
The Warring States slapped the table, stared at Lin Lei with a gloomy face, and shouted in a deep voice: “Lin Lei, I am thinking about you, you don’t make a mistake again and again, if you don’t hand over the Shock Fruit, the world government will be afraid of you and thus suppress you.” ”

“I’m not afraid of shadow oblique!” Lin Lei said lightly.

Warring States said with a gloomy face: “You have a great future, don’t give up a wider world for a shock fruit, moreover, you already have a thunder fruit, with your strength, there is no need to add another shock fruit, why should you?” ”

“Marshal, I really don’t have a Shock Fruit, you can’t let me change one!” Lin Lei said lightly.

Warring States looked at Lin Lei deeply, and said in a deep voice: “If you have to go against the world government, there will be no good ending.” ”

“Marshal, I really don’t have the Shock Fruit, so be it, it just so happens that Whitebeard is dead, the Shock Fruit must have appeared somewhere in the sea, I can take someone out to help you find it.” Lin Lei shrugged and said.

“Hello, do it!” Sengoku waved his hand, pointed outside the office door, and shouted in a deep voice: “Let’s go, I don’t want to see you again.” ”

“Goodbye Marshal!” Lin Lei smiled faintly and turned to leave.

Warring States looked at Lin Lei’s back, suddenly sighed, and said with a somewhat complicated gaze: “After all, you are different from the red dog, maybe one day, your father and son will go to opposite sides.” ”

This time meeting with Linlei, Warring States found that Linlei’s temperament had completely changed.

The previous Linlei gave him the impression of a vigorous young navy, insisting on the justice of the navy, much like him and Karp when they were young.

But today, the feeling that Linlei gave him was a domineering aura, as if he was facing the four emperors of the new world, the kind of heaven-swallowing will, the eyes of contempt for all living beings, made the Warring States feel a huge sense of oppression.

“I’m afraid this son will not condescend to the world government!” A terrible thought suddenly appeared in Sengoku’s mind, but he immediately abandoned it.

Because he is about to step down as marshal of the navy, naturally he does not want to be nosy anymore.

However, Lin Lei refused to hand over the Shock Fruit this time, which made the Warring States a little angry. Because Augustus Michael had promised him that as long as Linley handed over the Shock Fruit, his position as marshal would continue to be preserved.

However, this last opportunity is gone.

The Warring States naturally had a bad impression of Lei.


Lei’s house.

After Lin Lei returned, he told Fuji Hu and the others what happened in the marshal’s office.

Everyone was filled with righteous indignation.

Zhan Taomaru said angrily: “A second ancestor, actually daring to threaten the boss you, it is simply too presumptuous. ”

“The Draco are high, this is normal for them, they treat the entire navy as their vassals.” Smog said quietly.

Fuji Hu calmed down a lot, he looked at Lin Lei and said in a deep voice: “This may not only be the meaning of Augustus Michael, maybe it is the five old stars who took advantage of this opportunity to test you, if you agree to them and hand over the shock fruit, then their trust in you will increase, and they will support you in the navy in the future.” But since you refused this time, then they know that you have a different intention, and they will definitely not let you take power again, and will continue to suppress you. ”

Zhan Taomaru sneered when he heard this: “Suppression? How do they suppress? This time, the boss repelled the Hundred Beast Pirate Group, saved the Advance City, and killed Whitebeard, such great battle feats, the whole world knows, how else can they suppress? ”

Fuji Hu shook his head and said, “For the five old stars, as long as they want to suppress you, they will always find an excuse.” ”

Zhan Taomaru turned his head to look at Lin Lei and said in a deep voice: “Boss, what do you say?” Or we will simply be like Zefa’s predecessors, reverse the navy and create a new navy. ”

Lin Lei’s eyes lit up, but then he shook his head and said, “We have a bad relationship with the four emperors of the New World, and now if we turn against the navy again, then we will be the enemy of the whole world.” At that time, we will be completely destroyed. ”

Fuji Hu nodded and said: “Now is not the time to oppose the world government, for the time being, we can only continue to delay time, anyway, if it is just suppressed, at most we cannot be promoted to admiral, and we will not be in danger of life for the time being.” ”

“If the boss can’t become a admiral, who else has the qualifications to become an admiral?” Orochimaru sneered.

Smogg took a sip of his cigar, looked at Linlei and said: “Boss, it seems that there is no place for you in the navy, and opposing the world government is your only way out, even if it is not opposed now, sooner or later it will have to be reversed, and we have to make plans early.” ”

“Oh!” Lin Lei looked at Smogg and asked with a smile: “Are you willing to oppose the world government with me?” ”

Smogg’s expression was serious, and he said solemnly: “In the past, I definitely didn’t want to, but over the years, I have seen too many world governments corrupt and incompetent, especially this time, they actually suppressed the boss you, a meritorious minister, which is really chilling.” ”

“Power must be locked in a cage so that the world will not be chaotic!” Lin Lei looked at the people in front of him and said in a deep voice: “It is precisely because the power of the Draco people is not restrained, so that this world is so chaotic when they abuse their power. So, I want to create a caged authority. ”

Fuji Hu’s empty eyes suddenly appeared a glittering, and he nodded: “Lin Lei, your words are really to the point, power should be locked in a cage, so that the world will not be chaotic.” But are you really able to resist the temptation of power? ”

Fuji Hu’s empty eyes stared at Lin Lei tightly.

Because he knew that even if Linlei overthrew the world government in the future, then Linlei and Linlei’s descendants would become the new Draco, and sooner or later the world would become like this.

“Huh, are you worried about me? A laugh! Lin Lei met Fuji Hu’s scrutinizing gaze, shook his head and smiled: “I’m not afraid to tell you, what I pursue is immortality, and more powerful power, as for ordinary power, that’s not something I like.” If one day I can overthrow the world government, I will establish a United Nations body that will bring the various member countries together to deal with world affairs, rather than handing over power to any one person, or a few people. ”

“The United Nations? It’s a great idea, and I’m looking forward to it even more. Fuji Tiger’s face was full of longing.

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