Dressrosa Palace, where the big figures of the new world gather, if you let the outside know the people inside, it will definitely shake the whole world.

Lin Lei didn’t say anything, next to him, sat Zefa, the iron-fisted former admiral of the Navy and the former instructor of the Navy, as well as the former Admiral Qingheasant.

In addition, there is His Majesty King Riku of the Kingdom of Dressrosa, as well as Neptune King of Fishman Island, and King Hancock of Daughter Island.

Secondly, there are Linlei’s subordinates, as well as famous vice admirals such as Burning Mountain, Weasel, and Ghost Spider who came out of the navy.

When this force gathers, the four emperors are not enough, the revolutionaries have to stand aside, and only the world government can crush them.

At this time, Lei, King Riku, Zefa, Neptune , Hancock, Pheasant, Fujitora, Orochimaru, Karna, Nami, Smogg, Burning Mountain, Weasel, Ghost Spider and others all sat around a round table.

So, in later generations, this conference will also be called the world-changing ’round table’!


Lin Lei looked around at everyone and said in a deep voice: “We are gathered here today for one purpose, that is, to establish a new government, a government of our own, a government that can bring peace to the world, a government that can put the ‘interests of the people’ first.” ”

Everyone was solemn when they heard this, and they all looked at Lin Lei with full attention.

Lin Lei continued: “Let’s discuss the name of this new government first, what should it be called? My proposal is the people’s government, but I am different from the five old stars, I do not have a dictatorship here, if you have any good suggestions, please speak freely, and finally everyone votes together. ”

Everyone nodded secretly when they heard this, from this it can be seen that Linlei is not a dictator, which reassures them, otherwise Linlei will be the second five old stars and the second Draco in the future.

Fuji Hu understood that Lin Lei wanted to dispel the suspicions in everyone’s hearts, so he was the first to speak, and said with a smile: “Then I’ll say it second, I think that the united government of all life, not only humans, fish people and other special races, should also be one of them.” ”

Lin Lei smiled and said, “The ‘people’ I said already includes fish people, not just humans.” ”

“Don’t worry, Mr. Linlei, I understand!” Neptune laughed, and then said: “Then I will also say one, called the federal government, although Mr. Fujitora’s proposal is good, but the name is too long and not suitable for publicity.” ”

After Fuji Tiger and Neptune spoke one after another, everyone present was obviously much more relaxed, and everyone could see that Linlei was really not a dictator.

At that moment, Zefa also said with a smile: “Then I propose the People’s Federal Government, which can be regarded as a combination of the advantages of His Majesty Neptune and Linlei.” ”

“This is good, I support!” The green pheasant smiled and nodded.

Nami also tilted her head and said: “The People’s Federal Government, it is indeed good, and I also support it.” ”

“I also support the People’s Federal Government!” Karna also nodded and said.

Immediately, Orochimaru, Smogg and others also supported Zefa.

Lin Lei glared at them and scolded with a smile: “You traitors, you dare not support me… Forget it, I also support Zefa seniors. ”

“Hahaha!” Everyone burst into laughter.

Through this step, everyone obviously brought their feelings closer, and in the next discussion, everyone spoke freely, and there was no more scruples.

At the end of the meeting, in addition to the name ‘People’s Federal Government’, a joint parliament and a people’s navy and people’s army were established.

The Joint Assembly is automatically joined by marshals and generals in the People’s Navy and People’s Army after their retirement, and the leaders of the People’s Federal Government automatically join the Joint Assembly after their retirement.

In addition, the member countries of the People’s Federal Government also have a place to join the Joint Council.

The responsibility of the joint parliament is to supervise and restrain the power of the government leader, and all military spending and fund mobilization, the leader needs to apply to the joint parliament, and only after the joint parliament passes, can it be approved.

Moreover, if the joint meeting passes 90 percent of the votes, it can directly remove the leader and elect a new leader.

Simply put, the leader has military and personnel power, but the joint parliament has financial and supervisory power.

This avoids the dictatorship of the leader.


The round table lasted three days and three nights.

On the third day, it was time to elect the leader, as well as the members of the United Parliament, as well as the top of the People’s Navy and People’s Army.

Naturally, Lin Lei was not accidentally elected as the first leader of the People’s Federal Government, and also held the post of General Marshal of the Government.

Violet served as the leader’s secretary and assisted Linley.

Next, the marshal of the People’s Navy, qualified by Zefa, no one has any objections to this, after all, Zefa’s qualifications are there.

However, for the position of the marshal of the People’s Army, everyone’s opinions are different, some recommend Battle Peach Maru, some recommend Smogg, some recommend Pheasant, and some recommend Fujitora.

In the end, it was Fujitora who had the advantage and became the marshal of the People’s Army.

The chances of the green pheasant are actually very large, but Lin Lei feels that his ability is more suitable for fighting at sea, so he left him in the navy, and he can inherit the position of naval marshal of Zefa in the future.

The rest are admirals and army admirals, these lei themselves can decide, after all, they are leaders, and they can’t even lose this power.

The admirals of the People’s Navy are: Qinghei, Jinping, Karna.

Vice Admirals of the People’s Navy: Nokigao, Burning Mountain, Weasel, Ghost Spider, Tina, Ain

The generals of the People’s Army are: Zhan Momomaru, Nami, Smogg.

Vice Admirals of the People’s Navy: Burnham, Gulant, Berumeber, Rebecca, Dusty.

Linlei can also be regarded as following the ‘three generals system’ of the world government navy, and setting three generals can also be regarded as the balance between the navy and the army.

After all, the number of generals is too small to pose a threat to pirates. If there are too many of them, then there is a risk of threatening the government, so the number of ‘three’ is the most appropriate.

After all, the world government has used it for so many years, and it has stood the test of time.

Lin Lei will not blindly abandon the world government, some good things, can still be used, what he wants to abolish is only the dictatorship of the Draco and the Five Old Stars.


At the end of the round table.

Lin Lei looked at the people in front of him and announced: “Next, we will start to deploy phone bugs and cameras in Sky City, and in a month, we will announce to the world the birth of the People’s Federal Government.” ”

Everyone was excited.

“A new era has arrived!” The pheasant whispered secretly.

“This is my dream!” Fuji Hu’s empty eyes actually showed a trace of color.

Zefa, Neptune and King Riku also had smiles on their faces.

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