wait to explore it later.


After the end of the war, Leilei began to use the ability of the Thunder Fruit to help naval medics carry the wounded.

One by one, the wounded, under Lei’s extreme speed, were sent to the infirmary by him.

“Thank you Lieutenant General Linlei!”

“I didn’t expect Lieutenant General Linlei to personally help us.”

“Lieutenant General Lin Lei is still so approachable!”

“Lieutenant General Linlei, thank you so much.”


Linlei’s personal action made the navy soldiers have a better impression of him.

Especially those naval soldiers who were sent to the infirmary by him, their eyes looking at Lin Lei were full of reverence and emotion, and it was estimated that Lin Lei was willing to let him die now.

Because among all the admirals present, only Linlei was helping these wounded navy soldiers regardless of his identity.

Like the Warring States, the Green Pheasant, the Yellow Ape, and those lieutenant generals and major generals of the headquarters, they have already left the battlefield.


“Brother Linlei!”


Soon after, Battle Peach Maru also rushed from the advance city, and under the order of Lei, they helped rescue the wounded naval soldiers.

Like the rustling fruit of the war peach pill and the smoke fruit of Smogg, they can transport many wounded soldiers at once, and with their help, many wounded naval soldiers have been sent to the naval hospital.

Lin Lei and the others gained great prestige because of this!


Marin Fandor, Lei’s house.

“Boss, I didn’t expect the war to end so quickly, I didn’t make a move, alas!” Orochimaru said to Lin Lei with an unhappy look.

He had long been ready to show his skills when he was on the top of the war, but he didn’t expect to catch up with the top war, and the depression in his heart can be imagined.

Lin Lei smiled when he heard this: “If you didn’t catch up, didn’t you already fight Kaido?” The battle we fought in the advancing city was no less than the top war, and we also faced the pirate group of the four emperors. ”

Smog on the side looked at Orochimaru with disdain and said: “You can’t even intervene in the battle between the boss and Kaido, and you still want to come to participate in the top war, even if you catch up, you are just a soy sauce fighter.” ”

“Smogg, I see you’re itchy, do you want me to scratch it for you?” Orochimaru glared angrily at Smogg.

Karna on the side asked Lin Lei curiously: “Vice Admiral Lin Lei, I heard some naval soldiers say that you killed Whitebeard, is this true?” ”

Everyone looked at Lin Lei expectantly when they heard this, and when they were treating the wounded, they casually inquired, so they knew some things, but they were not comprehensive.

Seeing everyone’s look, Lin Lei couldn’t help but shake his head and smile: “I was not Whitebeard’s opponent at that time, when I rushed over, Whitebeard was already besieged by my father and others and was seriously injured, I heard that he was also betrayed by his son and stabbed in the back, but even so, I joined forces with my father to finally kill Whitebeard.” ”

Lin Lei was not proud, at that time, he was indeed not Whitebeard’s opponent, and at most he was sure to fight with Whitebeard. But now, he has the certainty of defeating Whitebeard.

“I didn’t expect that Whitebeard was really killed by the boss you, quack, boss, you are completely famous now, and the whole world knows your name.” Orochimaru said with a look of excitement.

Everyone else was excited, too.

That’s Whitebeard, the strongest man in the world.

Lin Lei killed Whitebeard, isn’t he the strongest in the world? Although there are teamed up with red dogs to pick up cheap phonemes, in the eyes of many ordinary people, they only value the result.

“Linlei, did you kill Whitebeard with your own hands? So, haven’t you already got the Whitebeard’s Shock Fruit? Suddenly, Fuji Hu on the side asked.

Everyone suddenly fell silent, and then looked at Lin Lei.

Yes, since Linlei killed Whitebeard, wouldn’t Whitebeard’s ability be obtained by Linlei?

Thinking of the ability of the Shock Fruit to destroy the world was given by Lin Lei, Zhan Taomaru and the others couldn’t help but get even more excited.

In the excited eyes of everyone, Lin Lei nodded with a smile and said: “Not bad, I have already obtained Whitebeard’s ability, and now I, even if Whitebeard is reborn, I am sure to defeat him.” ”

When everyone heard this, they all gasped.

Zhan Taomaru said with a look of excitement: “Boss, you are truly the world’s number one powerhouse now.” ”

Lin Lei shook his head, the water of the One Piece world is still deep, he doesn’t dare to claim the world’s number one now, at least the strength of the five old stars is not clear yet, and Im behind the five old stars, even if it is the strength of the world government marshal ’empty’, it is estimated to be very strong.

Without further thinking, Lin Lei looked at the people in front of him and said with a smile: “Okay, I have obtained a lot of useful abilities in Advance City and Marin Fando, and I will assign them to you next.” ”

Everyone was overjoyed when they heard this, which meant that their strength was about to become stronger again.

At that moment, Lin Lei assigned Whitebeard’s sword art to Nami, and with this powerful sword technique, Nami instantly became a big sword master, and her strength jumped up, slightly stronger than Zhan Momomaru, reaching the combat power of the admiral level.

And the fluttering fruit, which Linley gave to Karna.

She is Calvin’s sister and is loyal to him, and her status in his mind is second only to Nami, so Linley decides to give Karna’s powerful ability of the Fluttering Fruit.

Karna originally had a combat power comparable to the vice admiral of the navy headquarters, and now with the ability of fluttering fruit, her strength instantly jumped to the combat power of the admiral, and her strength was stronger than Nami and Zhan Momomaru, enough to compete with Fujitora.

After all, the Fluttering Fruit has been developed to the legendary level by the Golden Lion Shiji, and the combat power of the Golden Lion Shiji is not inferior to that of the admiral.

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